The Alkali Inspector's Report for 1912 - Industrial & Engineering

May 1, 2002 - The Alkali Inspector's Report for 1912. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1913, 5 (9), pp 779–780. DOI: 10.1021/ie50057a034. Publication Date: Septemb...
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T H E J 0 i ~ I i S : l L O F l . Y I ~ l ~ ~ . S ? l i l A.A.YD I~ E.\-G;I.YIloch improvement inside these works as well as to their irnmrdiatc with iiicrensed ]productive capacity in .othrr works already in neighborhood has been effected as the result of inspection, and operation The various iorms o i mechanical burner came into what was formerly an objecticnahle ercapc of n noxious gas bas nwie ertcuded operation during I ~ I Z . The use 01 fans alsoso rfficient in maintaining constant working conditio%- bccame b e e n entirely rcmovrd. This desirable result IIBS l m n attained partly hy the provision oi means for preventing access to thc more widely adopted. T h w e is B general tendency to appreair o i any hydrogen sulfide evolved, and partly hy reducing the ciate thc advantages of increased Gay-1,ussac tower space, and amount o i noxious gnscs requiring to he dcalt with through in,in many works this has hwn increased. The "Opl" system continued in constant use, and