TECHNICON CONTROLS, INC. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

TECHNICON CONTROLS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (3), pp 86A–86A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60196a788. Publication Date: March 1963. ACS Legacy Archive...
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TIME: present PLACE: chemical plant using both closed-vessel and on-stream technics OCCASION: Meeting considering ways to up quality and down costs SPEAKER: Chief Chemist

"here's where we can cut costs


"Sometimes it takes hours to get assays back from our Central Lab­ oratory: meantime we go ahead in the dark, hoping that all's well with the run. But we can't ever be sure: if things are going badly, chances are we'll find out too late to do anything about it. No fault of the "lab", mind you: it's getting samples over and back, and the wait-your-turn delays there that eat up the hours. I think there's a two-part answer to the problem (1) automate the procedure and (2) decentralize the assay operation... in short, doing the job right on the plant floor. I know a machine that promises to do just that. Provides the kind of analyses we need automatically, on-thespot and immediately.. .I'm looking into it right now." It's the AutoAnalyzer MONITOR Π the Chief is talking about... a self-contained unit that moves where you want it and runs wet chemistry all on its own. Needs no special skills: simply take a sample from t h e process vessel or stream, feed it into the MONITOR, then read result on a stripchart or digital readout minutes later. Handles as many assays as often as you want. Nothing visionary about the AutoAnalyzer, either. The sound principle is field-proven in thousands of installations. Its modest cost is soon amortized in time /labor savings.* FIND OUT MORE about the possible application of this remarkable new capability to your own quality-testing problems. Write, wire, phone.

t e c h n i c o n ® Auto Analyzer T E C H N I C O N C O N T R O L S , INC., R E S E A R C H PARK, C H A U N C E Y , Ν. Υ. 5fC write for free digest kit containing Auto-Analyzer 86 A



abstracts plus bibliography, listing 80 technical papers presented by AutoAnalyzer Circle No. 184 on Readers' Service Card
