standardization at the highest level by controlling all process variables at the critical stage. It does away with slow, inaccurate, and expensive man...
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continuous automatic chemical analyses with the TECHNICON®

^e\^fe/\r*alyzer® A single control system, the AutoAnalyzer provides highest precision quality control through continuous analyses of main stream production. You achieve product standardization at the highest level by controlling all process variables at the critical stage. It does away with slow, inaccurate, and expensive manual laboratory procedures. Integration of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer into your process stream insures product quality and production scheduling while eliminating tile need for reruns. The AutoAnalyzer is currently in use as a production control system in such diverse applications as pharmaceuticals, sugar and syrups, and boiler feed waters. Designed for simple, foolproof operation on the line or in the lab, the AutoAnalyzer requires no sample preparation or measurement. Completely self-cleansing, the system brings true automation to chemical analysis for the first time.



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