Technology. Experience. Capacity. Our Strengths Become Your

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Capacity. Our StrengtHs B e c o m e Your Strength* With the wide range of potential outsourcing partners available in today's marketplace, the choice comes down to matching the requirements of the job with the strengths of the supplier. NIPA Hardwicke Inc. is a leading supplier of fine chemical intermediates to manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals and other technology-intensive products where expertise in complex organic synthesis is required. We offer one of the world's largest facilities for chemical synthesis and a broad portfolio of reaction technologies. This allows us to scale up to meet a wide range of production volumes - from ten tons to a thousand tons - making for a good strategic fit of our strengths with your strengths.


Pharmaceutical Intermediates

NIPA Hardwicke

NIPA Hardwicke manufactures and markets a broad portfolio of highest-quality pharmaceutical active ingredients and intermediates, meeting the need for performance, documentation, handling and timeliness.

if Your Products Require:

Agricultural Intermediates I Bromination I Grignard Reactions

Our 30-year experience base in the manufacture of agrochemicals and our more than 9 0 reactors with sizes up to 10,000 gallons make us an ideal partner for small and large scale agchem projects.

Custom C h e m i c a l Synthesis I Friedel-Crafts Reactions I Ullmann Chemistry

In new product development, NIPA Hardwicke has a track record of improving yields, reducing cycle times and rapid scale-up to multi-ton production.

Strength Where It Counts*1"

I Vilsmeier Chemistry

iso i n CERTËËÏ

VlNIPA Hardwicke

NIPA Hardwicke Inc.

3 4 1 1 Silverside Road, 104 Hagley Building Wilmington, DE 19810 USA Tel: 302-478-1522 · Fax: 302-478-4097 Email: [email protected] · Internet: