Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. By I. M. Kolthoff and E. B.

Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. By I. M. Kolthoff and E. B. Sandell. C. H. Shiflett. J. Phys. Chem. , 1944, 48 (2), pp 98–98. DOI: 10.1...
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c h a p t e r on “Stability of Solutions” has been oniitted n n d \vi11 appenr in 1-olume 11. The chnpters entitled “\-olunietric Methods of Organic Analysis” and “3Iethods f o r D e t e r mination of t h e Ecjuiv:dence P o i n t ” have heen coiisiderably revised. T h e number of referelires to the original liternture has been greatly increased. T h e general appearance of tlir hook lias lieen co1isider:ibly improved. Anyone interested i n the thenry of volumetric processes vi11 find tliis book very helpful and instructive. ITOBIRT



TedJOOk Of QlcCf??tilClfil’€f ! l O , ~ f l r l f C . ~ ~ ? l C l ~ l J S ~ 13y S. I. 11, l < O L T H O F F A S U E. E . S . \ S D I ; r , l . . 794 p p . Xew Torir: T h e &Iacniill:in Company. 1943. Price: S4.50. T h i s textbook now r.ppcars i n its first revision. T h e nriginal edition was published in 1036. Their own use of t h e t e s t and suggestions 2nd criticism froin others during these seven years have led tlie authors t o make :i n u n h e r of significnrit improvements. Quoting from t h e preface, “Fuller trentnient has been given organic reagents. spectrophotometry. errors, and other topics; a n d :I discussion of aniperotnetric titrations has heen introduced. T h e chapters on t h e forinntion and properties of precipitates, copreripitation phenoiiienn. rind t h e theory of c1ectronu:rlysis 11:ive l v e n revised.” T h e use of three sizes of type is retained. Quoting from t h e prc,fnce t o the first edition: “In order t o facilitate the IMFLof tlir present I)ook for iiistriictionnl purposes, t h e authors liave made use of three difl‘crcnt types of p r i n t . viz.: (1) tlie finest to indicnte ninteria! which is more or less infnrniativc i i i clinracter (reagents, :ipparntus. technique of operations. e t ? . ) . ( 2 ) the intermedi:ite type to indicate niaterial of :icivaiicc~icIi:ir;ictrr. nnd (3) t h e largest for i n a t e r i d t o he offeretl i n :in elementary course.” T h e work covere:l is prcsented under tlie following ninin subdivisions: ”Stoieliii,inetrS..” “Gravimetric ,Innlysis: Tlieorcticnl, Practical. Grnvimetric I)cteriiiiiiatioiis.” “Voluinetric Annlysis: Theoretical. Practic:il, Volumetric 1)eteriiiiii:itions.” ‘.Pli~sicochemic,zl AIetliods.” “Analyses of C‘oriiplcx 1I:iterinls (Rrass, Steel, Silicnte Rocks I . ” T h e tables of atomic ivciglits. grnviinetric fncrors, a n d four-place lognritlims, formerly in t h e appendix. :ire n n w ill. :i four-pnge foldcr fitting i n t o :I pocket in tlie iiiside I~oolicover. T h e ninny excellent features of the cnrlier edition, togetlirr with t h e improvements miti expansions indicn t ed above, ilia kc this :in outst nixling t e\: t I)ook. C. II. SHIFLETT.

J I e t a l l o y r a p h y o,f - i l t / r t i i t l i / r t i .4!logs, 1Jy LVCIOF. 1 I o s i 1 o t ~ 0 .351 p p . ; 452 fig. S e n T o r k : J o h n TViley a u d Sons, I n c . , 1943, Price : $4.50. T h i s book was written especially for plaint nirt:illnrgists ~ l i iiiake o arid use t h e ni:iny different aluminum allnys, rather tlinn :is n testhi)oli for s t a d e n t s ; hence tlie practical nspects of metallograpliy :ire stressed rind few details o n the fundumentals of metallurgy o r metallography linve heen included. Some topics h:iw been over-emphasized, Iy-hile others have been covered only 1)rieAy or have been left o u t . The su\)ject i n genernl lins been covered much more cnnip1eteIy f o r nictn!l\ii t s n-oricing Jvitli :\luriiiniiiii casting :illoys t h a n for those concerned with \yrouylrt proclurts. T h e contents of this 1,ook :%redivided i n t o fom. parts.. ns follon-s: I . Equilibrium Iliagranis. 11. Polishing ant1 Etching. 111. Coniiiwrci:il .\lloys. IT‘. Effect of F:ibricating on t h e PIierostructrire. In tlie first tn-o p a r t s , t h e respective subjects :ire covered rather completely. In t h e last two parts, however, inany topics of iniportnnce are touched upon only briefly or are not nwntioned nt :ill. T h e most vnluahle featrirr of this b o o k is t h e excellent a n d unusunlly complete collection of hinary and more coniples eqiiilihriuiii di:igrauis of various nluminurn alloy systenis, These make u p t h e one hundred nnci fifty pages of P:irt I. The diagrams are clearly drawn and fairly accurate :ind i n many instances have heen revised h y the author t o bring theni u p t o d a t e . T h i s coliection of diagrnms shonld prove t o be very useful for reference pur-