Needs no special skills: anyone can run it. Low cost. Write for your copy of “The Simple Approach to Chromato- gram Analysis.” Appropriate Adjecti...
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All you do is trace the curves with the 0 1 5 6 Technicon®Integrator I Calculator (TIC) to get readout directly in concentration terms. It's a refreshingly new and simple concept. No dot counting, no arithmetic, no errors. Just one compact TIC will easily integrate/calculate the chromatogram output of any number of liquid or gas systems in your laboratory. In just seconds per peak, it clicks off analyses to clean up backlogs fast. TIC lets you integrate any time, anywhere after analysis since it works independently of the recorder. Takes skewed curves and incompletely separated peaks in stride; no extra time. Needs no special skills: anyone can run it. Low cost. Write for your copy of "The Simple Approach to Chromatogram Analysis." Appropriate Adjectives: fast, economical, versatile, flexible. Appropriate Conclusion: TIC belongs in your laboratory.

Ε C Η Ν I C Ο Ν CHROMATOGRAPHY CORP. R e s e a r c h ParK · C h a u n c e y . N . Y .

Technicon international o f C a n a d a , L t d . , Montreal · Technîeon Instruments Company, L t d . , London · Compagnie Technlcon, Paris · Technicon G m b H , F r a n k f u r t / M . · Technieon A B , Stockholm · Technicon, Basle · Technicon I t a l i a n a S.r.L-, Rome · Technicon Equipment Pry., L t d . , Sydney · Compagnie Belge Technicon, Brussels · Conirech A / S , Copenhagen

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