technical review - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

(London), Federation of Societies for Paint Technology, and a fellow ofthe American Institute of Chemists. DONALD P. HART is project manager, Automoti...
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ROSTYSLAWDOWBENKOi s staf scientist in the Research and Development Center of the Coatings and Resins Division, PPG Industries, Inc., Springdale, Pa. He holds a PhD degree in organic chemisty from Northwestern Universitv and i s author of some $0 papers and inventor or coinventor of some 40 U.S. Pa&?& dealing with. synthetic aspects of organic polymer chemisty. Dr. Dmbenko is a member of the American Chemical Society, The Chemical Society (London), Federation of Societies for Paint Technology, and a fellow ofthe American Institute of Chemists.

DONALDP. HARTi s project manager, Automotive Coating Systems at the Coatings and Resins Division, Research Center, Springdale, Pa. He received his BS and M S degrees in chernisty from Carnegie Iustitule of Techmlogv (Carnegis Mellon UniversiGj in 1050 and 105% He is the author or coauthor of several publications on polymers and coatings, as well as 25 issued U.S. Patents. Current interests involve the synthesis of new polymeric systems and their formulations as new coatings for automotive and other industrial applications.

14 lnd. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Develop., Vol. 12, No. 1, 1973

tion, be discussed nuder the heading of polymeric nonaqueous dispersions. However, t o those who work in the field and follow new developments, the term nonaqueous dispersions has acquired a distinct meaning t h a t circumscribes precisely the subject in question, independent of what the term might mean in the classical chemical sense. It is t o this specialized attribution of the title that this review will address itself. The common abbreviation NAD will be employed. Whatever new uses may he found for NAD products and LL. --:A...:>

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