Testing Milk and Its Products

It is commendably free from typographical errors and its general make-up is excellent. H. C. Sherman. Testing Milk and Its Products. By Farrington. :m...
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I'H.L). Sew I'ork: The Macmiilan Co. $1.50 net.




lip. sv .t 218.


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I hc work includes introductor?- exercise5 in gravimetric analysis, acidimetry and alkalimetry, perinanganate and dichromate titrations, iodimetry, stoichionietry, and a sectiori 011 agricultural analysis coyvr. ing the examination of milk, butter, cereals and feeding materials, itlrtilizers and soils. The book is well written and contains :I nuiiiber of good illustmtions. It will be welcomed by those beginners in agricultural analysis who have been obliged t o use the methods of the -4ssociation of Official Agricultural Chemists in bulletin form in lieu of a test-book. 'Che procedures Lire clearll- and explicitly described and the c*xplandtory notes are g e i : ~I ;ill\. good. The numerical data selected to illustrate norinal coniposition could in some cases be improved, but t h r 0111~.figures likely to be seriously misleading are those for starch in grain products on page IZI. The failure of the authors to make use of t h e conceptions of ionizatioii, mass action and solubility product in the discussion of inorganic reactions and the entire oniissioii of electrolytic methods are unfortunate in a textbook which is likely to represent the sole training in quantitative anal! sis of many of the students who use it. 'These, howel-er. arc oinissions which may be supplied by the teacher and which the authors will probably correct in a subsequent edition. The book will fill a real need in the cas? of the agricultural student for whom it is especially intended arid will be found useful arid sugges tive t o many others. It is coniInendabl!- frre froni typographical errors and its general make-up is excellent. I_


Milk and Its Products. B y L:.IRIU,YGTON

Jlenduta Book Co. 1908. pp.

Y L ) ~ .

.,nd ~ Y . X L L , Madisiin,


Price, $r.o,B

The authors have revised their useiul book. 'I'lic present constitutrs the eighteenth edition, the first edition haying been issued over ten Tears ago. Considerable r a t t e r has been added, which includes new met hods I,. L. v. s. t h a t have come into recent use. The Chemistry of Commerce. By KOBERTKENNEDVDUNCAN. Harper Brothers. Price, $I .50.

It is perhaps questionable whether '~Clieiuistryof Coriii~ii.rce* ' should be reviewed in a scientific journal like t h a t of the Cheniical SocietJ-, inasInuch a s the book can only be regarded as a report on certain spectacular topics, sortie of which barely lie within the broad doli ains of cheniistr!,. At the present time, anything which tends t o stiniulatc indubtriai :and applied cheiiiistr!- in tht. IJnited S;tatc.s. \vi11 lie l i a i l ~ . dTvir I: dclighr is i r i ~ J Yeycry chemist of the land. 'That a*Cheriiistr!. of Commerce tejltled t o dn t h k . i5 evident iroiii the author'>, pr L Y ~arid introduction. in this hig11l.v ~ C C ~ J mThetller lie has succct-dctl in stinlulating thc :i:as "