The Air Preheater Corporation

with a Ljungstrom and modern high-temperature burners, the still operates ... advantages into account — up to 20% fuel saving. ..more economical fur...
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Photo courtesy Standard O i l Co., IN. J.)

stay on stream longer with the



Slag·—primary cause of reduced capacity—can be substantially reduced by the Ljungstrom Air Preheater.. .to keep you on stream at top capacity months longer. That's because preheated air mixes more thoroughly with fuel. The result is better combustion ... and less slag-forming material present in the furnace. Oil tubes stay cleaner . . . stills stay on stream at top capacity for months longer. As an example, one pipe still in an eastern refinery dropped from 16,000 barrels a day to 12,000 because of slag. Now, with a Ljungstrom and modern high-temperature burners, the still operates continuously at 18,000/20,000 barrels.

economical furnace design, with no need for convection surfaces., .burns many fuels you used to throw away...consistently higher through-put... higher product quality — you can see why a Ljungstrom is paid out in just a few months. For more complete details on what the Ljungstrom Air Preheater can do for you . . . for an analysis of the heat recovery benefits attainable in fuel burning equipment — call or write The Air Preheater Corporation.

How fast is "WRITE OFF"? By cutting turnaround time alone, the Ljungstrom means major savings for you. When you take the other Ljungstrom advantages into account — up to 20% fuel saving. ..more

The Ljungstrom operates on the continuous regenerative counterflow principle. The heat transfer surfaces in the rotor act as heat accumulators. As the rotor revolves, the heat is transferred from the waste gases to the incoming cold air.

Wherever You Burn Fuel, You Need Ljungstrom

T h e A i r P r e h e a t e r C o r p o r a t i o n 60 East 42nd street, New York 17, N. Y. For further information, circle number 36 A on Readers' Service Card, page 123 A