Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology

TEXTILE AND PAPER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY been obtained from the modification of cellulose (2β). Poly- glycolate is being used as surgical suture...
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5 Synthesis and Testing of Biodegradable Fiber-Forming

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005

Polymers S. J. HUANG, J. P. BELL, J. R. KNOX, H. ATWOOD, K. W. LEONG, K. NATARAJAN, J. PAVLISKO, M. ROBY, and N. SHOEMAKER Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biological Science Group, and Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268

Recent literature in the field of biodegradability of syn­ thetic polymers is mostly concerned with the problem of prevent­ ing or retarding attack on synthetic polymers and plastics by micro-organisms (1-9). Potts and coworkers reported in 1973 an extensive study on the biodegradability of synthetic polymers by micro-organisms (10). They reported that aliphatic polyesters and polyester based polyurethanes were the only classes of syn­ thetic high molecular weight polymers found to be biodegradable in a study embracing a large number of synthetic polymers such as polyesters, polyamides, polyoleffins, and polyurethanes. Unfor­ tunately the degradable aliphatic polyesters generally lack the desirable physical properties necessary for many applications. The microbial degradation of cellophane and amylose films has been studied by Carr and coworkers (11, 12). It has been reported by several workers that low molecular weight normal paraffins and low molecular weight polyethylene supported some microbial growth (10, 13-15). Efforts have been directed toward the synthesis of photodegradable polymers so that segments from photodegradation of the polymers might become bio­ degradable (16-18). Attempts have also been made to improve the biodegradability of polymer composites by mixing biodegradable biopolymers such as starch with nondegradable synthetic polymers such as polyethylene (19). Currently there are very few reported studies on truly bio­ degradable synthetic polymers that have the desirable physical properties necessary for the production of a wide range of biode­ gradable plastics, films, and fibers. Bailey and coworkers have reported that some copolymers ofα-aminoacidsand longer amino­ -acids were metabolized by soil micro-organism (20). It has been reported by Gilbert and coworkers that Borax, a polyacrylonitrile based resin, was utilized by micro-organism (21). Polyenamine was found to be degradable (22). Biodegradable polyurethane has


Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005



been obtained from the modification of cellulose (2β). Polyglycolate i s being used as surgical suture. It became apparent from the above mentioned l i t e r a t u r e that useful biodegradable polymers w i l l have to come from new synthe­ t i c approaches designed to incorporate biodegradable structural units into polymer chains having desirable physical properties. Biodegradable fiber forming polymers should find uses i n surgical inplants, sutures, controlled release drags, f e r t i l i z e r s , fungi­ cides, nematocides, mulch, etc.. Our efforts i n biodegradable polymers have been directed toward two areas. F i r s t l y , we are modifying biodegradable poly­ mers to improve their physical properties so that useful biode­ gradable plastics, films, and fibers can be produced. Secondly, we are designing, synthesizing, and testing new polymers that might be biodegradable and have the desirable physical propersties. Biodégradation Methods Most of the above mentioned biodégradation studies involve s o i l b u r i a l tests or culturing on agar-immersed samples. While our degradation testing includes these methods, we have developed procedures for exposing polymer materials to concentrated enzyme solutions i n order to accelerate the degradation reaction and to be able to establish the chemistry and kinetics of a single reaction i n the absence of side reactions originating i n the microorganism. Details of our biodégradation methods have been reported recently (24)· Results Cross-linked Gelatin. Gelatin, an animal by-product, i s available i n quantity and i s relatively low priced. It i s water soluble and consists of protein chains of Mn 30,000 - 50,000. Among the aminoacid components of gelatin are lysine and a r g i nine. The amino side groups of lysine and arginine residues provide suitable sites for modifications of gelatin. Our goal has been to produce a material which i s water insoluble yet pliable enough to be used as fibers, ribbons, or sheets. The material would at the same time be easily biodegradable since the main component i s protein. Water insoluble materials have been obtained by cross-linking of gelatin with various reagents (2$). We studied the cross-linking reactions of gelatin with diacid chlorides, dialdehydes, and diisocyanates and found that d i i s o cyanates are most suitable for our purpose. We have succeeded i n cross-linking gelatin using different conditions: i n t e r f a c i a l cross-linking, bulk cross-linking, and cross-linking of drawn fibers.

Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005




Biodegradable Fiber-Forming Polymers

Draw f i b e r s o f g e l a t i n were prepared by b l e n d i n g a p l a s t i c i z e r and water with g e l a t i n p r i o r t o e x t r u s i o n a t 60 C s i n c e melt e x t r u s i o n i s not s u i t a b l e due t o the thermal i n s t a b i l i t y o f g e l a ­ tin. The t e n s i l e p r o p e r t i e s o f the f i b e r s v a r y with the nature o f the p l a s t i c i z e r . G l y c e r i n e produced a r e l a t i v e l y weak but e l a s t i c f i b e r , whereas g l y c o l i n c r e a s e d the modulus but gave v e r y b r i t t l e t e n s i l e behavior. Diethylene g l y c o l i n c o r p o r a t e d the hugh modulus o f the ethylene g l y c o l with the h i g h e l o n g a t i o n o f the g l y c e r i n e i n t o much more acceptable t e n s i l e p r o p e r t i e s . The fibbers were c r o s s - l i n k e d by treatment with jfo s o l u t i o n o f 1,6-diisocyantohexane i n toluene a t 60 C f o r l / 2 n r . The c r o s s l i n k e d f i b e r s are i n s o l u b l e i n water and have much improved t e n ­ s i l e p r o p e r t i e s , Table 1. Table 1.

Tensile Properties of Gelatin F i b e r s

3 ,

Tensile, p s i Plasticizer

Before C r o s s - l i n k .

After Cross-link.^



3 200

Ethylene g l y c o l



Diethylene g l y c o l

7 000

13 600

Triethylene glycol






Polyethylene g l y c o l

Mn - 200




G e l a t i n : p l a s t i c i z e r : water = 2 % 1




C r o s s - l i n k e d with jfo 1,6-diisocyanatohexaiie i n toluene a t 60 C f o r 1/2 n r .

Removal o f the p l a s t i c i z e r and water p r i o r t o the c r o s s l i n k i n g by washing the f i b e r s with e t h a n o l f u r t h e r improved the p r o p e r t i e s o f the f i b e r s . F i b e r s prepared with d i e t h y l e n e g l y ­ c o l , elongated 75$f and washed with ethanol f o l l o w e d by c r o s s l i n k i n g have a t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h o f 29,5βΟ p s i . A l l the c r o s s - l i n k e d g e l a t i n f i b e r s were found t o be degra­ dable by p r o t e o l y t i c enzymes such as papain, s u b t i l 1 s i n , and t r y p s i n . Up t o 90$ degradation as compared with the degradation o f untreated g e l a t i n was observed. E l o n g a t i o n o f the f i b e r s be­ f o r e and a f t e r c r o s s - l i n k i n g showed no e f f e c t on the biodegrada­ bility.

Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005

New Polymers. 1.Polyamides. Our i n i t i a l testing showed that nylon—6 and nylon-6,6 r e s i s t enzyme hydrolysis. Since proteolytic enzymes are specific i n cleaving peptide linkages adjacent to either hy­ drophobic or hydrophilie substituents we decided to synthesize polyamides with substituents, anticipating that the introduction of the suitable substituent would make the polyamide more sus­ ceptible to enzyme cleavage. Benzylated polyamides, nylons-n,6Bz (η a 2,4|6,β), were pre­ pared by the i n t e r f a c i a l polymerization of ct-benzyladipoyl chlo­ ride with al4orleneoi.ajiiines. A l l but the nylon-2,6Bz are fiber forming. Unfortunately, the biodegradability of the nylons was found to be extremely low. However, a copolymer (nylon-6,10-conylon-6,6Bz) was found to be hydrolyzed by papain. —^NH(CH ) NHC0CH CH CH CHC0-^-2





CH Ph 2

Nyloiwi 6Bz f

sp. 145°C

η = 2

Mn 13,400

η =4



η .6



η =8



Nylon-6,3Bz, prepared from hexamethylenediamine and benzylmalonic acid, was found to be degradable by chymotrypsin — 20$ hydrolysis after 10 day exposure. However, we have not been able to prepare polymers of high enough molecular weight that i s fiber forming.

-Hffl(CH ) NHC0ÇHC0-92











CH Ph 2

ntp 140-145°C Mn 2,000

Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.







Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005

Fiber forming poly (2-hydroxy-l, 3-propylene sebacamide) and poly(l,2-propylene sebacamide) were found to be degraded readily by the fungi Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus. A fiber forming Ij/l copolymer prepared from 2-hydroxy-l, 3-propyleneoiamine and 1,2-propylenediamine and sebacyl chloride was degraded by both protease Κ and s u b t i l i s i n . The copolymer has a mp 200 - 210 and Mn 13,000·



0H poly (2-hydroxy-l, 3-propylene sebacamide) dec. 225°C








poly(l,2-propylene mp 223-22B°G

sebacamide) Mn 8,300

2· PoLyu^ea. Lysine methyl and ethyl esters were converted into polyureas by the reaction with 1,6-diisocyanatohexane. The polyureas are degradable by chymotrypsin and s u b t i l i s i n and sup­ ported the growth of Aspergillus niger.


2 6

COOR R == methyl and ethyl polyureas R = methyl

mp 106-108°C

Mn 5,900

R = ethyl

mp 125-129°C

Mn 17,900

Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005



The i n t r o d u c t i o n o f proper s u b s t i t u e n t does improve the b i o ­ d e g r a d a b i l i t y o f polyamides and p o l y u r e a s . However, the racemic s u b s t i t u t e d polymers tend t o have low c r y s t a l l i n i t y and s o f t e n ­ i n g peints. The use o f o p t i c a l l y pure monomers should g i v e s t e r o r e g u l a r polymers o f h i g h c r y s t a l l i n i t y and h i g h s o f t e n i n g p o i n t s . The b i o d e g r a d a b i l i t y o f the r i g h t o p t i c a l l y a c t i v e monomer w i l l a l s o g i v e polymer o f much h i g h e r b i o d e g r a d a b i l i t y than the r a c e ­ mic polymers. However, with the exception o f a*-ajiiinoacids o p t i ­ c a l l y pure monomers are g e n e r a l l y not a v a i l a b l e . Since our r e ­ s u l t s mentioned so f a r and t h a t o f B a i l e y i n d i c a t e d t h a t c o p o l y ­ mers are g e n e r a l l y more degradable than the corresponding homopolymers we decided t o prepared copolymers with v a r i o u s l i n k a g e s i n s t e a d o f v a r i o u s s u b s t i t u e n t s. 3· Poly(amide-este3>-urethane) . P o l y c a p r o l a c t o n e was r e ­ p o r t e d t o supported f u n g i growth (10 )· However, i t s poor physc a l p r o p e r t i e s (mp 60 C and low t e n s i l e ) l i m i t the use o f t h i s polymer. We have converted p o l y c a p r o l a c t o n e i n t o a new p o l y (amide-esteru-urethane) by r e a c t i n g i t with ethanolamine and r e p o l y m e r i z e i n g the r e s u l t i n g p o l y e s t e 3 > - a m i d e d i o l with 1 , 6 - d i isocyanatohexane. The r e s u l t e d copolymer has a n i t r o g e n content o f 1.0$, i n d i c a t i n g one o f each 19 caprolactone u n i t s was r e a c t e d t o the ethanolamine. Only a v e r y s l i g h t m e l t i n g peak was ob­ served a t 320-330 Κ by DSC, due t o r e s i d u e c r y s t a l l i n e segments o f polyester© The polymer was extruded i n t o a monofilament a t 95°C. The u l t i m a t e percentage e l o n g a t i o n o f the drawn f i b e r was 350$ , and the undrawn, 1,000$. The t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h o f the drawn f i b e r was around 17,000 p s i . The o r i g i n a l p o l y c a p r o l a c t o n e has t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h w e l l below 2,000 p s i .

p o l y (amide-ester^urethane )

The copolymer was found t o support the growth o f A s p e r g i l l u s f l a v u s and Pénicillium funiculosum. Ten-day exposure t o urease r e s u l t e d i n 25% degradation. Renin, an enzyme produced by the A s p e r g i l l u s s t r a i n s , a l s o degraded the copolymer but i t was not as e f f e c t i v e as urease.

Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.



Biodegradable Fiber-Forming Polymers


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 1, 1977 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1977-0049.ch005

4 · Poly(amide-urethane ). A poly(amde-urethane) was pre­ pared from ethanolamine, sebacyl chloride, and 1,6-diisocyanatohexane. The crystalline and fiber forming copolymer was found to be degradable by protease-K. It represent a very promising class of polymer since i t combines the desirable physical pro­ perties with biodegradability. - Ε " 0CH CH NHC0 (CH ) C0NHCH CH 00CNH(CH ) NHC0 4 2


2 e



2 6

Poly (amide-urethane )

Summary Modification of gelatin drawn fibers by cross-linking gave fibers of much improved properties. Substituted polyamides and polyureas were prepared and some of them are suitable for b i o ­ degradable fibers. Copolymers of various linkages are very pro­ mising biodegradable polymers. Acknowledgement The financial supports from U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, National Science Foundation, and The University of Connecticut Research Foundation are gratefully acknowledge. Literature Cited 1. 59,

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Arthur; Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1977.