The ACTUAL LOT ANALYSIS he sees on the label means a faster

Nov 6, 2010 - The ACTUAL LOT ANALYSIS he sees on the label means a faster, more precise determination ... Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Arc...
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The ACTUAL LOT ANALYSIS he sees on the label means a faster, more precise determinationm

Barium Chloride CRYSTAL - 2 0 - 3 0 M E S H ^g For Parr T u r b i d i m e t | t | | | % | r t | f ^ p j p


923 53

Assay ( B a C I , - 2 H , 0 ) Insoluble Matter pH of 5% Solution at 25°C O x i d i z i n g Substances (as NO») Substances not Precipitated by H,SO« Calcium a n d Strontium Salts (as SO») Heavy Metals (as Pb) _ _ Iron (Fe)




99.1 0.00 1 6. 6 0.003 0.02 0.09 0.000 1 0.0001

% % % % % % %

STORAGE: Keep in t i g h t l y closed containers.

J.T.BAKER CHEMICAL CO.. PH1LLIPSBURG. N.J. This is the label prepared for Lot 92353 of , x Ôâker A n a l y z e d ' Reagent Barium Chloride,, 20-30 Mesh, The l o w Insoluble Matter of 0.001% makes this reagent particularly valu- , / a b l e for determining sulfur gravimetrkally as barium sulfate, -','-' x poker Analyzed* Reagents offer you the high, ;est standards of purity and most informative i labeling in tfie/ndustry. Eveçy vBaker Analyzed'\, Reagent Is labeled with an Act util l o t Analysis that defines purity to the decimal not just maximum l i m i t s . . . more than 300 ar