Texas Division of Monsanto - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 4, 2010 - Eng. News , 1942, 20 (6), p 371 ... FORMATION of the Texas Division of the Monsanto Chemical Co. has ... The division will have under it...
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servative Standards Committee of the National Door Manufacturers Associa­ tion, and has been responsible for t h e development of basic testing methods for water-repellent solutions and t h e establishment of toxic standards for wood.

Bernard Gary Silvers, B.S. 1941, Illinois Institute of Technology, has recently joined the Edwal Laboratories staff, Chicago, 111. Sol Smith has accepted a position as as­ sistant chemical engineer with the Chemical Warfare Service and is located at Huntsville Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala. He formerly was district engineer with the Railroad Commission, Wichita Falls, Tex.

Nicholas L. Kalman, formerly with Arthur D . Little, Inc., joined the staff of Ridbo Laboratories, Inc., 113 East Centre St., Nutley, N . J., as director of organic research.

C. G. Storm, for many years chief of t h e Explosives Section, Ordnance Depart­ ment, Washington, D . C , has been re­ leased b y t h e War Department t o be­ come technical assistant t o the vice president and general manager of N a ­ tional Fireworks, Inc., West Hanover, Mass. This company is now engaged in the manufacture of munitions on a large and imposing scale. I t was deemed that Dr. Storm was needed more for this particular job than in the work in the Ordnance Department in which he has been engaged for many years.

Paul Keller has been appointed to man­ age the sales of tool, stainless, and special steels for the Copperweld Steel Co., Warren, Ohio. Lieutenant Allen R. Kittle son, a personnel officer with the Supply Battalion, Sixth Armored Division, formerly at Fort Knox, Ky., has been at C a m p Chaffee, Ark., since March 15. Mark F. Litteken has been appointed a junior engineer at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Md., t o serve in the capacity of proof director. George L. Parkhurst has recently resigned as Chairman and Councilor of the

Columbia Receives G r a n t from



SOCIETY, because of his appointment t o the Office of Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense. H e is on leave of absence from his duties as senior attorney in t h e Patent and Develop­ ment Department, Standard Oil Co. (Indiana). Warren C. Johnson, Uni­ versity of Chicago, has assumed the chairmanship of the section. Bryant W. Pocock, formerly chemical re­ search engineer for t h e Michigan State Highway Department, has accepted the position of chief chemist for the NashKelvinator Corp., Propeller Division, Lansing, Mich. John A. Riddick and George £ . H i n e s of the Commercial Solvents Research D e ­ partment recently reported for active duty with t h e Army.





^^^ from Swift & Co., Chicago, a grant t o be used t o carry on fundamental studies on protein enrichment of t h e dietary as re­ lated t o phosphorus and riboflavin require-

ments. This work will be carried on by H. C. Sherman, A. W. Thomas, and M. L. Caldwell, all of the Department of Chemis­ try. Dr. Sherman is an authority in nutri­ tion and has done considerable work on vitamins and minerals in nutrition. T h e proposed studies will involve determina­ tion of the effect in the diet of additional amounts of protein, phosphorus, and ribo­ flavin, separately and together, on rates of growth, adult physique and vitality, and composition of body tissues.

Officers of Nutrition Foundation Chosen /^TEORGE

Texas Division of Κ X}\>RMATION of the Texas Division of t h e Monsanto Chemical Co. has been a n ­ nounced. The division will have under its jurisdiction a plant t o be operated for the Ordnance Department of t h e United States Army, and a plant t o be operated for t h e Rubber Reserve Co., a federal agency. Under war censorship, locations of t h e plants cannot b e given. Osborne Bezanson, Woburn, Mass.,




^~^ Commerce of N e w York City and former president of the Cotton Textile Institute, has been named president of the Nutrition Foundation, Inc., recently founded by a group of food industries t o develop and apply the science of nutrition for the improvement of the diet and health of t h e American people. Charles G. King, of the University of Pittsburgh, h a s been made scientific director in charge of re­ search. Karl T . Compton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy, is chairman of the board of directors. Ole Sal the has been appointed executive secretary. Mr. Sal the resigned his position as consultant of t h e Food and Drug A d ­ ministration to accept appointment with the foundation. Sixteen food companies have sub­ scribed $800,000 for the work of the new organization.


has been appointed general manager of the division with temporary headquarters in St. Louis. David L. Eynon, Jr., of Boston, has been named resident manager of t h e Ord­ nance plant, and Ralph W. Booker, formerly in charge of construction a t Trenton, Mich., has been appointed proj­ ect manager in charge of construction of the Rubber Reserve plant.

Daniel B. C. Rivkin has been made pro­ fessor of chemistry and pharmacy and appointed head of t h e School of Phar­ macy, Southwestern Institute of Tech­ nology, Weatherford, Okla. The school will occupy t h e second floor of the new administration building, which is t o be completed June 15. Ludwig Rosen stein, formerly of the Shell Chemical Co., is now associated with the General Chemical Co. John S. Rovey, formerly of Ingram & Bell, Ltd., Montreal, Canada, has become associated with Arthur S. LaPine & Co., Chicago, IllV O L U M E

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David L. Eynon, Osborne Bezanson, and Ralph W . Booker M A R C H

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