Apparently, direct incision of cisplatin damage requires an additional conformational change after ... damaged DNA by removing an oligonucleotide cont...
Repair of CisplatinâDNA Adducts by the Mammalian Excision Nuclease. Deborah B. Zamble, David Mu, Joyce T. Reardon, Aziz Sancar, and Stephen J. Lippard.
R. Visse, A. J. van Gool, G. F. Moolenaar, M. de Ruijter, and P. van de Putte ... Jan-Maarten Teuben, Cornelia Bauer, Andrew H.-J. Wang, and Jan Reedijk.
Upon UVA irradiation psoralens covalently bind to DNA as monoadduct and interstrand cross-link. Psoralen photoadducts are processed via an excision repair ...
link. Psoralen photoadducts are processed Via an excision repair reaction that has been ... number of cross-links up to about 4 cross-links per plasmid and then ...
Jun 22, 2010 - Brandon W. Heimer , Brooke E. Tam , Alissa Minkovsky , Hadley D. Sikes .... Nanostructuring of hierarchical 3D cystine flowers for ...
Jun 22, 2010 - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Cana
Jun 22, 2010 - The anal. of panels of nucleic acid biomarkers offers valuable diagnostic and prognostic information for cancer management. A cost-effective, highly sensitive electronic chip would offer an ideal platform for clin. biomarker readout an
(39-42) Often, polyarginine peptides delivered genetic material into cells ... R9, and R11) (Table 1), and different calcium chloride concentrations (0, 50, 100, ...... Acute cytotoxicities were evaluated using cell viability assays with CHO DG44 cel
Putnam , D.; Zelikin , A. N.; Izumrudov , V. A.; Langer , R. PolyhistidineâPEG: DNA nanocomposites for gene delivery Biomaterials 2003, 24 (24) 4425â 4433.
Mar 27, 2013 - â Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and â¡Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas ...
Apparently, direct incision of cisplatin damage requires an additional conformational change after ... damaged DNA by removing an oligonucleotide containing.