The 2014 Organometallics Symposium - Organometallics (ACS

Oct 2, 2014 - Louise Berben, University of California, Davis ... Editors Dan Mindiola, Dennis Lichtenberger, Lanny Liebeskind, John Gladysz, Deryn Fog...
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Editor's Page

The 2014 Organometallics Symposium he year 2014 “Organometallics Symposium” was held on Tuesday August 12 and Wednesday August 13, at the San Francisco ACS meeting. This biennial event was inaugurated at the Philadelphia ACS meeting that took place in August of 20121 and will return to Philadelphia for the ACS meeting scheduled for August of 2016. In all venues, there has been generous financial support from the organic and inorganic divisions of the ACS. We warmly thank the divisions for this assistance.


Table 1. 2014 Organometallics Young Investigator Fellows Theo Agapie Suzanne Bart Louise Berben Liang Deng Jose Goicoechea Xile Hu Shih-Yuan Liu Liviu Mirica

California Institute of Technology Purdue University University of California, Davis Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry University of Oxford École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Boston College Washington University in St. Louis

Figure 3. Liang Deng (right) prior to his lecture with Associate Editor Manfred Bochmann (left).

Table 2. Organometallics Senior Investigator Fellows 2014 2014 2012 2012

John F. Hartwig Richard R. Schrock Amir Hoveyda Kyoko Nozoki

University of California, Berkeley Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston College University of Tokyo

Figure 4. Shih-Yuan Liu (right) prior to his lecture with Associate Editor Manfred Bochmann (left).

Figure 1. Xile Hu (right) prior to his lecture with Associate Editor Manfred Bochmann (left).

Figure 5. John Hartwig (right) after his lecture with Editor in Chief John Gladysz (left).

Figure 2. Liviu Mirica during his lecture. © 2014 American Chemical Society

Published: October 2, 2014 5049 | Organometallics 2014, 33, 5049−5051


Editor's Page

One objective of the Organometallics Symposium is to honor some of the younger authors who represent the future of the discipline and the journal. Accordingly, a panel selected an international group of eight outstanding chemists who had published their first papers as corresponding authors in Organometallics during the four years prior to the symposium (Table 1). These individuals are designated as “Organometallics Young Investigator Fellows”. Naturally, we wish we had mechanisms for recognizing even more early career investigators who have helped to support the journal with cutting-edge contributions. Another objective was to honor two established authors who are widely recognized leaders in organometallic chemistry, one more on the “organic side” and the other more on the “inorganic side”. These individuals are designated as “Organometallics Senior Investigator Fellows”. Many nominations were received in

Figure 9. Suzanne Bart (left) prior to her lecture with Associate Editor Deryn Fogg (right).

Figure 6. Xile Hu, Liviu Mirica, Shin-Yuan Liu, John Hartwig, and Liang Deng (left to right) at ease after their lectures. Figure 10. Theo Agapie (left) prior to his lecture with Associate Editor Deryn Fogg (right).

Figure 7. Louise Berben (left) prior to her lecture with Associate Editor Deryn Fogg (right). Figure 11. Richard Schrock (left) after his lecture with Editor in Chief John Gladysz (right).

Figure 8. Jose Goicoechea (right) prior to his lecture with Associate Editor Deryn Fogg (left).

Figure 12. Richard Schrock, Louise Berben, Suzanne Bart, Jose Goicoechea, and Theo Agapie (left to right) relax after their lectures. 5050 | Organometallics 2014, 33, 5049−5051


Editor's Page

Figure 13. Editors Dan Mindiola, Dennis Lichtenberger, Lanny Liebeskind, John Gladysz, Deryn Fogg, Manfred Bochmann, and François Gabbaı̈ share a moment between presentations.

Figure 14. An outtake from the symposium dinner on August 13 (also the Editor in Chief’s birthday). Around the table from left to right: Shih-Yuan Liu, Associate Editor Dan Mindiola, Rory Waterman, Theo Agapie, Liviu Mirica, and Liang Deng.

response to a call, and the year 2014 recipients are Professors Richard R. Schrock (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and John F. Hartwig (University of California, Berkeley). They follow Professors Amir Hoveyda (Boston College) and Kyoko Nozoki (University of Tokyo) as the year 2012 honorees (Table 2). The lectures were very well attended and prompted vigorous discussion. Photographs of all the Fellows, and the current editorial team, are given in Figures 1−14. We look forward to welcoming as many of our readers as possible to the year 2016 symposium and introducing the next generation of Organometallics Fellows. We hope that this program will encourage the continued submission of top-quality articles from younger scientists who will play important roles in shaping the journal in the decades to come.

John A. Gladysz Manfred Bochmann Deryn E. Fogg François P. Gabbaı ̈ Dennis L. Lichtenberger Lanny S. Liebeskind Daniel J. Mindiola AUTHOR INFORMATION


Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS.


(1) Gladysz, J. A.; Bochman, M.; Gabbaı̈, F. P.; Lichtenberger, D. L.; Liebeskind, L. S.; Marks, T. J. Organometallics 2012, 31, 7303−7305.

5051 | Organometallics 2014, 33, 5049−5051