Books Analysis" by W. W. Wendlandt) to allow for a complete discussion of t h e subject by itself. Since thermometric methods lie somewhere between true calorimetry and thermal analysis (DTA, DSC, T G ) , this separation seems quite appropriate. Barthel's work is the third book on thermometric titrimetry to come out of European research groups in the last seven years (the others are by Bark and Bark, and Tyrrell and Beezer). Although the others are al most obsolete, they offer a point of comparison with this new monograph. One comparison is t h a t t h e transla tion to the English from German causes the text to be a little difficult to read. T h e major contrast is t h a t t h e monograph concentrates upon the fundamental mathematical interpre tation of thermometric data. This fea ture alone will give this text a long "shelf life". As in all books in thermometric methods of analysis, an introductory chapter on thermodynamics is pre sented. T h e r e is nothing new in the chapter; however, it reminds t h e prac titioner t h a t heats of reactions are not ΔΗ° values. Chapter two is the most valuable, presenting the fundamental mathe matics of the method. T h e complete description of the thermometric titra tion curve is given, and Barthel ana lyzes the assumptions needed to reach the more simple expressions which are often used. Most of the major methods currently used to analyze thermomet ric titration curves are presented. This chapter may present some difficulties in following t h e discussion. In one case, Figure 2.4 is presented along with 20 symbols for slopes, reaction periods, a n d t e m p e r a t u r e changes. I t is not until 16 pages later t h a t t h e au thor discusses their significance; in the meantime, one feels t h a t a few pages have been left out of the book. In a few other figures (reproduced from the references), no mention is made of the symbols which t h e original authors placed on t h e curves. These are dis tractions which could have been easily eliminated. T h e five chapters which discuss a p plications of thermometric titrations are not exhaustive compilations of previously studied systems. T h e sa lient problems for each system are dis cussed (e.g., the problem of the true AH° of the H+ + O H - ^ H 2 0 reac tion), and the essential mathematical relationships are given for representa tive examples. I n s t r u m e n t design is discussed by R. Wachter. This chapter is short for the material presented, yet gives t h e reader a fair understanding of the
complexities involved. This chapter was also written with an eye toward the enduring principles of the tech nique, rather than detailed descrip tions of specific systems. This monograph has a copyright date of 1975. I t has references dated up to 1973, thus indicating t h a t it is virtually three years old. These three years have seen a large increase in in terest in biological systems and their thermochemistry. Even with the omis sion of this large area of interest, it is
a credit to the authors t h a t this text still contains so much useful informa tion.
New Books Thermal Analysis. I. Buzâs, Ed. Vol. 1, xx + 1046 pages; Vol. 2, xi + 767 pages; and Vol. 3, xiii + 1 1 9 pages. Heyden & Son Inc., 225 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1975. $60 (each volume)
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