For gas-sample mixing, ion-molecular spectroscopy, any analysis requiring precise pressure measurement... TI has the answer! It's the Precision. Press...
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Measuring Vapor Pressure ?

ΤΙ has the answer. For gas-sample mixing, ion-molecular spectroscopy, any analysis requiring precise pressure measurement... TI has the answer! It's the Precision Pressure Gage with fused-quartz Bourdon tube, completely noncorrosive and bakeable to 1000 °F. TI's gage has primary-standard accu­ racy with sensitivity to 1 micron Hg. Standard resolution is 1 part in 100,000.

Repeatability is ± 1 part in 100,000. Combined with TI Precision Pressure Controllers, the gage can resolve and control pressures to meet your most demanding problem. It is a product of the Industrial Products Group of Texas Instru­ ments, P. O. Box 66027, Houston, Texas 77006.

TEXAS I N S T R U M E N T S INCORPORATED Circle No. 205 on Readers' Service Card

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