Temperature dependence of the luminescence lifetimes of

Hexaamminerhodium(III) Compounds in the Solid State. Michael A. Bergkamp, Richard J. Watts,*1 234567and. Peter C. Ford*. Department of Chemistry and t...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1981, 85, 684-686

Temperature Dependence of the Luminescence Lifetimes of Haiopentaammine- and Hexaamminerhodium(111) Compounds in the Solid State Michael A. Bergkamp, Richard J. Watts,’? and Peter C. Ford” Department of Chemistry and the Quantum Instltute, Universtty of Californk?, Sanfa Barbara, Santa Barbara, Callfornk 93 106 (Recelved:August 15, 1980; In Flnal Form: November 24, 1980)

Reported are the luminescence lifetimes of [RhA,X](ClO,), (A = NH3 or ND,; X = C1-, Br-, A) in the solid state at nine temperatures between 85 and 295 K. The lifetimes were in the microsecond range and the individual compounds exhibited variations of as great as a factor of -2200 and as small as a factor of -7. The lifetime data are empirically fit to a two-term rate law: 7-l = A + A’exp(-AE/RT). The origin of the temperature dependence is discussed in terms of weak and strong coupling deactivation mechanisms or alternatively a deactivation process involving two thermally equilibrated spin-orbit coupled componenta of the ligand-field states. Introduction Low-temperature (