Technicon Corporation - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Technicon Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (14), pp 47A–47A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50159a738. Publication Date: December 1969. ACS Legacy Archive. Note:...
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Today the Fish. Tomorrow...

max Tomorrow, neea never come with the •^echnicon AutoAna'yzoi s>stem speciall designed to analyze water quality in ι ivers lakes drinking water and watei treatment olants A mobile system sot up on site will malyze simultaneously six pollution oarameters selected by the user Because the system is fully automated it v i ' l opeiate Λ/ith virtually no human attention for oeriods up to one week Continuous analyse nay be performed for n period of houi & several days or a week A CSM 6 Laboratory Model will analyze md'vidual samples in the lab The automated analysis techniques îmployed in the CSM 6 based on Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater are Df known soecificity and selectivity The system is capable of detertinq pollutants Dvcr r· wide sensitivity range Analyses can oc maJe in terms as small as parts per billion Before you get in too deep contact rechnicon for a solution to your pollution Dep-ulmont 65 Technicon Corporation Environmental Science Division Tarrytown New Υοι κ 10591

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47 A