Technique of Organic Chemistry. Volume I. Physical Methods of

May 1, 2002 - Technique of Organic Chemistry. Volume I. Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry. Part I. E. C. Gilbert. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1960, 82 (11...
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June 5, 1960



cussion of the influence of various parameters on fast reacin a very cursory manner. I n tlie chapter on the control of metabolism, the role of t h e hormones is hardly touched upon. tors as calculated by niultigroup transport theory and some o f tlie engineering problenis encountered in designing fast A fair number of names of investigators have been included reactors. along with their contributions t o Biochemistry b u t in spite Of less interest t o chemists, but nevertheless excellent reof this the founder of modern enzyme chemistry, J . B . Sumner, has not been mentioned in the chapter on enzymes. views, are chapters on nuclear photo-disintegration, pionIt is somewhat difficult t o decide exactly for whom this nucleon interaction, strange particles, high energy nuclear reactions, electronics associated with nuclear research, book is primarily intended. One might wonder whether i t is somewhat oversimplified from the standpoint of the stu- economics of nuclear power, vertebrate radiobiology, and cellular radiobiology. dent of Science while still remaining beyond the grasp of the The entire series, “Annual Review of Suclear Science,” layman. I t could however be useful t o any beginner in is an excellent set of books summarizing the recent informaBiochemistry as an aid in quickly acquiring a bird’s eye view tion in fields associated with nuclear science. Volume 9 of cellular metabolism before becoming lost in details. This would no doubt be particularly true for undergraduates is a valuable addition t o the series, and is highly recomand a fair proportion of medical students. mended to scientists interested in the subjects mentioned in Outside of the field of cellular metabolism t h e book ha5 the review. All t h e articles are well documented and the little t o offer. If future editions appear i t might be dereferences serve as good bibliographies for those people insirable t o add a certain amount of new material dealing with terested in obtaining more detailed information about the other areas of Biochemistry, since a short volume of this subject being discussed. sort can no doubt fill a real need provided t h a t the field is CHEMISTRY DIVISIOX adequately covered. PAUL R. FIELDS ARGONXE NATIONAL LABORATORY DEPT.OF BIOCHEMISTRY LEMONT, ILLINOIS ALEXANDER L. 1 ) O U N C E UNIVERSITY O F ROCHESTER SCHOOL OF MEDICINEA N D DEXTISTRY STRONG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL KIRMALK. SARKARTechnique of Organic Chemistry. Volume I. Physical ROCHESTER 20, K. 1’. Methods of Organic Chemistry. P a r t 1. Third Completely Revised and Augmented Edition. Edited by ARKOLD WEISSBERGER. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth .4venue, Xew York 1, N. Y. 1959. xii Annual Review of Nuclear Science. X’olume 9. Co-editors: EMILIOS E G R ~ University ., of California, and LEONARD I. 918 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $24 50. SCHIFF, Stanford University. Associate Editors : GERThe contents of this highly regarded reference work under HART FRIEDLANDER, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the editorship of A. Weissberger have undergone a marked and WALTERE. MEYERHOF,Stanford University. Anrevision from the form in which they appeared in the Second nual Reviews, Inc., G r a n t Avenue, Palo Alto, California. Edition ( 1949). The general organization very closely 1959. vii 625 pp. 16 x 23 cm. Price, $7.00 (KSA , ) ; resembles t h a t of the earlier edition in t h a t each editor of $7.50 (elsewhere). a section presents first t h e theoretical fundamentals of his subject in what is generally a clear-cut and concise manner. Persons anxious t o keep abreast with the wide variety of Following this are practical applications and in many subjects included under the heading of nuclear science would cases, sample calculations. The reader may thus select a do well t o read the series, “Advances in h’uclear Science.” I7olume 9 is the most recent addition. It contains 15 chapmethod applicable t o his own problem and pursue further ters written by nineteen authors under the editorship of information in the long and up-to-date series of references. Emilio Segrs, University of California, and Leonard I . The chapters now appear as: I, Automatic Control; Schiff, Stanford University. 11, Automatic Recording; 111, Weighing; IV, Determination of Density; V, Determination of Particle Size and Of the fifteen chapters in the book, only three are related Molecular Weight; VI, Temperature Measurement; V I I , t o chemistry. There is a chapter on technetium and astaDetermination of Melting and Freezing Temperatures; tine in which the author discusses the available information VIII, Determination of Boiling and Condensation Temon the various valence states of these elements and points out the difficulties of studying t h e chemistry of astatine. peratures; IX, Determination of Vapor Pressure; X, T h e chemistry of astatine has t o be inferred from tracer Calorimetry; XI, Determination of Solubility; X I I , experiments since t h e element has only short half-life isoDetermination of Viscosity; X I I I , Determination of Properties of Insoluble Monolayers a t Mobile Interfaces; topes, 8.3 hour At*’O being t h e longest lived isotope. The XIV, Determination of Surface and Interfacial Tension; second chemistry chapter describes solvent extraction in radiochemical separations. T h e applications of several XV, Determination of Osmotic Pressure. chelating and ion association systems are mentioned and T h e chapters on Automatic Control, Automatic Recordtheir uses in separating elements of interest to radiochemists ing, Weighing and Particle Size and Molecular Weight are in the atomic energy field are emphasized. T h e third chap- completely new. The principles and theory of automatic ter t o deal with chemistry is the biochemical effects of ionizcontrol are given “in reasonably non-mathematical form” ing radiation. Changes in carbohydrate, fat and protein and examples are shown with special emphasis on temperametabolism caused by radiation damage are considered, as ture control well as changes in enzymes and nucleic acids. T h e use of Chapter XI, Automatic Recording, is essentially very chemicals t o heal or protect the body from radiation is practical and should be useful, as after a brief analysis of briefly mentioned. recorder characteristics there is discussion of the comI n addition to the chapters on chemistry, there are mercial recorders now available with their special characterseveral chapters presented in a simple enough manner to be istics and sources of supply. Included are the circuit interesting t o a large number of chemists. T h e chapter on diagrams for many. the experimental clarification of the laws of beta radioChapter 111, Weighing, is developed in minute detail, activity reviews many of the recent experiments which have with nearly fifty pages on the knife-edge balance and several affected our ideas of beta decay, e . g . , non-conservation of pages on weights and standardization. T h e reviewer parity, the deviation from one of the ratio of the square of would have weicomed here more detail o n the newly aptllc coupling constants for Fermi and Gamow-Teller radiapearing one-pan rapid-weighing balances. tions, and the polarization of the electron wave. T h e recent Chapter IV, Density, has new material on niolecular ciperirnental results which have shed some light on the volumes, and volume changes on mixing. Uses aiid ineasti:cture of the fission process are summarized in a cornpre- urement of gas and vapor density are new. hciisive chapter on nuclear fission. T h e rather complicated Chapter V, Particle Size and Molccular Weight, has field of plasma research arid controlled fusion is summarized sixty pages devoted briefly t o ten methods diflering in i l l an interesting review which describes some of the properprinciple, including about twenty-five variations. Each ties of plasmas, their instabilities, the basic types of machines is treated rather briefly, therefore with some inevitable which have been constructed t o test some of the theories, duplication with later chapters Extensive references a n d , finally, t h e present state of t h e field. T h e experience help t o make up for any brevity of treatment. with fast subcritical, zero power, and experimental reactors Chapter VI, Temperature Measurement, covers about i i i thc lT.S.,\., (;reat Britain a ~ thc ~ dtJ.S.S.IZ.arc reviewed tlie w i n ( > griiuntl i r i tlie ncw etlitioii :I\ i i i the earlier one and i i i a i.Ii:cpirt’ ‘ 1 1 1 fJ51 t ’ u ~ ~ i o r s 111 , additiou, thew is a ili+ tlierr s ~ e i i ti i l be t e i v iicw retrreiicrz.




BOOKS k b C E I V E L ,

Chapter VIII, Boiling and Condensation Temperatures, has been treated more fully, increased information being supplied on azeotropic and poly-component systems. There has been some condensation in the number of apparatus designs. There is a new scction on condensation temperatures of liquids during rectification, and a section on molecular weight by the ebulliometric method. T h e very well written and comprehensive chapter o n Vapor Pressure, Chapter I X , has been slightly enlarged and contains many new references. Chapter X , Calorimetry, has been expanded by approximately ten per cent, with some new treatment of indirect evaluation of thermochemical quantities, and a new section on automatic calorimetry. There are numerous new references on the determination of heat capacity a t low temperatures. In the section on thermochemistry and bond energies the reviewer mould have preferred t o see the newer d a t a of K . S. Pitzer, THISJOURNAL, 70, 2140 (1948), used rather than the earlier ones (1940) of Pauling. So also in Table 11, p. 589, the heat of sublimation of the diamond was taken as 124.3 kcal./niole rather than more recently preferred value 171.7. Considerable revision is observed in the later portions of the chapter with recent references. Chapter X I , Solubility, has been rather completely reworked with addition of material on solubility of gases in liquids, and some specific examples of solubility measurements on organic compounds. Chapter X I I , Viscometry, has been rather completely re-written, with a section on non-Newtonian viscosity, thioxotropy, dilatancy, etc ., including fluidized solids. Chapter X I I I , Insoluble Monolayers at Mobile Interfaces, represents a complete reorganization of material in the previous edition, being restricted in scope strictly to this subject. No section on intermolecular attraction between organic molecules and a solid surface appears in the new edition, perhaps due to a necessary change in editors. The material is thoroughly covered. Chapter XI\‘, Surface and Interfacial Tension, has been rewritten. Theory involved and detailed corrections for various methods are thoroughly and completely covered. The topic of the Parachor has been omitted almost completely in this edition. Chapter XV, Osmotic Pressure, the final chapter in the new edition, has been reorganized with emphasis on the theoretical considerations and inclusion of many new references t o this expanding field. There is a new section on treatment and interpretation of d a t a and sources of error, as well as treatment of results. The Chapters on Diffusivity, the Ultracentrifuge, Microscopy, Crystallochemical Analysis, and Crystal Morphology which were in P a r t I of Vol. I in the Second Edition will appear in P a r t I1 of the present Edition. The typography is excellent and the reviewer noted only one misprint (reference 8, p. 827). This book should be available t o every laboratory doing other than routine physical mcasurements. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY OREGONSTATE COLLEGE E. C. GILBERT CORVALLIS, ORECOX

BOOKS RECEIVED Alpril10, 1960-May 10, 1960 R . P. BELL, Scientific Editor of the Translation. “Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry.” July, 1959. CleaverHurne Press Ltd., 31 Wright’s Lane, Kensington, London, W. 8, England. 1959. 107 pp. $90.00 (per year); $67.50 (Libraries of Universities and Colleges). F. CLARKAND J. K. GRANT,Edited by. J. K. Grant, Organized by. “The Biosynthesis and Secretion of Adrenocortical Steroids. Biochemical Society Symposium KO. 18 held at Senate House, University of London, on 14 February 1959.” Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th Street, New York 22, N. Y. 1960. 111 pp. $5.00. CONSULTANTS BUREAU,Isc. “Soviet Research in OrganoSilicon Chemistry. 1949-1956.’’ Part I. “Research Perfornied at The Institute of Organic Cliemistry.”

Vol. 82

Part 11. “Research Performed a t the Institute of Silicatc Chemistry.” P a r t 111. A. “Research Performed a t the Institute of Heteroorganic Chemistry.” B. “Research Performed a t \’arious Scientific Institutes.” Purt I\.. A “Silane Nomenclature.” B. “Analysis of Silicon-Colitaining Compounds.” C . “Uses.” Cousultatits Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th Street, S e n L-ork 11, S . Y. 1960. 718 pp. Part I, $30.00; Part 11, 510.00; P a r t 111, $25.00; P a r t IV,$10.00; Coinplete Collection, $60.00. CARL ~ ) J E R . ~ S S I . “Optical Rotatory Dispersion. Applications t o Organic Chemistry.” McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 West 42nd Street, N e w ’iork 36, N. Y . 1960. 293 pp. $9.50. M. EIGEN, Edited by, “Zeitschrift fur Eiektrochen~ir.” Band 64, Kr, 1. “Bericht uber das Internationale K(,lloquium uber schnelle Reaktioneu in Losungen in IIahi.enklee/Harz vorn 14 bis 17 September, 1959,” Yerlag Chemie, G.m.b.H., Pappelallee 3, Weinheim/Bergstr., Germany. March, 1980. 204 pp. DM. 13.-. THEFARADAY SOCIETY.“Crystal Growth. Discussions of the Faraday Society, No. 5 , 1949.” Butterworth and Co. (Canada) Ltd., 1367 Danforth Avenue, Toronto 6 , Ontario, Canada. 1959. 366 pp. $12.00. ALANF. GIBSON,General Editor, R. E . BURGESS,.4merican Editor, and F. A. KROGER,European Editor. “Progress in Semiconductors.” Volume 4. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, N . Y. 1960. 291 pp. $10.50. THOMAS R . HARRISON.“Radiation Pyrometry and its Underlying Principles of Radiant IIeat Transfer.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, S e w I‘ork 16, N.1’. 1960. 234 pp. $12.00. LAWRENCE J. HEIDT, ROBERTS. L I v r x c s r o r , EUGENE RABINOIVITCH, A N D F A R R I S G T O N DASIELS, Edited by. “Photochemistry in the Liquid and Solid States. Based on Some of the Papers Presented a t a Symposium Ireld at Endicott Houie in Dedham, hxassacliusetts, September 3-7, 1957.” John \%ley and Sons, Iiic,, 440 Fourth Avenue, Kcw York 16, S . Y . 1060. 174 pp. $6.00. INSTITUT I N T E R S A T I O S A L DE CHIMIE SOLVAY. “SUCICOproteins. Proceedings of t h e Eleventh Solvay Conference on Chemistry, University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 1-6 June, 1959.” Interscience Publishers, Inc., 2;iO Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y . 1960. 364 pp. 510.50. L. M. JACKMAN.“Applications of Xuclear Maglietic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry.” Pergamon Press, Inc., 122 East 55th Street, Neiy Tork 22, N . 1.. 1959. 134 pp. $5.50. A I . A. JASWON. “Studies in Crystal P h y i c s . ” Iippriutcd from Research, Vol. 11, 1958. Butterworth and Co. (Canada), Ltd., 1367 Danforth Avenue, ToronLo ti, 011tario, Canada. 1959. 42 pp. $2.25. MISHAEL LEDERER, Edited by. “Cliroiiiatograpliic Reviews. Progress in Chromatography, Electrophoresis m d Related Methods.” Yolunie 2. D. Tali Sostrand Cornpany, Inc., 120 Alexander Street, Princeton, New Jcrscy. 1960. 195 pp. 89.00. EMANUEL PARZES.“-Modern Probability Theory aud its Applications.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, New I‘ork 16, N. Y. 1960. 464 pp. $10.75. AMI ELLENLAX,Edited by. “LandoltKLAUSSCHAFER Bornstein, Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Physik, Cheniie, Astronomie, Geophysik und Technik.” Sechste A d a g e . 11. Band. “Eigenschaften der Materie in Ihren Aggregatzustailiden.” 2. Teil. Bandteil a . “Glcichgewichte L>ainpf-Kondensat und Osmotische Phanomene.” Springer-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. 1060. 974 pp. Moleskin DLI. 445.-. FREDERICK SEITZAND DAVIDTURSBULL, Editors. “Solid State Physics. Advances in Research and Applications.” l’olume 10. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, Yew York 3, N. Y. 1960. 516 pp. $12.00. E. LESTERSBIITH. “\-itamin B1?.” John IViley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, Xeiv York 16, S.Y . 1960. 196 pp. $3.00.