out of the darkness of discrete samplings... into the light of true k/néchemistry... where you know what's going on every instant. Because the very e...
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into the light of true /c/nechemistry... where you know what's going on every instant.

Because the very essence of a process stream is kinetic continuity, only continuous analysis can accurately measure its progress. AutoAnalyzer automatically provides such an­ alysis, standing steady watch over chemical process streams, fermentation vessels, and similar kinetic systems. Its versatility is boundless... it can measure and report the rate of drug uptake and excretion in the living subject as easily as it can monitor wastes and exhausts for pollutants, or do a thousand other jobs. Its accuracy is remarkable... detection of parts-per-billion is commonplace. It can sound instant alarm at any deviation from a norm... even trigger corrective measures by servo mechanisms. Examples of jobs AutoAnalyzer is handling routinely for ^k others. With that kind of analytical prowess at your command ^ψ ...what can it do for you? To find out, write, wire, phone...

typical applications of A U T O A N A L Y Z E R KINECH EMISTRY monitoring closed systems (e.g. water in steam/electric plants, nuclear reactors) for presence of disabling con­ taminants monitoring of fermentation f o r optimal growth and harvest discharge stream pollutant monitoring, surface water, gases for trace of NO3, C N , phenols, P 0 4 , etc. continuous in vivo (animal or human) assay or phar­ maceuticals for uptake and excretion rates continuous digestion and analysis in procedures like Kjeldahl nitrogen assays and C.O.D. continuous assay of process or recovery streams f o r sugars monitoring of bleaching agents, alkalinity, sulfides, S O j , Fe, etc. in pulp and paper systems m o n i t o r i n g o f phosphoric acid systems f o r H2SC>4/ H3PO4, etc. monitoring f o r C N , N i , Cu, Cr, acids and contami­ nants in plating baths

T E C H N I C O N C O N T R O L S , INC., Chauncey, New York T E C H N I C O N ®

AutoAnalyzer® connoteskiné/Chemistry write for free digest kit containing AutoAnalyzer

abstracts plus bibliography,

listing 59 technical papers presented by AutoAnalyzer

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