test your Polyol I.Q. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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that make the most of them . .

test y o u r PolyoB


How w e l l d o you k n o w your Polyols? H e r e a r e q u e s t i o n s a b o u t a f e w of t h e h u n d r e d s of P o l y o l s t h a t D o w m a k e s . S o m e of t h e m arc c o m m o n as c a n b e , s o m e n o t so c o m m o n , o t h e r s you m a y not h a v e h e a r d of. H o w m a i n c a n y o u n a m e ? TIME ALLOWED: 4 MINUTES. READY . . . GO!

1. What Polyol, first isolated more than 100 years ago from natural oils and fats, is now produced synthetically with extremely high purity? 2. What two well-known Pol yols are produced from propyl ene, caustic socla, and chlorine' 3. Thanks largely to new synthetic production, what Polyol that sold for 55c per lh. in 1951 is now selling for approximately half that price? 4. What commonly known Polyol had a hig year in 1957 in the United States . . . with production of some 1,050,000,000 lbs. synthetically? HOW TO SCORE: A score of 4 o u t of 8 p u t s you in t h e top half of t h e class, 6 makes you a r e a l promising Polyoler, and 8 out of 8 makes s o u a Professor of I'olyolntry. If you think you have e a r n e d it, write for this free "Certificate of C o m m e n d a t i o n " testifying to s o u r Polyol prowess. 12" x 15" suitable for framing. Include your full n a m e so t h e certificate can be personalized. W e h o p e this quiz whets your appetite t o know more a b o u t Polyols. Many brochures, technical papers a n d bulletins, including How's new folder, "World's Widest Line of Polyols", are available from your nearest Dow sales office. Or, w r i t e T H E DOW CIIKMICAL C O M P A N Y . M i d l a n d , Michigan, D e p a r t m e n t C D 95313.

5. What important raw material comprises ahout 70% of the nrethane flexible foams? J?*




6 . What promising new Polyol, a reaction product of glycerine and propylene oxide, is proving useful as a plasticizer, alkyd resin intermediate, and nrethane crosslinking agent? *




7. What outstanding advantage has caused the nrethane industry to welcome Dow resin grade polvglvcols enthusiastically? 8. W h y are polvglvcols rapidly gaining favor over polyesters for the production of nrethane polymers?

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