chromatograph, Model 500 linear pro- grammed high temperature gas chromato- graph, Model 40 linear temperature pro- grammed gas chromatograph, Model 1...
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EXHIBITION linear programmed temperature gas chromatograph, Model 500 linear pro­ grammed high temperature gas chromato­ graph, Model 40 linear temperature pro­ grammed gas chromatograph, Model 141 safety ignition unit—Schoniger oxygen flask, Hamilton microliter syringes, Halop o r t - F and other specialized column m a ­ terials for gas chromatography, auto­ matic attenuator for gas chromatography, power supplies for thermistor and hot­ wire detectors.

TRITIUM-CARBON RADIO CHROMATOGRAPHS The chromatogram strip is scanned from both sides with two windowless flow counters (see insert). The chromatogram strip constitutes a part of the cathode of the detector, insuring highest sensitivity for tritium beta rays. Total background 3 0 counts/min. The scanning head can be decontaminated through immer­ sion in an ultra-sound bath or in boiling detergent. Gas consump­ tion: 1 No. 1A cylinder lasts for 4 0 0 0 hours.

Booth: I I I Forma Scientific, Inc. Box 649 Marietta, Ohio Exhibiting: Bacteriological hood, new electronic controls, a n d Dew-designed vacuum oven.

Booth: 90 J. Melvin Freed, Inc. 305 N. Fifth St. Perkasie, Pa. Exhibiting: Microscopic slides, plain and culture; Corning brand cover glass.

M o d e l ACSHIC. For continuous processing of Vi, 1 and 1 Vl inch wide chromatogram strips, spliced end to end either during scanning, or stored on reels. With Texas recti­ linear recorder, with fingertip control speed selector. Automatic coding with separate marker pen. Rf-values can be read directly from the chart. Complete with countingrate meter with eight linear, one logarithmic range, five time constants and aural monitor. $2,180.00 M o d e l ACSDIC. Same, with dual channel recorder and two countingrate meters. Produces separate plots for tritium and Carbon-1 4 , or for any two tracers on the same chromatogram strip $3,450.00 M o d e l ACSE. For one-sided scanning of individual chromatogram strips, up to 5 feet in length. Esterline-Angus recorder with 1 0 scanning speeds, selectable through gear exchange. Automatic shut-off a t end of strip. Background 1 0 counts/min. Without countingrate meter $690.00

For further information

Booth: 93 Gardner Laboratory, Inc. P. O. Box 5728 Bethesda 14, Md. Exhibiting: Sartorius Selecta Balance, Sartorius semi-micro rapid balance, new microtome, Gardner clarity meter, new standard taper glassware, flash evaporator.

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Davis 8 - 5 7 2 9

Evanston, Illinois

Circle No. 172 on Readers' Service Card

detect and continually record... Booth: 5 6 Grass Instrument Co. 101 Old Colony Ave. Quincy 70, Mass. Exhibiting: Electroencephalograph, Model 5 Polygraph, pre-amplifiers, stimulators, oscilloscope recording camera, and other items for research in electrophysiology and allied fields.


Booth: 39 The Emil Greiner Co. 20-26 No. Moore St. New York 13. Ν. Υ. Exhibiting: Manostat Motorized Microtitrator, Manostat vacuum glove box, microburets, pipets, Aquet, Chromerge, Teflon needle valves, ultra micro buret, flowmeter, McLeod gage, manometer, powerscope, standard taper clamps.

Booth: 77 William J. Hacker & Co., Inc. P. O. Box 646 West Caldwell, N. J. Exhibiting: Reichert research, laboratory, and conventional microscopes and micro­ tomes will be shown in operation. Also on display will be t h e original Kofler thermo apparatus, including the heating and cooling stages. New developments, shown for the first time, will include the Reichert research polarizing microscope " Z E T O P A N - P O L " and three individual setups for fluorescence microscopy. There

with the

T E C H N I C O N ®

AutoAnalyzer® You can now automatically analyze or monitor... • FOOD PRODUCTS such as flour, gelatins, dairy products, meat products, beverages, etc. • PHYSIOLOGICAL FLUIDS and TISSUE HOMOGENATBS • F E R M E N T A T I O N PROCESSES in industries for Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, etc. *Detects other elements or compounds too: e.g., Hydrazine, Ammonia, Chromium,Cholinesterase, etc. 65 fully-auto­ mated determinations now possible . . . more are coming. Send for your free abstract


kit and brochure






C H A U Ν C Ε Υ, Ν. Υ.

Circle No. 203 on Readers' Service Card VOL 32, NO. 10, SEPTEMBER 1960


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