Techniques of Chemistry, Vol I. Physical Methods of Chemistry. Part IA

those who use, or teach the use of, modern instrumentation and instrumentation tech- niques." The topics selected for reprinting in hook form were pub...
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book reviews those who use, or teach the use of, modern instrumentation and instrumentation techniques." The topics selected for reprinting in hook form were published over the period of time from January, 1963 through June, 1970. Up to the Latter date, 67 topics appeared and 27 were selected for reprinting. Sixteen of the reprinted articles were updated either by means of new supplementary material or by revision of the original tabular data so that the latest models and reasonably current prices are included in the hook. The topics which appear in the hook are: Instrumentation for Atomic Absorption; Recent Instrumentation for uv-Visible Spectrophotometry; Raman Spectroscopy; Infrared Equipment for Teaching; Fourier Transform Spectrometers; Reflectometers, Calorimeters, and Reflectance Attachments; X-Ray Diffraction Analysis; Microwave Absorption

for st;h;ing Fast ~ e & t i o n s ; Moltipurpose Electroanalytieal Instruments; Instrumentation for Electrodeposition and Coulometry; Pulse Polsmgraphy; Oscilloscopes in Chemistry; Thermometrio Titrators; Recent Developments in Calorimetry; Theory and Applications of Thermistors; Control of Temperature; Moisture Measurements; Signal to Noise Optimization in Chemistry; Gel Permee tion Chromatography; Modern Lahore tory Balances; Automation of Organic Elemental Analysis; Mass Spectrometers; Pressure Transducers; and Instrumentation for Osmometry. These articles are written by recognized authorities and may serve as an introduction to the areas covered as well as a reference source for eommereidly available instrumentation. Because of the relatively wmplete and critical evaluations presented, the hook should he particularly useful to those contemplating purchase of new equipment. The hook also is suitable as a supplementary text in courses on instumentation. The editor and publisher are to he commended for keeping the cost of the hook within easy reach of mast students. I t is recommended that "Topics in Chemical Instmmentation" he ~uhlished in hook form on a regular basis, say about every three years.

Because of the rapid changes occurring in the field, a hook such as this can never remain up-to-date, hut this is an excellent summary and point of departure for anyone who is interested in these problems, hut cannot follow the field closely in its day-to-day development. Particularly felicitous are the author's philosophical reflections, his constant reminders of the purpose of hoth a6 initio and semi-empirical computations, and his frequent restatements of the criteria for judging the success of such computations. In his discussions he maintains a nice halance between skepticism and optimism. For example, he remarks that the properties of many molecules can he fitted by using enough parameters in the calculation, but suggests that when we do this, we should reconsider the true purpose of a calculation, and the criteria. by which we judge its achievement. On the other hand, he notes that despite the lack of exact molecular wave functions, much chemistry can he understood and 'predicted, and that many regularities in the behavior of compounds can be found even without overcoming all difficulties in calculation. He adds the comment that this is best done by chemists with a deep physical insight and a clear comprehension of structural chemistry, like Pauling or Mulliken! PETEROESPER St. Lawwnee Uniuewily Canton, Neu, Yolk Techniques of Chemistry, Vol. I. Physical Methods of Chemistry. Part IA: Components of Scientific Instruments

Edited by Arnold Wa'ssberger, and Bryant W . Rossiter, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, New York. Wiley-Inter433 oo. science. New York. 1971. xi Figs. k d tables.' 23.5 X '15.8 &.


$19.95. Techniques of Chemistry, Vol. I. Phvsical Methods of Chemistw. pa; IB: Automatic ~acordingand Control, Computers in Chemical Research

Edited by Arnold Weissberger, and Bryant W . Rossilcr, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, New York. Wiley-Inter330 pp. science, New York, 1971. xi Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 15.8 em. 517.


C. A. LUCCHES~ These two hooks constitute Part I of Volume I of a major projected work Nwthwesten Universitv destined to replare Weissherger's older Euamton, Illinois series, "Technique of Organic Chemistry." They contain eleven chapters written by five authors or teams. Inevitably the style varies from one to another, without Neuer Aus der Theorie der much justification (only Chapter 4 has s. Chemischen Bindung list of symbols and abbreviations, though this would he useful in other chapters or E. M . S&ustormuitsch. B. G. Teuhner, perhaps the whole work). Leipsic. 55 pp. 12 X 20 cm. SoftThe "components" referred to in the hound. 3.60 M. title are the components of which inThis translation into German, from the struments are built, and not the host of Russian original, gives a. summary, as of non-electronic laboratory items which a 1968, of the state-of-the-art of cdculating chemist might look for. The text starts molecular wave functions, and hence, the with an introductory dismssion (in C h a p chemical and physical properties of moleter 1) of signal flow in typical instruments, feedback methods, etc., following which cules. A31 8 / lournol of Chernicol Education

the reader is led through a. general treatment of "the more important fundamental aspects of mechanical and related problems," including (too briefly) the concept of electrical analogs (Chapter 2). Then fallows (Chapter 3) an adequate review of electrical principles and measurements, leading (in Chapter 4) to a rather thorough treatment of amplifiers, waveform generators, switching circuits, and power s u p plies. Chapter 5 treats sources and module tion of electromagnetic and sonic energy. This chapter is likely to be the most fertile of any in the book in suggesting directions in which chemical instrumentation may well develop. Chapter 6 (the first in Part B) groups together d l manner of detectors of radiant energy, of nuclear radiations, of pressure, wmposition, and others. Under "composition detectors" the discussion is limited to detecton for gas chromatography; this section is too brief to serve much purpose. Strangely, neither here nor elsewhere in the hook does one find any discussion of pH-meters or ion-selective electrodes. (Reviewer's note added in proof: I am informed that this topic will he covered in the next volume of this work.) The next chapter (number 7) treats rtutomatic recorders; it leaves much to he desired stylistically and in organization. Several important features available as accessories to rewrders are not mendioned. One wonders in passing what a "splitphase do motor" is! There follows a long chapter on automatic control, making extensive use of Laplace transform techniques and transfer functions to analyze the action of important electronic control devices. The treatment of the stability of systems including operational amplifier8 with multiple feedhack paths is quite illuminating. Applications are detailed in such fields as lamp control, potentiostats, galvsnostats, vohlmetric and coulometric eoncentmtion control, thermal systems, and power-line wnditioners. Finally mother long chapter (number 11) deals with computers, hoth analog and digital. This provides an excellent introduction to the organization of computers. The intermingling of analog and digital features is intended to emphasize the analogies between the two, hut separate treatment would he less confusing. The chepter unfortunstely lacks any discussion of the class of hybrid computers and of small laboratory digital types, hoth of which are of great significance. Fully half the chapter is given over to an introduction to FORTRAN-IV. The two volumes are indexed separately, a. slight inconvenience; the coverage of the indices appears adequate. The physical makeup of the hooks is exemplary. There are some minor ermrs, typographie d and otherwise, hut very few of them will be misleading to the reader. This reviewer feels that these volumes will fill a real need, bringing together as they do many related fields in a form instructive and useful to research chemists and advanced students. GALENW. EWINO Seton Hall University South Orange, N . J . 07079