excessively intelligent, we can endure each others' goof-offs and errors and ... extruded shapes to customer require- ments; rod and heavy walled tubi...
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in this neat package...

a complete dc laboratory The Keithley 610A Electrometer has 64 dc ranges . . . all you need to investigate in-circuit measurements with no loading, semi-conductor parameters, capacitor characteristics, photo-electric devices, piezo-electrics, properties of insulators and outputs of ion chambers. The 610A is line-operated and comes in bench or rack models. Brief specifications: • 9 v o l t a g e r a n g e s f r o m 0.01 t o 100 v o l t s fs w i t h 2 % a c c u r a c y o n all r a n g e s . • i n p u t i m p e d a n c e s e l e c t a b l e in d e c a d e s t e p s fr.om 1 o h m t o 10 14 o h m s . • 2 8 c u r r e n t ranges f r o m 3 a m p e r e s to 10" 13 a m p e r e f s . • 2 7 r e s i s t a n c e r a n g e s f r o m 10 o h m s t o 10 14 o h m s fs w i t h p r o v i s i o n for g u a r d ing. • c o n s t a n t c u r r e n t s o u r c e from 1 millia m p e r e t o 1 0 - 1 2 a m p e r e in d e c a d e steps. • g a i n s t o l O O O as a p r e a m p l i f i e r , dc t o 500 c p s b a n d w i d t h , 10-v a n d 1-ma outputs.

• price $565.00. o t h e r ELECTROMETERS a v a i l a b l e : Model 620 31 ranges, battery-operated $280.00 Model 621 37 ranges, line-operated $390.00 Model 600A 54 ranges, battery-operated $395.00 Model 603 50 kc bandwidth amplifier $750.00


for latest


KEITHLEY I N S T R U M E N T S 12415 E u c l i d A v e n u e


C l e v e l a n d 6, O h i o

Circle No. 54 on Readers' Service Card 106 A



INSTRUMENTATION manufacturer completely astonished his staff when it learned that we were in a hurry. In the three and a half weeks which have elapsed since that time we have obtained no further data. We can only surmise that ore has been mined, the steel necessary for the equipment will be fabricated as soon as the industry learns whether our President has any further notions about how the steel industry should conduct its business, and that three jobbers are bidding for the best deal. These transactions were not conducted with Madagascar, but with Minnesota, only 1300 miles distant. We have seriously considered reordering from Tierra del Fuego with instructions to ship by ox-cart. Runners will keep us informed of progress and if the descendants of Balboa and Cortez do not stop the shipment to look for contraband, we may get it before it rusts away. Our own little experience has involved fourteen other items with varying degrees of delay. When we repeat our miseries to others they laugh and say "What—you too?" A happier experience brought us copious information from Chicago in the real "on the ball" American way in less than twenty-four hours. It is an old story that it pays to be able to distinguish between merchants and peddlers. Purely on the basis of catalogs and advertising one cannot tell whether the organization covers several acres or consists of three phone booths with running water. We used to regard Parkinson's Law as a rich and inspired jest, but it now filters slowly through our cranium that improved technology makes it possible to goof semi-automatically with superb mechanical, optical, and electronic aids. Our efforts to help the poor, the underprivileged, and the ignorant throughout the world stem from the most commendable American traits. A lot of the effort goes down the drain ; we often lose more friends than we gain, but we deserve great credit for trying. A fair amount of the advice, instruction, and planning which we offer others could be used at home. Perhaps, in deemphasizing the three R's and other difficult subjects in favor of citizenship, adaptability, and social conformity we shall have a partial solution. With none of us very bright, perceptive, or excessively intelligent, we can endure each others' goof-offs and errors and remain reasonably amiable. The other answer is complete automation with the equipment coded, inspected, and sealed at the factory. How one can get it to its destination is another matter—we wouldn't knowT about that.

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