Technicon Industrial Systems

until you first know exactly whát the water contains. The Technicon{,,CSMi>6 is ... an early warning system for accidental discharges. The CSM 6 is b...
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There can be no water pollution control...

... until you first know exactly what the water contains. The Technicon f CSM"6 is the perfect instrument to tell you just that, because it allows you to simultaneously analyze any six of the following nutrients and parameters: Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Orthophosphate, Total Inorganic Phosphate, Iron, Silicate, Copper, ; Chloride, Chromium, Cyanide, Phenol, Sulfate, and Hardness. A CSM 6 unit is 48 inches wide, 32 inches deep, and 75 inches high, which makes it possible for you to monitor water on a ship far out at sea or effluents nearer shore. The CSM 6 works on-site around the clock no matter where you use it. Both the Monitor and the alternative Laboratory Model print out a permanent written record, and all data produced by the CSM 6 can be made available for computer evaluation and statistical analysis. A series of CSM 6 systems can also be used as an early warning system for accidental discharges. The CSM 6 is based upon the continuous flow principle perfected in the Technicon AutoAnalyzer,". basic models of which are available for analysis of hand collected samples. For further information, please write to Departji#f^)|U Technicon Industrial Systems Division of Technicon Instruments Tatrytown, New Ydrk 105^fc*'^jj| ® Circle No. 141 on Rejtej' Service e j p j F
