The algebra of simultaneous equilibria - Journal of Chemical

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MAJOR part of the theoretical background for qualitative analysis consists of Equilibrium constant the six fundamental types of equilibria Equilibrium constant Revmsible oroeess eznression which occur in aqueous solutions of elecIH8Ot1 [A-I K. Acidity constant (typified): trolytes. Three of these types of equilibria K. = HA + HzO a H 3 0 t + A[HA1 involve acid-base reactions; two soluhiliKs Basicity constant (typified): Ka = [HA1[OH-I ties; and one, oxidation reduction. These H,O+A-*HA+OH[A-1 reversible processes and their equilibrium constant expressions are exemplified in Ki Instability constant; e. g., Kc [Agt1 [NHall Ag(NH&+ a Ag+ + 2XHs [Ag(NHdzt1 Table 1. Numerous problems arise in which two K, Solubility product; e. g., K., = [Sr++][SO,--] (solid)SrSO, S r t + + SO4-of these fundamental types. of equilibria or two different examples of the same Intrinsic solubility of s. weak electroK. lyte; e. g., K. = [H$Sl fundamental type are involved simultane(gm; 1 atm.)H,S s H,S (dissolved) ously. For example, the solubility of silver chloride in ammonia solutions depends upon both the solubility poduct of silver chloride and the instability constant of diamminesilver ion. In such cases. a t least Both Boyd's method and the conventional one suffer one dissolved species is common t o the two reversible processes involved (in the example given, silver ion is the from the drawback of operating on equilibrium constant common species). The two equilibria may, therefore, expressions. The present paper proposes a method be referred to as simultaneous equilibria. which employs the simpler process of operating on the The conventional method of solving such problems chemical equations themselves together with the sg/mbols has recently been criticized by Boyd' because it entails for the equilibrium constants (not their expressions). solving one of the equilibrium constant expressions to The possible value of this approach is illustrated below obtain the value for the concentration of the common in a systematic survey of cases of simultaneous equilibria snecies and then suhstitutinz this value in the second and bv some twical ". nroblems. equilibrium constant expression. The student, comSIMULTmOUS plains Boyd, "is expected t o see that two equilibria are RULES involved." I n addition Boyd objects to the unneces~h~ proposed method for dealing with simultaneous sary work of calculating the concentration of the com- equilibria involves a simple algebra ,"hich is described mon factor. (This may, of course, be avo~dedby soh- by the following rules. ing the first equilibrium constant expression algebwi(1) I f a chemical equation is written in reverse the e p i cally and then substituting into the second expression librium constant for this reaction i s the reciprocal of the before introducing numerical values.) Boyd has developed a procedure in which he writes e4uilibgum constant as u s m l l ~written. Thus if HA H,O e H,O+ + Athe overall equation and a corresponding overall equilibrium constant expression. I n order to evaluate this constant, however, he must multiply the expression has the constant, K,, then H3OC A- F? HA + H,O algebraically by the ratio, common species/common species, orsome power of it. This species is not selected has the constant, 1/K.. for the reason that it is recognized to be the common (2) If the coeficients in a chemical equation are multispecies in two equilibria but simply because it is "ohvious" that the introduction of this species mill allow a plied by a n integer, n, the equilibrium constant for this procknown equilibrium constant expression to be separated ess i s the nth power of the usual equilibrium constant. from the resulting algebraic expression, leaving a resid- Thus, referring to the example given in Rule 1, ual expression, which is then recognized as some other 2HA + 2H,O 2HaOf + 2Aequilibrium constant expression (or a power or reciprohas the constant, Ke2. cal thereof).






(3) If the chemical equations for two simultaneous re-

'BOYD, R. N., J. CHEM.EDUC.,29, 198 (1952). 238



actions are added, the equilibrium constant for the resultant reaction is the product of the equilibrium constants for the separate reactions. The equations should be written in such a way that the common species appears on opposite sides in the two equations and with the same coefficient (Rules 1 and 2 are applied). The overall equilibrium constant expression may be obtained from the overall equation in the usual way. The simple operation outlined in Rule 3 is the equivalent of solving one of the two equilibrium constant expressions alge braically for the common species and then substituting the result in the second equilibrium constant expression, as may be done in the conventional method. In such systems, three equilibrium constants are satisfied, the two simple ones and the overall constant. Recognition of the principles of simultaneous equilibria allows a systematic survey of cases. These may involve not only two different fundamental types of equilibria but also two examples of the same fundamental type. More than two simultaneous equilibria may be added in one operation by a simple extension of Rule 3. The mathematically possible cases of simultaneous equilibria involving the six fundamental types taken two a t a time are given in Table 2. One of these (K,K,) is not chemically possible.

Process HzD H1O F? HaO+ HaO+ D-- F? H,O HzD D-- e 2 H D -

++ +

Constant KG, 1/Ke, K.dK.,

++ HDHD-

that is,

Hence, in a solution of NaHD in which [HzD]= [D--1

The ratio, [HD-]/[H2D], is a measure of theextent to which HD- is converted to a mixture of H2D and D--. These relationships are useful in calculating the pH's of solutions of "acid salts" such as NaHC03and NaHS03 as well as the isoelectric points of ampholytes of zero net charge such as glycine, +NH3CH2COO-. They may also be employed to obtain the proportion of diprotic acid and base in eauilihrium with the "acid salt" or ampholyte. Problem 1. Calculate the pH of a solution of sodium bicarbonate and the ratio of carbonate ion to bicarbonate ion. Solution: pH =



+ pK,,)



+ 10.33) = 8.35

The ratio,


Similar relationships are obtained for the reaction of an acid, HA, with a base, B, for which the simultaneous equilibria are shown below. Diprotic acids of the type, H2D, undergo K.-K.. successive protolyses. These constitute simultaneous equilibria. Thus, H2D HDAdding, FLD




Process HtO F? HIO+ HDH20 H,O+ D-2H.O e 2H80+ D--

++ +

++ +

Constant K*, K., K,K,,

that is,

If [HA] = [B], then [BH+] = [A-] and

The pH a t equilibrium when equivalents of HA and B are reacted may be obtained by reversing the second equation of the two given just above. Conslanl


The overall protolysis, therefore, has a constant which is equal to the product of the first and second protolysis constants. Furthermore, if [HzD] = [D--1 (which is true in an aqueous solution of NaHD), then lHaO+12 = Ka,Kn,

and [H,O+] =


or pH- =



+ pK.J

By reversing the second equation another important relationship is obtained.

If [HA] = [B] and [BH+] = [A-1, then lHzO+ll = K&,

and or pH =



( P K ~ , pK.4

that is, the pH at equilibrium in reactions between equivalent quantities of HA and B is equal to one-half the sum of the two pK.'s (i. e., those of HA and BH+).



Problem 2. One equivalent of ammonia is mixed with one equivalent of hydrocyanic acid in dilute solution. Calculate the pH of thesolution and the ratio of ammonium ion to hydrocyanic acid. Solution: pH = I/, (pK., + pKaJ = (9.4 + 9.25) = 9.33 The ratio, [NII,+]/[NCN]= . \ / 1 0 ~ ~ ~ ' = / 110(approx.) ~~~~~ KKKb. The equilibria invoved in the acidity and basicky constants of an acid, HA, and of its conjugate base, A-, are simultaneous equilibria. . . ..... ........ K. HA + H,O e H,Ot + AA+HrOeHA+OHKb H?O

+ H?O z? HIO+ + OH-


Constant K. I