Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies: A Review of Guidance and

Dec 15, 2002 - 2 Bayer CropScience, 8400 Hawthorn Road, Kansas City, MO 64120. Terrestrial Field ... We will review and compare guidelines from North ...
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Chapter 2

Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies: A Review of Guidance and Guidelines A.




and V a l Ε. C l a y


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DuPont Crop Protection, 1090 Elkton Road, Newark, DE 19714-0030 Bayer CropScience, 8400 Hawthorn Road, Kansas City,MO64120 2

Field dissipation studies are a key data requirement for regis­ -tration of crop protection products. Guidelines for the studies have been developed by different countries to meet uses spe­ -cific to each country's environmental assessment scheme. In the past 4-5 years, guidance and guidelines have been devel­ -opedfor field studies as the European Union (EU) has prom­ -ulgated data requirements for Annex I listing and as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Canada's Pesti­ -cideManagement Regulatory Agency (PMRA) sought to har­ -monize data requirements. A n international industry work group sponsored by the Canadian Crop Protection Institute (CPI) and the American and European Crop Protection Asso­ -ciations (ACPA & ECPA) convened to respond to develop­ -ments in field dissipation data requirements and propose guid­ -ance that registrants can follow to produce acceptable studies. We will review and compare guidelines from North America and Europe and present our conclusions on the applicability of field dissipation studies to environmental fate assessments.

© 2003 American Chemical Society

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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Introduction In October 1998, The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Environmental Fate and Effects Division (EFED) and Health Canada Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) presented a proposed field dissipation study guideline to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicides, and Rodenticides Act (FIFRA) Scientific Advisory Panel. The guideline was an outgrowth of an effort conducted under auspices of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Technical Committee to produce a harmonized study guideline that could be adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The proposed guideline enunciated the goal of providing "an integrated qualitative and quantitative environmental fate assessment which characterizes the relative importance of each route of dissipation...." (1) Registrants, while agreeing in principle with the goal of providing comprehensive environmental fate assessments, nonetheless are concerned that the effort required to carry out field studies in accordance with the proposed guideline would be disproportion­ ate to the value of the information obtained. The scope of such a study appeared to be too large to allow the useful determination of individual mechanisms of dissipation. The proposed guideline seems likely to give an interesting set of data from which to create additional research questions, rather than data useful for exposure assessments in a regulatory context requiring decisions on use of a pesticide under typical field conditions. In response to the presentation of the proposed guideline, industry organizations in the US, Canada and Europe formed a technical work group that has the objec­ tive of working with US EPA and P M R A to produce a guideline that would meet the needs of regulators and the regulated community globally. The workgroup, which was sponsored by ACPA, CPI and ECPA, was chartered in July 1998 and was comprised of representatives from each sponsoring organization. The work group set three tasks for itself: 1) respond to the E P A / P M R A proposed guide­ line, 2) develop an industry consensus on an acceptable guideline, and 3) work with regulatory agencies to produce an internationally recognized guideline. In preparation for the first task, we reviewed current and proposed guidelines from North America and Europe to determine whether there were common require­ ments that could serve as the basis for a harmonized guideline.

Comparison of Regulatory Guidelines for Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies Field dissipation studies are required by different countries depending on the expected use pattern or on the rate of degradation observed in laboratory studies. A comparison of guidelines among US, Canada, E U , Germany, and Netherlands is shown in Table 1. In the US and Canada, field studies are mandatory for sup-

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

164-1, Field dissipation studies for terrestrial uses.

Mandatory; to support the registration of an end-use product for terrestrial use.

End-use product, Formulation

Max. recommended use rate; Max. number of applications.

When Required

Test Substance

Application Rate and No. of Applications




Max. recommended use rate; Single or multiple as recommended per proposed time of application(s).

End-use product, Formulation


Formulated product


DT90 > 100 days

Representative appli- Single application at cation rate. Typically highest rate one application at the highest single rate.

Representative pesticide formulation



Part 3 Field Soil Dis- BBA Part IV, 4-1, section 2 sipation


Mandatory; to support DT50, (20 °C)>60 registration in Canada days or DT50 (10°C)>90 days

T-l-255 - 6.3 (A), Dissipation and Accumulation - Terrestrial


Table I. Comparison of regulatory guidelines

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Similar to typical use instructions.

Commercial product

Additional information required on leaching risk

Part G. Appendix G.U.b


In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002. 4 sites; 2 additional if 4-6, divided over two used over a wide growing seasons geographical range 1 treated

Until dissipation pattern is clearly established; DT90 is reached. 2-12 depends on intended use regions 2 treated 1 untreated control

For field crop uses: 18 months for N:164-l

At least 2

1 treated 1 untreated control

10X20ft-20X40ftor small plots

Study Duration

No. of Sites

No. of Plots per Site

Plot Size

2-6 m


Until DT90 is exceeded or max. 2 years.



100 m




20 m




2 years


Agricultural fields where pesticide will be used.

Not required


Continued on next page.

Until DT90 is reached or residues plateau.


Soils used in normal agriculture, preferably similar to German soils.

GLP Requirement

Typical of use area.

Depends on crop distribution and associated soil types for intended use regions.

Must include worst case scenario for leaching and persistence.

Not required


Required Soil Type

Not required (application equipment must be calibrated)


Not required


Not required


Application Monitors


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In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

Less than 2%

Crop can be present. Bare ground usually required.

Round-up only.

Yes, per normal agricultural practices.




Cropped vs. Bare Ground.

Use of Maintenance Pesticides

Tillage of Test Plot


Minimum No. of Cores per Interval

Sampling Pattern


Slope of Plot

Criterion Not specified

EU/SETAC Not specified



Irrigation as needed to simulate average rainfall.

Shallow tillage as needed to maintain plot.

Herbicides allowed that will not interfere with analysis.

Random or systematic Systematic or ran-

20 for large plots, 10-15 for small plots;

No, only apply irrigation if crop is normally irrigated.


Not specified.


Irrigation allowed

Not specified

Not specified

Bare ground - no Pesticide should be Bare ground (fallow vegetation allowed on applied to bare soil), tests on cropped the plots during study. ground; crops may be plots are optional. grown following treatment.

Not specified, need to be reported.


Table I. Continued

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Not specified

15 duplicate samples

Irrigation must be recorded.

Tillage allowed and must be reported.

Not specified, May be used for normal development of the crop.

Bare ground or cropped, % reaching soil must be determined.

Slope should be reported.


In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

Increment Depth per Core A max. depth of 15 cm per increment. At least 2 depths, the lowest depth analyzed should not contain pesticide residues.


Minimum Composite Samples per Depth, per Interval

1 pooled sample/depth.

At least 2. First depth 10 cm, lowest depth of 15 cm. Lowest section should condepth analyzed should tain no residues. not contain pesticide residues.


Appropriate depths eg. 0-10,10-20 cm. Deeper depths (90 cm) for mobile compounds.

To establish appropriate core depth based on vertical distribution of pesticide residues. - 60 cm (24 inches)

Typically 90 cm (36 inches). Shallower depths acceptable if residues are not likely to leach.

Soil Sampling Depth

Pre-application, immediate postapplication (within 3 hrs), 5 additional times on a logarithmic scale.

20 cm core may be sub-divided


Layer depth depends on expected mobility.

1 pooled sample/depth

DT50 reported in 0-30 cm segment

Immediately postapplication, 4 other times

Not specified


Continued on next page.

20 cm minimum, greater depth samples required if leaching is likely.

Immediately after application, 5 additional times

Not specified

Not specified.

Pre-, date of application, and Sampling Interval and immediate post-application, at time to determine disintervals to determine dissipa- sipation pattern. tion pattern, at termination.



Soil Sampling Intervals

Not specified

Canada sampling pattern

Not specified


Spray Tank Solutions


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In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.




Not specified

Not specified



Rainfall + irrigation (cumulative), soil temperature, air temperature, pan evaporation

Use of Tracers

Report Site Location and Geography

Soil Characterization by Depth; Soil Taxonomy

Weather Data

Weather including irrigation (air temperature or soil temperature, wind ve-

Rainfall + irrigation (cumulative), soil temperature, air temperature

Not specified

Air and soil temperature, precipitation, evaporation

Yes, by layer or soil Not specified, but required for evaluation horizon.

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Not specified for field dissipation. Required for lysimeter studies. Not specified

Not specified

10% of the initial con- Major degradative 10%) in Hydrolysis, photoly- products (> 10%) deAnalysis Method sis, soil metabolism studies. tected at any time in lab studies.

Field Spikes


Table I. Continued

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In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

Report Soil Moisture Not specified Content and Bulk Density

Continued on next page.

Bulk density required

Not specified


Not specified

Not specified. Not specified

Stability in storage must be determined.

Required. Condition and length of storage must be reported.

Required. Condition and length of storage must be reported.

Storage Stability Data

Yes At least one year

At least one year


5 years

Report Pesticides History on Test Plot

Not required.

At least one year

Not specify

5 years

Report Cropping History on Test Plot

At least one year



Report Depth to Groundwater


Yes Not required



Not required


Not specified

EU/SETAC locity, precipitation) Yes




Report Field Activities During Study


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In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

U.S. E P A Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision N , October 1982. Environmental Fate - Addendum 2 - Series 164-1,1986. Standard Evaluation Procedure for the Terrestrial Field Dissipation study, 1989. pp 15,18,20. FIFRA Accelerated Registration - Phase 3 Technical Guidance, 1989. Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis, U . S. E P A 738-R-93-010, Environmental Fate, September 1993.

Environmental Chemistry and Fate Guidelines for Registration of Pesticides in Canada, 1987. Nicholson, I. K., Environment Canada, personal communication, November 15, 1991. Nicholson, I. K., Environment Canada, personal communication, January 31,1994.

Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals, Draft Proposal for a Test Guideline or Guidance Document, Terres­ trial Field Dissipation Studies, Collaborative Preparation by US E P A and P M R A , September 15,1998

Guidelines for the Official Testing of Plant Protection Products, Part IV, 4-1, Fate of Plant Protection Products in Soil-Degradation, Conversion and Metabolism.

Behavior of the Product and its Metabolites in Soil, Water and Air, Part G, Appendix G.1.3.a, March 1995.






Guidance Documents

Table I. Continued

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Kl IN*

23 porting terrestrial uses and there is a long history of using field studies in envi­ ronmental fate assessments (2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The emphasis of the assessment is on accounting for the pesticide behavior under actual use conditions, and field and lab studies are integrated to give a realistic view of pesticide dissipation. The qualitative assessment of pesticide behavior is coupled with computer modeling of expected environmental concentrations to determine the acceptability of pesti­ cide uses. In Europe, the evaluation system requires data that can be compared to specific numerical trigger values. Field studies are typically triggered by the re­ sults of laboratory studies, and may not be required at all for pesticides that de­ grade rapidly. The E U Commission Directive requires field studies when the D T lab (20 °C) is greater than 60 days or when the D T lab (10 °C) is greater than 90 days (7,8). The field study requirement in Germany and the Netherlands also is triggered by persistence and is linked to the potential for the pesticide or its dégradâtes to leach (9,10). Approval for use of the pesticide in Europe may depend on the results of field studies when laboratory studies indicate the pesti­ cide may persist in soil for more than a year (ie. DT >1 year and DT >3 months) (11). In North America and in Europe, field dissipation data are seen as better indications of potential concentrations of pesticides and their dégradâtes in soil than laboratory studies or modeling simulations.

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Purpose of Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies The reason for conducting the field dissipation study; whether conducted for the US, Canada, E U , Germany, Netherlands or other countries (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) is to generate data that can be used in the evaluation scheme. Although the specific features of each countries' scheme are different, the purpose of the study as indi­ cated by national guidelines is remarkably similar. The following statement from the Canadian guidelines is representative and illustrates important aspects of the data requirement (3): "Field studies are needed to demonstrate fate in the Canadian environment... Terrestrial studies with pesticides under use conditions are necessary to substan­ tiate laboratory findings, particularly with respect to dissipation/accumulation, leachability and carryover of residues." In regulatory environmental fate assessment schemes the field dissipation study is a test of the predicted behavior of the pesticide under conditions that represent typical soils and climates in which the pesticide will be found. Based on labo­ ratory studies that investigate degradation, metabolism, and mobility in artificial environments, we develop expectations for the behavior of the pesticide. The field dissipation study may confirm the expectations or it may not. If the latter, then we face the need to explain the discrepancy. Have we missed a significant mechanism of degradation? Are the environmental conditions in the field more

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

24 (or less) conducive to metabolism than lab conditions? Is movement off the field unexpectedly a large component of dissipation? For most pesticides we can pro­ pose a plausible, i f speculative, explanation for the results of field dissipation studies based on our knowledge of laboratory studies. In some cases, we may need to propose hypotheses that can only be confirmed by additional experi­ ments.

Interpretation of Results The reliance of all the evaluation systems on rates of dissipation demonstrates the most important result of the field dissipation study - the half-life, or D T and D T , for dissipation of the pesticide in soil. The result may be used to trig­ ger additional environmental fate studies on accumulation or long term field dis­ sipation or may be used directly in evaluation schemes (as noted earlier) or as inputs to models. Increasingly, field studies are expected to provide rates for degradation products as well as the parent, and the studies on the extent of for­ mation and persistence of dégradâtes have significantly increased the number of studies needed to meet environmental fate data requirements

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5 0


The field dissipation study may contribute also to an assessment of the leaching potential of the pesticide; however, the field dissipation study as usually prac­ ticed does not include soil pore water or groundwater sampling. In the delibera­ tions of the TFD-WG, we distinguished field dissipation studies from leaching studies, such as prospective groundwater or lysimeter studies, that are specifi­ cally designed to determine the concentration of pesticide in soil water or aqui­ fers. Nonetheless, field dissipation studies give an indication of pesticide mobil­ ity and have been used to trigger leaching studies as well as minimize concerns over leaching potential.

After examining many national guidelines, we have found common themes that can provide a basis for an internationally recognized guideline. Although the studies may play somewhat different roles in environmental assessments, each guideline indicates that the studies are expected to • •

determine the rate of dissipation of the parent under field conditions, determine extent of formation and decline of degradation products, and

provide an indication of leaching potential.

In addition the studies provide an picture of the degradation of a pesticide under field conditions that can be compared to expectations of its behavior formed from the results of laboratory studies. This theme has been expounded previ­ ously (12) and is the conceptual basis for study designs that include multiple field dissipation study modules (13,14).

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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Guideline Comparison The guideline comparison shown in Table 1 illustrates the requirements that are common to field dissipation studies conducted for a number of regulatory agen­ cies. Studies are conducted usually with formulated products applied in a man­ ner similar to typical commercial applications. The study sites must be located in areas where the chemical will be used, and environmental conditions must be representative of the use area. The number of sites varies with the specific regu­ latory requirement, but usually the number of sites must be sufficient to provide data over the range of possible climates or geographical areas. Field dissipation studies must be conducted for a period of time sufficient to define the degrada­ tion kinetics of the parent pesticide and establish the formation and decline of significant dégradâtes. The studies usually are conducted on bare ground, al­ though crops are allowed under some conditions. Soil samples should be collected at time intervals suitable for determining the rate of degradation. For chemicals with a half-life of around 50 days, a typical sampling schedule would include soil samples taken on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60, 90,120 and so on through the entire length of the study. While the sampling depth requirement is expressed differently in each guideline, the intent of each guideline is similar - samples must be collected to a depth sufficient to deter­ mine the rate of degradation in the surface soil horizon. The sampling depth must be increased for compounds that are mobile and that might leach to lower depths. A 1-m depth is usually adequate to allow determination of the chemical residues in soil. In our experience, the bulk of the chemical residues remain in the top 0-50 cm depth, and any residues that leach below that level account for a small percentage of the resides and have little effect on the calculation of rate of degradation. The performance of the analytical method must be adequate to allow the quantitation of parent chemical at a level sufficient to ensure that the amount of undetected or unquantitated chemical has a negligible effect on the accuracy of the degradation rate. The number of soil cores taken from each treated plot must be at least 15 and many guidelines require 20. A l l guidelines allow soil cores to be combined by depth increment to minimize the variability and analytical costs. Compositing schemes abound, and no scheme has universal appeal or is universally applica­ ble. Reporting requirements are also very similar. Site characterisitics, environ­ mental conditions, sampling methods, analytical procedures, and study activities are necessary to interpret the results and must be reported. With the background gained from the review of existing guidelines, the work group formulated general concerns and specific comments on the E P A / P M R A proposed guideline and recommended a basic study design that will assist in

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

26 harmonizing the field dissipation guideline among N A F T A and E U countries. The similarities in the guidelines and in the intent of the guidelines are obvious and more significant than the differences. Consequently, the TFD-WG proposed a basic study design that should be acceptable to meet terrestrial field dissipation data requirements of many countries around the world. We have sought to view the field dissipation data requirement within the context in which the data will be used and have developed a study design that will produce data that can be used directly in ecological risk assessments or will provide inputs to models.

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Recommendation for Basic Study Design An industry view as represented by the Terrestrial Field Dissipation Work Group

Objective The primary objective of the field dissipation study should be to determine the rate of dissipation of a pesticide in soil at several locations representing typical use areas. Additionally, the extent of formation of its degradation products is determined, and the study should broaden the findings of the laboratory rate of dissipation studies. The field dissipation study may contribute also to an assess­ ment of the leaching potential of the pesticide; however, our basic field dissipa­ tion study design does not include a leaching component. Field dissipation stud­ ies should be distinguished from leaching studies, such as prospective ground­ water or lysimeter studies, that are specifically designed to determine the con­ centration of pesticide in soil water or aquifers. In focusing on dissipation rate studies, we recommend simple studies that could be conducted economically at several sites rather than complicated studies that could be carried out at only one site. We anticipate that the range of dissipation rates observed and the general assessment of leaching behavior would have immediate utility in ecological risk assessments and decisions on higher tier environmental fate studies. The basic, standard field dissipation study design would be very similar to today's study design. The field dissipation study should be considered a higher tier study than the laboratory studies and used in environmental assessments. (See E P A Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Environmental Fate 164-1 and Environmental Chemistry and Fate Guidelines for Registration of Pesticides in Canada, 6.3.)

Key Elements of the Terrestrial Field Dissipation Study The following are key elements of a study that should meet the data requirements of the United States, Canada, and the European Union, as we understand the

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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terrestrial field dissipation data needed to reach registration decisions. Addi­ tional data requirements to refine the environmental exposure from runoff, leaching, volatilization, and foliar dissipation may be warranted when the eco­ logical risk from the pesticide appears to be unacceptable based on laboratory studies. As needed, and i f possible, the additional studies may be conducted in conjunction with the basic field dissipation study. We expect that any studies that go beyond the minimum study design would be conducted at the registrant's discretion or in response to a specific data requirement. Test substance - One representative formulated product. If one of the proposed products were a controlled release formulation known to affect dissipation rate, then an additional study on the controlled release product would be required. Radiolabeled test substances are acceptable for use in small plots, but should not be mandatory. Sites - four to six. The number of sites and location will depend on the proposed uses. A maximum of six sites located throughout Canada, the United States and Mexico would be required for a pesticide used in a wide variety of geographical and climatic areas. Similarly, four to six sites are required in Europe depending on the geographical range of the pesticide use. Plot size - the plot size should be dependent on the objective of the study, the characteristics of the test substance (ie. whether radiolabeled or commercial product), and the application equipment. For example, a small plot receiving a C-labeled test substance might be l m χ 3 m; a large plot receiving a commen­ çai product might be 10 χ 20 m to 20 χ 40 m. 14

Replicates -one treated plot containing at least two replicate sub-plots; one con­ trol plot Application -the pesticide should be applied to bare ground at the highest single application rate or to a cropped plot such that a clearly defined pattern of dissi­ pation in soil can be determined. Usually this will mean an application to bare ground or to bare ground beneath the crop unless the crop is turf. Post-emergent applications at an early growth stage of the crop are acceptable since the crop will not intercept a significant fraction of the applied pesticide. Multiple appli­ cations will be acceptable provided the kinetics of dissipation can be determined following the final application. Sampling -Treatment: Application monitors are required to confirm the treat­ ment rate. Soil - the number of soil cores will be determined by the size of the plot. For a typical large plot, fifteen to twenty soil cores should be taken at each time point.

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

28 Samples from each sub-plot may be composited to give one sample at each depth increment per sub-plot. For example, when there are three replicate sub-plots, five cores may be taken from each plot. Each set of cores may be pooled to give three samples at each depth increment per time point. Other sampling schemes that provide information on the sampling variability are also acceptable.

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Depth of sampling - Soil should be sampled to the depth necessary to determine 90% dissipation of the pesticide or a depth of 1 m whichever is less. Sampling times - Treated plots should be sampled prior to application, immedi­ ately after treatment and at intervals (daily, weekly, monthly) depending on the expected rate of dissipation. Control plots should be sampled prior to applica­ tion, at the end of the study, and at two time points during the study. Compositing -soil cores will be divided into increments and composited by depth increment. One composite for each depth segment is the minimum re­ quirement. Study duration -one year or until 90% of the parent pesticide has disappeared from the soil whichever is less. If the pesticide is known to degrade slowly and accumulation is a concern, the study may be continued into subsequent years as necessary to define the potential for accumulation. Analytical method -methods are required for the parent pesticide and degrada­ tion products of concern. Methods must be able to quantify 10% of the applied parent in the entire soil core. The selection of dégradâtes to monitor for should be based on the probability that the degradate will be detected, its potential for leaching, and potential toxicological or ecotoxicological effects.

Conclusions The purpose of a terrestrial field dissipation study is to determine the rate of dis­ sipation of a pesticide and the extent to which formation of degradation products occur. Only limited indications of leaching potential can be obtained. Soil dis­ sipation design is well-established and well-understood. Acceptable soil sam­ pling methods are readily available. National guidelines provide good basis for a field dissipation study guideline focussed on soil sampling. A basic study design can be derived from key ele­ ments of field dissipation studies as described in various national guidelines. The basic study is similar to the designs currently in use and can be expected to provide dissipation rates that are useful for environmental risk assessments. Separate guidelines or guidance are needed for leaching studies that can fill the gap between laboratory studies and prospective groundwater studies (US) or field leaching studies (EU).

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


Acknowledgments The authors undertook the preparation of this chapter on behalf of the Terrestrial Field Dissipation Work Group, and we are grateful for the contributions of all of the members: Aldos Barefoot, Murray Belyk, Val Clay, Denise Dewar, Martin Feyerabend, Tom Gilding, Hans Guth, Olaf Kellner, Michael Leggett, John Purdy, Judy Shaw and Kim Winton. We are particularly grateful to Ellen Arthur for editorial help.

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References 1. USEPA, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Fate and Effects D i ­ -vision; and Health Canada, Pest Management Regulatory Agency; Draft Proposal for a Test Guideline or Guidance Document, Terrestrial Field Dis­ -sipation Studies, September 15, 1998. 2. U.S. EPA (1982). Pesticide Assessment Guidelines. Subdivision N, Chem­ -istry: Environmental Fate. EPA-540/9-82-021. U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, Washington, DC. 3. Agriculture Canada, Environment Canada, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans (1987). Environmental Chemistry and Fate Guidelines for Registra­ -tion of Pesticides in Canada. T-1-255. Ottawa, Canada. 4. Fletcher, C., S.Hong,, C. Eiden, and M. Barrett. (1989). Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies, Standard Evaluation Procedure, Hazard Evaluation Di­ -vision, Office of Pesticide Programs, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 20460. 5. US EPA Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis, Environmental Fate, EPA 738-R-93-010, September 1993. 6. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Part 158 of Title 40, Protection of the Environment. 7. European Union Council Directive 91/414/EEC, amended by Commission Directive 95/36/EC, July 14, 1995, Annex 1, Fate and Behaviour in the Environment,, Field Studies. 8. SETAC-Europe, Procedures for Assessing the Environmental Fate and Ecotoxicity of Pesticides, Lynch,M.R.ed.,Brussels, Belgium, 1995. 9. Biologische Bundesanstalt, Federal Republic of Germany, Guidelines for the Official Testing of Plant Protection Products, Part IV, 4-1, Fate of Plant Protection Products in Soil- Degradation, Conversion and Metabolism 10. Dutch Environmental Criteria, Behavior of the Product and its Metabolites in Soil, Water and Air, Part G, Appendix G.1.3.a, March 1995. 11. European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture Working Document, Guidance Document on Persistence in Soil, 9188/VI/97 rev. 8, 12.07.2000. 12. Mastradone, P. J., J. Breithaupt, P. J. Hannan, J. Hetrick, A. W. Jones, R. D. Jones, R. J. Mahler, S. Syslo, and J. K. Wolf, Critical Assessment of Guide­ -linesfor Terrestrial Field Dissipation of Pesticides in Agrochemical Envi–

In Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies; Arthur, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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