Test Result - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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Severn! surfactant-generated e m u M f l ^ ^ M * l t Ë H H were examined by electron m i c r u e c o u ^ ^ M e l ^ B ^ l particle size and d i e t r i b u q l ^ ^ K i H i H


;CMTU£i * particle size (0.04-0.10 micron), and more homogeneous particle size dis tributions than polymers using othe surfactants Small particle size is a requirement for coatings with good gloss and pigment binding properties, and for the production of pressure-sensitive adhesives. GAF has a broad line of ALIPAL surfactants specially formulated fo emulsion polymerization. In addition ;°andNEKAL many IGEPAL? GAFAC* Polymers incorporating ALIPAL anionic surfactants show smalle

surfactants have found application in a variety of latices. GAF provides extensive technical service support to the emulsion polymerization industry, and has a continuing research commitment for the development of new surfactants Write today for details and samples, specifying the polymers or copolymers you're concerned with. GAF Corporation, Specialty Chemicals Department, 140 West 51 St,

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N e w York, N Y 1 0 0 2 0 . ©1983GAF Corporation

Surfactants We even invented the word) CIRCLE 77 ON READER SERVICE CARD