Testing Iron Whiskers - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - AN IMPROVED METHOD of determining the tensile strength of iron whiskers has been developed by Westinghouse. These whiskers are highly ...
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m u meson c a m e to rest it did not d e cay; rather, i t flung o u t another particle t h a t also looked like a m u , went a short distance, came to rest, a n d d e cayed. Some photographs showed a g a p between t h e t w o mu-like tracks, Alvarez told t h e American Physical Society meeting at Monterery, Calif. At first t h e group speculated a n e w particle, a "super-mu" w a s decaying into a n ordinary mu. After 15 of these events, the Alvarez group came u p with another explanation: W h e n t h e negative m u comes t o rest it becomes a t t a c h e d to a proton, forming a " m u mesic atom" sirnilar to, b u t m u c h smaller, than an ordinary atom. T h e m u meson is known to prefer to form a n atom w i t h a heavy particle at its center, so it selects t h e deuterons prese n t in the hydrogen. Any m u mesic atom will eventually attach itself to a n o t h e r atom to form a molecule. Alvarez explains the gaps in the tracks in this way: The original meson first forms a mesic atom with a proton. However, a mu meson will jump t o a deuteron if one is available. When this exchange occurs, the new deuteron mesic atom will drift away from the exchange point. T h e drift of t h e neutral mesic atom accounts for the g a p . At t h e e n d of t h e gap, the deuteron mesic atom combines with a proton and the nuclear reaction takes place. Since the m u meson speeds t h e reaction but i s not used u p , the term "catalyzed nuclear reaction" i s applied. T h e result of these processes r says Thermonuclear-like reaction points to possibilities for Alvarez, is that shordy after a mu comes to rest in hydrogen it finds itbetter kind of nuclear energy self holding a deuteron and a proton, which fuse to form helium-3. The mass of helium-3 i s less than that of a ported evidence for such a particle.) Jt4 ISSION c a n malce a ^ a i n reaction take place, as c a n fusion. T o these Also the reaction takes place at a n y proton a n d deuteron; t h e difference— temperature, while thermonuclear re- 5.4 million volts—is released as energy. two, scientists at University of CaliT o test its hypothesis, the U C group fornia Radiation Laboratory have actions take place only when nuclei a r e a d d e d concentrated deuterium to the added a rJhird: a "catalyzed nuclear propelled together b y great heat. • Getting Together. To make a natural deuterium in t h e bubble chamreaction," a. reaction that yields energy nuclear reaction take place, two nuclei ber, which increased t h e occurrence of and is a k i n to fusion (thermonuclear) an ejected mu or a gap at t h e e n d of must touch. T h e new reaction accomreactions. a mu. plishes this in a "mesic molecule." Luis W". Alvarez, leader of the 12The nuclei of atoms in a normal man team who took part i n the remolecule a r e pulled together weakly search, s a y s that at the present time by electrons. A much heavier particle, Testing Iron Whiskers the energy-produLcing reaction is only the negative m u meson, substituted a laboratory phenomenon because: for the electron will circle t h e nucleus New Westinghouse method • The cliain reaction cannot continue at a much shorter distance, thus bindfor determining tensile long enough to generate commercially ing the nuclei correspondingly closer. strength o f pure iron has acuseful amounts of power. Alvarez estimates that ordinary molecuracy of 0 . 1 % cules form a "box" the volume of which • The m u mesons which catalyze the is 10 million times larger than the reaction c a n be made only in highmesic molecule. JT\L?S IMPROVED M E T H O D of determining energy collisions of pairticles accelerObservations of the n e w reaction the tensile strength of iron whiskers ated by cyclotrons and cither expensive were m a d e in UC's bubble chamber; has been developed b y Westinghouse. machines . boiling liquid hydrogen forms bubbles These whiskers a r e highly purified iron However, Alvarez still believes the along t h e track of a charged particle crystals grown a s nearly perfect i n reaction lias possibilities if a much passing through it. T h e Berkeley structme as possible. Those produced longer lived particle (the mu meson de- group thought that all m u mesons that by Westinghouse are about 0.00004: cays after 0.000002 second) with propinch in diameter. The average whisker came to rest in hydrogen would just deerties similar to the Bin meson were cay, b u t soon it noticed that occasioncan be pulled a p a r t with a force of less found. ( A Russian physicist h a s re- ally when a particle that looked like a than 0.01 ounce.


Energy Via Catalyzed Nuclear Reactions

N e w Nuclear Reaction



JAN. I*,


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