Tenn+ cation - Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS

Polycations of Group VI. Ronald J. Gillespie and Jack Passmore. Accounts of Chemical Research 1971 4 (12), 413-419. Abstract | PDF | PDF w/ Links...
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Figure 1. Experimental and calculated proton nmr spectra for a neat sample of dimethylcadmium. The experimental spectra were taken on a Varian A56/60spectrometer with the temperatures calibrated by the temperature dependence of the chemical shift of the ethylene glycol hydroxyl proton. The spectra on the right were drawn by a Calcomp plotter connected to an IBM 360/75computer using the program G M W . ~ The spectrum may be calibrated by knowing that the distance between the outer satellites corresponds to 103.6 Hz.

case may be. Actually, detection of intermolecular exchange of methyl groups in dimethylcadmium is relatively easy because of the spectral changes which occur as the result of such exchange on the "'Cd-C-H and l 1Td-C-H spin-spin couplings. The isotopes '''Cd (12.9%) and l13Cd (12.3%) each have spin 1/2 while the other abundant cadmium isotopes, mainly l12Cd, have zero spin. The proton spectra in the absence of exchange therefore display five lines, the center line of which represents the molecules with cadmium having zero spin. Exchange of methyls proceeds between and - '12 for cadmium atoms in five nuclear states, lllCd and Il3Cd, and zero for the other isotopes, thereby providing a five-site random intermolecular exchange problem, the line shapes for which can be simulated by the procedure of Sack.6 A substantial sensitivity of the exchange to catalytic amounts of methylcadmium methoxide has been reported earlieras4 and was confirmed in this work. With considerable care in handling the sample by vacuum-line techniques, we achieved exchange rates comparable to those of Ham and coworkersa but not zero as has been suggested r e ~ e n t l y . ~Experimental proton


( 5 ) K. Henold, J. Soulati, and J. P. Oliver, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,91. 3171 (1969). (6) R. A.Sack, Mol. Phys., 1, 163 (1958). We use the computer program G M W developed by G. M. Whitesides and J. M. Fleming, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 89, 2855 (1967), and adapted for use with our computers with the help of Dr. F. J. Weigert.

Figure 2. Proton nmr spectrum of a 1.4 M solution of dimethylcadmium in tetrahydrofuran saturated with cadmium bromide at - 110'. The highest peak marked 4 is at about 52 f 2 cps upfield from tetramethylsilane.

spectra of neat dimethylcadmium as a function of temperature and theoretical spectra as a function of the lifetime T are shown in Figure 1. The coalescence temperature corresponding to these spectra is about looo, the activation energy E, 15.7 f 0.1 kcal/mol, and AS* -9.8 f 0.2 eu.' Both the activation energy and entropy are similar to the values reported for methyl exchange between dimethylcadmium and dimethylzinc6 and suggest a similar mechanism for exchange. The rate of exchange is very much increased in tetrahydrofuran, the coalescence temperature in 10% solution being - 10" with an E, of 6.8 f 0.1 kcal/mol and AS* of -28.3 f 0.4 eu. Cadmium bromide further increases the rate of exchange and it is probably significant in this connection that cadmium bromide is not very soluble in tetrahydrofuran unless dimethylcadmium is present. At -llOo, solutions of dimethylcadmium in tetrahydrofuran saturated with cadmium bromide show proton resonances which correspond to methylcadmium bromide (Figure 2). The peaks 2, 4, and 5 in Figure 2 are assigned t o dimethylcadmium and its Cd-C-H satellites with J of 52 Hz while 1, 3, and 6 are assigned to methylcadmium bromide and its CdC-H satellites with J of about 80 Hz. The large change in J in going from (CH&Cd to CH3CdBr has a parallel in similar mercury derivatives.* This spectrum provides the first clear evidence for a Schlenk-type equilibrium involving alkylcadmium compounds. (7) For comparison with results reported by Ham and coworkers,s we assume toluene to be an inert solvent and the exchange rate I; = l / r a kl (Cd(CH&]. From this equation and Ham's data we estimae a m w lifetime of 0.007 0.002 sec for neat dimethylcadmium at 120". Bxtrapolation of our rate to 120' gives 0.004 sec which is in reasonable agreement considering the difference in the experimental conditions. (8) J. W. Emsley, J. Feeney, and L. H. Sutcliffe, "High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," Vol. 11, Pergamon Press, Long Island City, N. Y.,1966, pp 689-690.


Wolfgang Bremser, Melvin Winokur, John D,.Roberta Contribution No. 3502 Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 Received July 28, 1969

The Teen+Cation Sir: In a recent communication' we showed that tellurium can be oxidized in strongly acidic media, e.g., HSOaF or oleum to the red cation Ted2+ and that this cation could be further oxidized to a yellow species which wag not a t that time identified. We have now found that in solution in fluorosulfuric acid at room temperature, (1) R. J. Gillespie, J. Barr, R. Kapoor, and G. P. Pez, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,90, 6855 (1968).

Communications to the Editor


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Figure 2. Freezing-point depressions for solutions of TeSOaF in fluorosulfuric acid: A, T&; B, Ted4+; C, Te66+; D, Tes*+; E,

Figure 1. Absorption spectrum of the Term+ cation.


after making allowance for a small amount of oxidation of tellurium by the solvent to red Te42+,2.1 mol of S Z O ~ Fwas Z required to oxidize tellurium to the yellow species, which has a strong characteristic absorption at 250 nm and two very weak absorptions at 360 and 420 nm (Figure 1). On the basis of this result we conclude that tellurium is in the 1 oxidation state in this species and is presumably either Te+ or a polyatomic cation such as Tez2+,Tes3+,Teq4+,etc. Antimony pentafluoride has been found to react with tellurium at - 23 " in liquid sulfur dioxide to give a red sulfur dioxide-soluble product and a small amount of a yellow sulfur dioxide-insoluble product. The red compound was shown t o be Te42+(SbzFll-)2. On heating the yellow compound at approximately 100" a white sublimate of SbF3 was obtained. After all the SbF3 had sublimed off the remaining material had an analysis corresponding to the formula TeSbF6. The infrared spectrum of the compound showed the characteristic SbFe- peak at 699 cm-l and a solution in HS03F-SbFs had the characteristic absorption spectrum of the tellurium( 1+) species shown in Figure 1. Reaction of tellurium with excess sulfur trioxide at room temperature for several days gave a yellow compound, which after removal of excess SO3 had an analysis corresponding to the composition Te2S3Ol0. A solution of this compound in 3 0 x oIeum gave an identical spectrum to that shown in Figure 1. Both solid materials and their solutions in acid had a characteristic strong Raman frequency at 199 cm-I. The compositions of these compounds confirm that tellurium is in the l + oxidation state. Magnetic measurements showed that the cation is diamagnetic. Presumably, therefore, odd electron species such as Te+ and Te33+can be ruled out and the most likely possibilities would appear to be Tez2+,Te44+,Tee6+,or Teas+. Determination of the exact molecular weight of this new tellurium cation has proved difficult. It was found that if tellurium was oxidized by S20sF2 in solution in H S 0 3 F at -23" no oxidatio-n of tellurium to the red Te42+by the solvent occurred, and a quantitative reaction between 2 mol of tellurium and 1 mol of S20,F2 gave a dark yellow-brown solution, which on addition of sulfur dioxide precipitated a bright yellow compound. Unfortunately this compound was not stable above -75" but we presume that it is Te-


Journal of the American Chemical Society


S03F. It was however found possible to make some freezing-point depression measurements on solutions of this compound in HSO3F. The results are compared with calculated curves for TeZ2+,Teq4+,etc., in Figure 2. I t is clear that the ion cannot be Tez2+,but the scatter of the experimental results resulting from the considerable experimental difficulties associated with these measurements and the small differences between the freezingpoint depressions produced by the higher polymeric species make it difficult to distinguish between the various possibilities such as Ted4+,Teg6+, and Te88+. The results in Figure 2 agree best with the octameric formulation Tes*+for which it would appear reasonable to propose the interesting cubic structure I. However, the other possibilities Ted4+and Teg5+cannot be ruled out. On the assumption that these clusters contain normal two-electron bonds they would be expected to have tetrahedral and trigonal prism structures, respectively (I1 and 111). Ted4+ is isoelectronic with tetrahedral P4. Studies of the vibrational spectra and attempts to obtain X-ray crystallographic data on the compounds continue in order to obtain definite structural information on this novel cation.




J. Barr, R. J. Gillespie, G. P. Pez P. K. Ummat, 0. C. Vaidya Departmen, of Chemistry, McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Received December 19, 1969

Solvolysis Reaction of Triarylhaloallenes Sir: The current interest in vinyl cations derived from solvolysis reactions is indicated by the flurry of publications in this area in recent months. The substrates

February 25, 1970