Terra-Lite - American Chemical Society

Fall fertilizer marketing results disappointing. 284 ... Food additives bills give FDA strong position. 292. DEPARTMENTS. Business Newsletter. 275. Re...
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APRIL 1955 Volume 3 , Number 4 C o p y r i g h t 1 9 5 5 b y American Chemical Society



Agricultural a n d Food Chemistry

FEATURE Grasslands Improvement—A Vast Profit Potential. II Intermountain Region—L. A. Stoddart and Arthur D. Smith The Southwest—R. R. Humphrey The Pacific Coast—R. Merton Love

300 303 306





Ammonium sulfate producers watch future sharply Fall fertilizer marketing results disappointing Potash expansion—3 million tons by 1 960? Agricultural chemicals industry takes self-critical look British agricultural chemicals exports up 2 5 % Food additives bills give FDA strong position


283 284 288 289 289 292

Amazingly Absorbent That's why Terra-Lite® prevents chemical caking — remains free flowing even when mixed with high percentage of chemicals.

DEPARTMENTS Business Newsletter Research Newsletter Letters to the Editor Editorial News of the Month

275 277 278 281 294

New Books New Products and Equipment. . Literature Available Profiles Perspective


354 356 358 360 364

Over 27,500,000 particles per lb. (28/65 mesh). The p h y s i c a l structure o f this lightweight mineral is such that chemicals are not easily leached a w a y — a r e readily available for longer, more effective use.


Next Month

Over 40 plants to serve you

Use of chemicals in foods and feeds will be given feature treatment

Immediate shipment from a plant located nearby. Editor: WALTER J. M U R P H Y Executive Editor: James M. Crowe

Assistant Editors: Katherine Biggs, Margaret C. Summers, Albert S. Hester, Thompson E. Upham, Kenneth M . Reese

Dust free. This New Vehicle Turns Liquid Chemicals into Free Flowing Solids

Managing Editor: Richard L. Kenyon Production Manager:

Joseph H. Kuney

Associate Editors: W A S H I N G T O N , Robert G. Gibbs, Stella Anderson, G. Gladys Gordon, Ruth Cor­ nette, Edward J. Reardon C H I C A G O , Rodney N. Hader H O U S T O N , Harry W. Haines, Jr. NEW YORK, Harry Stenerson, Gordon C. Inskeep, Howard J Sanders SAN FRANCISCO, Gordon H. Bixler EASTON, Bertha Reynolds, Charlotte C. Savre EUROPE, William Q. Hull

Editorial Assistants: Betty V. Kieffer, Sue R. Peter, Ruth C. Laubach, William L. Ostrow­ ski, Veronica O'Keefe, Fern S. Jackson, Ruth M. Howorth, Whilden W. Johnson, Lois J. Bennett Advisory Board: C. S. Boruff, LaVerne E. Clif­ corn, Russell Coleman, Albert L. Elder, Conrad A. Elvehjem, Charles H. Fisher, Walter G. Frankenburg, J. F. Fudge, Francis A. Gunther, H. L. Haller, Lea S. Hitchner, Charles G. King, Walter H. MacIntire, Harvey B. Mann, John H. Nair, Bernard L. Oser, Vincent Sauchelli, J. L. St. John, Betty Sullivan, Paul T. Truitt, Leland A. Underkofler


Terra-Lite Div. Zonolite Company 135 S. La Salle St. Chicago 3 , Illinois

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FREE S A M P L E S TERRA-LITE D i v i s i o n Zonolite C o m p a n y , 135 S. La Salle St. Dept. J A 4 S , Chicago 3, Illinois Please rush me f r e e sample a n d literature describing this r e m a r k a b l e new g r a n u l a r carrier. Name Address City



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