technicon controls, inc. - ACS Publications

TECHNICON CONTROLS, INC. RESEARCH PARK · CHAU Ν C ΕΥ, Ν. Υ. ... tector for the hands which uses 4 tubes while that for the shoes consists of 2 t...
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U. S. Government Publications The following publications are available from the Office of Technical Services, Washington 25, D. C. The Magnetic Properties and Struc­ ture of Matter. Ya. G. Dorfman. Published in Russia. 364 pages. 1055. Translated into English for Atomic Energy Commission (AECtr-4507) $4,50. Possible methods for solving prob­ lems of the structure of matter by a study of magnetic phenomena are re­ viewed. Three groups of substances which were investigated were divided as follows: elementary particles, atoms, and nuclei ; weakly magnetic sub­ stances; strongly magnetic substances. These studies in\rolved the use of vari­ ous types of magnetic resonance (nu­ clear, paramagnetic, diamagnetic, ferroand antiferromagnetic) and the system­ atic combination of resonance magnetic investigations with magnetostatic in­ vestigations.

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C H A U Ν C ΕΥ, Ν. Υ.

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A Simple Transistorized Beta-Gamma Hand and Shoe Monitor. UCRL 9853. Walker and Roach. 1961. 5 pages. 50 cents. This report describes a radiation de­ tector for the hands which uses 4 tubes while that for the shoes consists of 2 tubes. The halogen-quenched G-M tubes used as detectors do not require critical high voltage stability or input amplifier requirements.

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Radioisotope Techniques for Chemi­ cal, Physical, and Industrial Appli­ cations. A. J. Cassell. September 1961. 85 pages. ANL-6421. $2.00. . . . the service that keeps pace with the chemists' changing needs! This Sadder I R Spectrum (shown reduced size) is typical of the more than 19,000 indexed by chemical classes, name and molecular formula, and further described by molecular structure and source. Eliminates tedious investigation of unknowns. Compare your spectrum for positive identification! Locate and interpret spectra fast, accurately with special SPEC-FINDER and other indices. Sadtler Spectra are equivalent to thousands of hours compiling your own library. 26 page booklet free.



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This report tells how to set up a radioisotope laboratory. It also gives detailed instructions for sample prepa­ ration and half life determination, prep­ aration of carrier free solutions, diffu­ sion studies, and other tests in which radioisotopes are used. Training Systems in Radiochemistry and Radioisotope Engineering.

William H. Johnston Laboratories, Inc. April 1961. 34 pages. J LI-6505-2. 50 cents. This report contains several mockup experiments for laboratory studies in radiochemistry and nuclear engineering. Three groups of training systems are de­ veloped. These are: radio-chemical in­ strumentation, industrial gaging, and research and process analysis.