Now. COLORIMETRY. FLAME PHOTOMETRY. FLUOROMETRY Automated. The current ... determinations of discretesamples (at rates up to 60 per hour) or to...
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...adding[another technique to the / \ ^ / \ n a l y z e r


The current great interest in fluorometric techniques is due in general, to superior sensitivity and freedom from interferences as compared with more traditional methods. Now these important advantages are added to the AutoAnalyzer system for automated wet chemical analysis. The new Tcchnicon" ' Fluorometer module merely substitutes for the Light or Rame Photometer modules in a matter of seconds. AutuAnalyzer automated fluorometric methods closely resemble those employed for colorimetry in that they are for the most part, modifications of existing manual techniques.* They may be applied to rapid serial determinations of discrete samples (at rates up to 60 per hour) or to continuous analysis of a flowing stream. In either case, the analytical accuracy and reproducibility fully measure up to that achieved through colorimetry and photometry on the AutoAnalyzer. *"An Automated Fluorometric Method for the Determination ol Serum Magnesium" John B. Hill, Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina Medical School, Chapel Hill, N. C Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 102, Oct. 1962 Reprints available on request to TECHNICON


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