Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc. 890 Front St. ... Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. ... Buchler Instruments, Inc. ... Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card de...
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Booth: 18 Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc. 890 Front St. H e l l e r t o w n , Pa.

Exhibiting: New glassblowing kit for chemists and other intermittent glassblowers, Bethlehem polariscope, both table model and portable, improved Beth­ lehem L a b - L a t h e for horizontal and ver­ tical glassworking, small glassworking lathe for intermittent glassblowers.

Booth: 80 S. Blickman, Inc. 536 G r e g o r y A v e . Weehawken, N. J .

Exhibiting: A / 6 microbiological cabinet, E / 7 filter canister.


Booth: 74 Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. 115 C u t t e r Mill Rd. G r e a t Neck, L. Ι., Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Metrohm equipment for blood p H analysis, Sartorius balances, Sartorius microtomes, Haake constant temperature circulators, Brinkmann photomicrographic equipment, Brinkmann micro manipula­ tors, Metrohm analytical instruments.

Booth: 48 Buchler Instruments, Inc. 514 W e s t 147th St. N e w York 3 1 , Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Sectional and refrigerated fraction collectors, new water boosters for vacuum aspirators, new Poly-buret mul­ tiple micro-buret, new ultraviolet monitor for fraction collectors, multiple dialyzer, rotary Evapo-Mix, for simultaneous evaporation of multiple samples from test tubes, complete line of rotary flashevaporators.

Booth: 16 Cahn Instrument C o . 14511 Paramount Blvd. Paramount, Calif.

Exhibiting: New Cahn R M automatic Electrobalance for automatic recording, remote control, etc.; new Cahn RA auto­ matic Electrobalance, as above, b u t with 200 gram capacity, 0.1 mg precision; new Cahn M F Electrobalance, for rapid and accurate weighing with Millipore filters.

Booth: 38 Canal Industrial C o r p . 4940 St. Elmo A v e . Bethesda 14, M d .

Exhibiting: Base compensating ultra­ violet flow analyzers, ultra-microspectrophotometer, recording scanning microdensitometer, slow freeze, freeze dry.

Booth: 72 C e n t r a l Scientific Co. 237 Sheffield St. Mountainside, N. J .

Exhibiting: N e w air pollution detection unit, portable for field and laboratory

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fbacks, or chemidracialn laboarbordastoryandtablefumetops,hoods. shelving,Prosimptnks,delsplivaershy. ForΙΑ DIVFREE atureGEORGIandAteMARBLE chnicalCOMPANY) assistance386addrFOURTH ess: ALBERENE STO Ν16,Ε N.Y. DEPT. C ISION OFliterTHE AVE. , NEW YORK Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card detect and continually record...


PHOSPHATE from high levels down to 0.001 ppm with the

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Auto Analyzer® A u t o m a t i c a l l y analyzes or monitors phosphate rock, detergents, contaminants, etc. A field-proven system . . . over 1500 A u t o A n a l y z e r s a r e now a u t o ­ m a t i n g r o u t i n e wet-chemistry a n a l y s e s in p l a n t s a n d laboratories t h r o u g h o u t t h e free world . . . a n a l y z i n g u p to 60 repetitive s a m p l e s p e r h o u r or m o n i t o r i n g o n - s t r e a m continuously. "Detects other elements or compounds too: e.g., Chlorine, Ammonium Nitrates, Boron, Sulfite, Antibiotics, etc. 65 fullyautomated determinations now possible... more are coming. Send for your free abstract method kit and brochure AKC today

TECHNICON CONTROLS, INC. R E S E A R C H PARK · CH A U NC E Y, N. Y. Circle No. 202 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

32, NO. 10, SEPTEMBER 1960


43 A