The American Chemical Society—officers of local sections and

Nov 6, 2010 - Each of the 164 ACS local sections has an assigned territory, and each member residing within such an area belongs to that section unles...
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munication among all units of the Society.


Local Section Officers

The American Chemical Societyofficers of local sections and divisions and chapters of student affiliates Although the ACS is international in scope with members in nearly every country in the world, its principal efforts are directed to the service of chemists and chemical engineers in the United States. As one important means to this end it has established local sections. Each of the 164 ACS local sections has an assigned territory, and each member residing within such an area belongs to that section unless other arrangements are requested. The section or-

ganization now is so comprehensive that nearly 97% of all members in the United States are in section territory. A second means of service is the establishment of divisions. Divisions represent special interest areas within the broad fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. They have no geographical boundaries and any member may enroll in any division which interests him. The following directory listing is provided to assist and encourage com-

iReprints of this list are available on request to the Office of the Executive

Local sections serve members by providing programs of activities beneficial to chemistry and the chemical profession which are readily available in nearly every area of the country. They implement parts of national programs and serve as a means of effecting liaison between members and governing bodies of the Society (C&EN, Feb. 18, page 104). Exchanges of ideas among sections may lead to solutions to common problems and improved programs and services. Contact may be made through the appropriate local section secretary. Akron Chairman, Dr. Kenneth W. Scott Chairman-Elect, Harold Tucker Secretary, Dr. John W. Sellers, 779 Marmont Dr., Akron 13, Ohio Treasurer, Dr. Richard M. Wise



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164 Local Sections 66



2 5, 1 9 6 3

23 Divisions

Lëvulinic açîd (£ derivativesare importante rubbé^nylorv plastic àM The problem arose recently of determining the structure of Jdièhïpi^ïèVuiîhÎa knowritp have thé ëW a moleçularwéight çif 185; and one of the three

A. CH2CIC-CHCI-CH2-C-OH '·.•·..ο · .ο • : H : ii . : Β. CH 3 C-CCI 2 -CH 2 -C-OH ,0 :


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0 •

I l


CHCI 2 -C-CH 2 -CH 2 -C-OH

This problem is well suited to attack by proton NMR because each of the three possible iso­ meric structures differs in the arrangement of its protons and each will therefore give a characteristic and predictable NMR spectrum. The Varian A-60 NMR Spectrometer offers the most efficient means of obtaining the desired spectrum since it allows a pre-calibrated, highresolution spectrum to be obtained in a matter


nf ahnnt fi\/P miniitPQ

The Varian A-60 spectrum shown at the rigW demonstrates clearly that (A) is the correct struc ture for dichlorolevulinic acid. The observed signals are compatible with structure (A) be­ cause the a-Cri 2 signal which appears at δ = 3.1 ppm is split by a single adjacent proton which must be the β-Gti proton. The a-CH 2 signal is further complicated by the fact thai the two a-CH 2 protons are slightly non-equiva­ lent due to hindered rotation about the aC-/3C bond.The β-CH proton produces the triplet sig­ nal at δ = 4 . 9 ppm due to its coupling to the a-CH 2 protons. Finally, the tall peak at δ = 4 . 5 ppm is from the terminal -CH 2 CI group. Struc­ tures (B) and (C) are ruled out unequivocally since (B) contains a methyl ketone group which characteristically gives a sharp resonance a1 about δ=2, while (C) has a proton on a C-atom bound to two chlorine atoms and a carboxyl group which would be expected to give a signal at about δ=6. (t)We wish to thank Mr. Wilbur Shilling of Crown-Zellerbach, Camas, Washington for permission to discuss these results, (2)See Varian NMR Spectra Catalog, Nos. 6, 8, 59.

In addition to determining molecular struc­ tures, the Varian A-60 offers a rapid, non­ destructive means of identifying compounds, functional groups, isotopic substitution sites, and components of mixtures. It is extremely useful in the study of hydrogen bounding/chem­ ical kinetics, tautomeric equilibria, and the determination of total hydrogen content. Because it provides reproducible spectra on pre-calibrated charts, the easy-to-operate A-60 has made the valuable analytical capabilities of NMR practical for many routine applications in universities, government and industrial plants and laboratories. For additional information, please write the INSTRUMENT DIVISION.



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Alabama Chairman, Dr. William S. Wilcox Chairman-Elect, Dr. Leonard L. Ben­ nett, Jr. Secretary, Leven S. Hazlegrove, De­ partment of Chemistry, Howard Col­ lege, Birmingham 9, Ala. Treasurer, Dr. William C. Coburn, Jr. Ames Chairman, Dr. John D. Corbett Chairman-Elect, Dr. Orville L. Chap­ man Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Robert E. McCarley, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa Ark-La-Tex Chairman, Glenn L. Shepherd Chairman-Elect, Robert E. Pitts Secretary-Treasurer, William B. Wright, 402 Oneonta St., Shreveport, La. Auburn Chairman, Dr. Donald L. Vives Chairman-Elect, Dr. Paul Melius Secretary, Dr. Edwin O. Price, Box 764, Auburn, Ala. Treasurer, Dr. Glenn A. Schrader Baton Rouge Chairman, Dr. James G. Traynham Chairman-Elect, Dr. Hulen B. Williams Secretary, Dr. Paul E. Koenig, 2006 Cherrydale Ave., Baton Rouge, La. Treasurer, Dr. Eugene C. Ashby Binghamton Chairman, Dr. Donald E. Trucker Chairman-Elect, Wallace L. Bostwick Secretary, Dr. Emil B. Rauch, Ansco Chemical Research, Binghamton, N.Y. Treasurer, Dr. Bruce McDuffie Boulder Dam Chairman, Linden E. Snyder Chairman-Elect, Clarence L. Boyd Secretary-Treasurer, Ralph E. Behrens, Apartment 10, 2200 Tarn Dr., Las Vegas, Nev. Brazosport Chairman, Dr. Sherman Kottle Chairman-Elect,]. M. Leathers Secretary, Dr. George E. Ham, P.O. Box 373, Lake Jackson, Tex. Treasurer, Edward H. Holt California Chairman, Dr. Fred Stitt Chairman-Elect, Dr. Fred H. Stross Secretary, Walter B. Petersen, 838 Bridge Rd., San Leandro, Calif. Treasurer, Andrew A. Spiros Carolina-Piedmont Chairman, John F. Luther Chairman-Elect, Dr. Thomas E. Lesslie Secretary, Dr. James M. Fredericksen, P.O. Box 111, Davidson, N.C. Treasurer, Preston E. Grandon Central Arizona Chairman, Alice L. Mathis Chairman-Elect, Gordon D. Perrine Secretary, Dr. C. O. Reiser, Engineer­ ing Div., Arizona State College, Tempe, Ariz. Treasurer, Preston J. Heinle Central Arkansas Chairman, Dr. Daniel M. Mathews Chairman-Elect, Dr. William D. Wil­ liams Secretary-Treasurer, Charles A. Mazander, Jr., Aluminum Co. of Amer­ ica, P.O. Box 300, Bauxite, Ark. Central Massachusetts Chairman, Dr. Robert E. Wagner Chairman-Elect, Walter G. Dahlstrom Secretary, Dr. Allen H. Keough, Re­ search & Development Dept., Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Treasurer, Richard B. Bishop Central New Mexico Chairman, Dr. Galen W. Ewing Chairman-Elect, Eldon L. Christensen

Secretary, Carolyn B. Allen, CM F 2 LASL, Box 1663, Los Alamos, N.M. Treasurer, Marvin C. Tinkle Central North Carolina Chairman, William W. Menz Chairman-Elect, Dr. Phillip J. Hamrick, Jr. Secretary, Eugene W. Jones, 2512 Tim­ ber Lane, Greensboro, N.C. Treasurer, Dr. James D. Fredrickson Central Ohio Valley Chairman, Dr. Roland O. Meyer Vice-Chairman, Kenneth P. Fuller Secretary, Thomas R. Leighty, Route 3, South Point, Ohio Treasurer, James E. Sharp Central Pennsylvania Chairman, Dr. Carl O. Clagett Vice-Chairman, Dr. James J. Fritz Secretary, Ralph O. Mumma, 1932 Norewood Lane, Park Forest Vil­ lage, State College, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. Albert S. Carney Central Texas Chairman, Dr. H. L. Lochte Chairman-Elect, Jefferson C. Davis, Jr. Secretary, Loys J. Nunez, Jr., 1503V:> West 32nd St., Austin 3, Tex. Treasurer, Dr. Ray M. Hurd Chattanooga Chairman, Dr. Benjamin H. Gross Chairman-Elect, Dr. Carl Cain, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer, John L. Rose, Jr., Tennessee Products & Chemical Corp., 4800 Central Ave., Chat­ tanooga, Tenn. Chicago Chairman, Dr. F. Leo Kauffman Chairman-Elect, Dr. Gifford W. Crosby Vice-Chairman, Dr. Charles K. Hunt Secretary, J. Frederick Wilkes, 86 East Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. Treasurer, Earl V. Cardinal Cincinnati Chairman, Francis M. Middleton First Vice-Chairman, Robert A. Harris Second Vice-Chairman, Dr. Joseph J. Klingenberg Secretary, Dr. Alfred Richardson, Jr., Organic Research Dept., The Wm. S. Merrell Co., Cincinnati 15, Ohio Treasurer, Dr. Ted J. Logan Cleveland Chairman, Dr. Ralph L. Dannley Chairman-Elect, Albert A. Arters Secretary, Francis Gaylor, 440 Warrensville Center Rd., Cleveland 28, Ohio Treasurer, Dr. I vie L. Smith Coastal Empire Chairman, Robert T. Lukat Chairman-Elect, Dr. Seldon P. Todd Secretary-Treasurer, Irma B. Vaughan, 1011 Drayton Arms, Savannah, Ga. Colorado Chairman, Dr. John L. Ellingboe Chairman-Elect, Dr. Walter R. Benson Secretary, Dr. Alice O. Robertson, 1526 Sunset Blvd., Boulder, Colo. Treasurer, Dr. Dale N. Robertson Columbus Chairman, Dr. Frank C. Croxton Chairman-Elect, Dr. Jack G. Calvert Secretary, Dr. Richard C. Himes, 134 N. West St., Westerville, Ohio Treasurer, Ferd R. Wetsel Connecticut Valley Chairman, Dr. John D. Cotman, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Kenneth W. Sherk Secretary, Harold R. Ringler, 166 Stod­ dard Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Treasurer, Harold D. Weymouth Cornell Chairman, Dr. Robert W. Holley Vice-Chairman, Dr. Robert A. Plane Secretary-Treasurer, Donald G. Far-

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2 5, 196 3

num, Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Corning Chairman, Dr. William A. Plummer Chairman-Elect, Dr. Charles W. W. Hoffman Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Bruce R. Karstetter, Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y. Dallas-Fort Worth Chairman, Dr. Morton F. Mason Chairman-Elect, Dr. Russel O. Bowman Secretary, Russell C. Walker, Anderson Clayton & Co., Foods Div., P.O. Box 613, Sherman, Tex. Treasurer, Dr. Charles S. Roher Dayton Chairman, J. Brennan Gisclard Chairman-Elect, Ralph V. Montello Secretary, Edward J. Morrisey, Jr., 2722 Smithville Rd'., Dayton 20, Ohio Treasurer, Dr. Joseph A. Pappalardo Delaware Chairman, Dr. John T. Maynard Chairman-Elect, Robert H. Varland Secretary, Dr. Rudolph A. Carboni, 1307 ' Radford Rd., Green Acres, Wilmington 3, Del. Treasurer, Dr. Frederick B. Hill, Jr. Detroit Chairman, Dr. Thomas H. Coffield Chairman-Elect, Wayne Donaldson Secretary, Thomas O. Morgan, 5312 Canterbury Lane, Warren, Mich. Treasurer, Dr. Leon Rand East Tennessee Chairman, Dr. Albert L. Myers Chairman-Elect, Dr. Eugene J. Barber Secretary, Paul G. Dake, 512 Kingwood, Route 4, Kingston, Tenn. Treasurer, Carlen G. Jones Eastern New York Chairman, Dr. Arthur E. Newkirk Chairman-Elect, Dr. Arthur O. Long Secretary, Dr. Egbert K. Bacon, Department of Chemistry, Union College, Schenectady 8, N.Y. Treasurer, Robert P. Anderson Eastern North Carolina Chairman, Dr. Tomlinson Fort, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Lawrence W. Kendrick, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. O. Carlisle Rogers, Jr., 905 Cameron Dr., Kinston, N.C. El Paso Chairman, Dr. Louis E. Kidwell, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Mack C. Harvey Secretary-Treasurer, Joseph W. Scruggs, 4201 Emory Way, El Paso, Tex. Erie Chairman, William M. De Crease Chairman-Elect, Dr. Laurance R. Webb Secretary, Earl Hill, 3225 Berkley Rd., Erie, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. Geza Gruenwald Florida Chairman, Dr. J. Allen Brent Chairman-Elect, Dr. Harry P. Schultz Secretary-Treasurer, Isidor M. Chamelin, 1923 Elk Ave., Sarasota, Fla. Georgia Chairman, Dr. William H. Waggoner Chairman-Elect, Dr. Henry M. Newmann Secretary, Dr. H. L. Edwards, 4726 East Conway Rd., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Treasurer, Dr. Julia T. Gary Hampton Roads Chairman, Dr. Jesse Lunin First Vice-Chairman, Hansel L. Hughes Second Vice-Chairman, Dr. Robert S. Hufstedler Secretary, Allen M. Murphy, 111 Hill

Rd., Cavalier Park, Virginia Beach, Va. Treasurer, Allen K. Clark Hawaiian Chairman, John W. Hylin Chairman-Elect, Dr. Robert W. Leeper Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Kerry Yasunobu, Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii, Honolulu 14, Hawaii Idaho Chairman, Artell G. Chapman Chairman-Elect, Earl R. Ebersole Secretary, Dr. Glenn L. Booman, 920 Maplewood Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho Treasurer, Dr. Loren L. Braun Illinois-Iowa Chairman, Dr. John T. Garbutt Chairman-Elect, Bernard J. Bornong Secretary, James A. Giovanazzi, Grain Processing Corp., Muscatine, Iowa Treasurer, Dr. M. A. Eliason Indiana Chairman, Dr. Harold A. Nash Chairman-Elect, Maurice E. Clark Secretary, LeRoy A. Springman, Eli Lilly 'Co., 640 South Alabama St., Indianapolis 6, Ind. Treasurer, A. S. Tavenor Indiana-Kentucky Border Chairman, Dr. John R. Corrigan Vice-Chairman, James C. Hickle Secretary, Dr. Stanley J. Dykstra, Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind. Treasurer, James A. Thompson Inland Empire Chairman, Henry J. Wittrock Chairman-Elect, Dr. Raphael B. Penland Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. George H. Stewart, Department of Chemistry, Gonzaga University, Spokane 2, Wash. Iowa Chairman, Dr. Rex Montgomery Chairman-Elect, Dr. Willis B. Person Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Edward B. Buchanan, Jr., State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Joliet Chairman, Dr. James J. Hazdra Chairman-Elect, Gerald G. Wilson Vice-Chairman, David C. Knoderer Secretary, Dr. Robert J. Westfall, 447 Fairview Ave., Bradley, 111. Treasurer, James R. Taylor Kalamazoo Chairman, Dr. Ross R. Herr Chairman-Elect, Dr. Robert H. Anderson Secretary, Dr. Arch B. Spradling, Jr., 2702 Taliesin Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Treasurer, Englebert L. Rowe Kanawha Valley Chairman, Dr. Victor A. Yarborough Vice-Chairman, Dr. Fred W. Stone Secretary, Phil H. Miller, 1245 Woodland Dr., Charleston, W.Va. Treasurer, Warren B. Imbriani Kansas City Chairman, Dr. Buell W. Beadle Chairman-Elect, Dr. Myron L. Wagner Secretary, Edwin T. Upton, Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co., P.O. Box 768, Kansas City 4 1 , Mo. Treasurer, Laurence W. Breed Kansas State University Chairman, Dr. Anthony M. Gawienowski Chairman-Elect, Dr. Herbert C. Moser Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Clifton E. Meloan, Department of Chemistry, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kan. Kentucky Lake Chairman, Dr. Peter Panzera Chairman-Elect, Andrew S. Wood Secretary-Treasurer, Maurice P. Chris-

E i s u s t m s L i i JbSrie£s FOR

Eastman Inhibitor THBP




,c—c ο

// HO—C \ Trihydroxy butyrophenone

% II C—C-C3 / C—ç OH


Cyanoethyl Sucrose

Form clear, viscous liquid Dielectric constant (100 cy @ 25°C.) 37,0 Volume resistivity (ohm cm @ 25°C.) 1 χ 1011

Form pale yellow solid Melting point 150-153°C. Solubility alcohol, oils FDA approval1 for use in food came through, and our food lab kept us in potato chips so long that we switched to pretzels. (Twenty consecutive batches while trying to break the stability of a cottonseed frying oil to which had been added 0.02% THBP antioxidant. The control oil chips went begging.) f e d e r a l Register, February 6,1963

At 0.1 kc and 25°C. cyanoethyl sucrose has a dis­ sipation factor of 1.5%. At the same frequency and 60°C. the dissipation factor is only 8%. Add to these factors high dielectric constant and vol­ ume resistivity, and its use in the electrical field is indicated. Eastman C h e m i c a l Products, Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee B45

Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee Β1Θ



I I C-C /I l\



Hydroquinone Dimethyl Ether (1,4-Dimethoxy Benzene)


I I 1,4-cycBohexanedicarboxylate

Form partially crystallized liquid Melting point cis isomer (60%) U°C trans isomer (U0%) 71°C. Purity 99% Among the reactions of this diester are ester interchange, ammonolysis, hydrolysis, saponifica­ tion, and ring substitution. An intermediate in the preparation of plasticizers, polyesters, polyamides and alkyds.


Form Melting point Boiling point Solubility

white solid 55°C. 213°C. most organic solvents; insoluble in water

Sweet-smelling hydroquinone dimethyl ether is used as a fixative in certain cosmetic products. The fact that it also absorbs ultraviolet light should extend its usefulness into the suntan lo­ tion field. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee B&Î

Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee B30 c






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2,2,4-Trimethylo-c-o 3 - h y d r o x y - 3 - p e n t e n o i c acid,/3-lactone

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Form liquid Specific gravity, 20/VC 0.W Boiling point, 730 mm 170°C. Thiol esters are obtained in the base- or acidcatalyzed reaction of this lactone with mercaptans. Reaction in the presence of a free radical catalyst produces intermediates which decarboxylate to give alkyl (l-isopropyl-2-methyl-propenyl) sulfides.

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2 5, 1 9 6 3


topher, Route 4, Johnson Blvd., Mur­ ray, Ky. Lake Superior Chairman, Dr. Howard M. Thomas Chairman-Elect, Dr. Nathan A. Cow­ ard Secretary-Treasurer, Allen M. Burns, 315 7th St., Cloquet, Minn. Lehigh Valley Chairman, Dr. Raymond R. Myers Chairman-Elect, Dr. Velmer B. Fish Secretary, Dr. Stuart S. Kulp, 2323 East St., Bethlehem, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. Fred A. Achey Lexington Chairman, Dr. Paul G. Sears Chairman-Elect, Dr. William D. Ehmann Vice-Chairman, Dr. James E. Douglass Secretary-Treasurer, Thomas A. Ken­ dall, College of Engineering, Uni­ versity of Kentucky, Lexington 29, Ky. Lima Chairman, James A. Bright Vice-Chairman, Dr. J. Richard Weaver Secretary-Treasurer, Wilbur H. Huber, Radio Corp. of America, Fostoria Rd., Findlay, Ohio Louisiana Chairman, Dr. Jack K. Carlton Chairman-Elect, Charles L. Jarreau Secretary, Dr. Leon Segal, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans 19, La. Treasurer, Robert E. Gallinghouse Louisville Chairman, Dr. Gerald W. Recktenwald Chairman-Elect, Dr. John M. Daly Vice-Chairman, William B. Mathes Secretary, Dr. Richard L. Maurer, 476 Alan Dr., New Albany, Ind. Treasurer, Dr. David K. Cunningham Maine Chairman, Dr. Walter A. Lawrance Chairman-Elect, Dr. Gordon L. Hiebert Secretary, Dr. Richard M. Briggs, 462 Turner St., Auburn, Me. Treasurer, Dr. Frederick H. Radke Maryland Chairman, Dr. Samuel L. Goldheim Vice-Chairman, Dr. Arthur J. Emery, Jr. Secretary, Dr. F. Marion Miller, Uni­ versity of Maryland, School of Phar­ macy, 636 W. Lombard St., Balti­ more 1, Md. Treasurer, Dr. William H. Stahl Memphis Chairman, Jesse W. Fox Chairman-Elect, Daniel R. Marks Secretary, Dr. James G. Beasley, De­ partment of Pharm. & Med. Chem., College of Pharmacy, University of Tennessee, Memphis 3, Tenn. Treasurer, Dr. Martin L. Minthorn, Jr. Michigan State University Chairman, Dr. James L. Dye Chairman-Elect, Dr. Richard H. Schwendeman Secretary, Dr. Jack B. Kinsinger, Kedzie Laboratory, Michigan State Uni­ versity, East Lansing, Mich. Treasurer, Dr. Willis A. Wood Mid-Hudson Chairman, Dr. Curt Beck Chairman-Elect, Dr. Joseph C. Komyathy Secretary, Dr. William A. Pliskin, 31 Greenvale Farms Rd., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Treasurer, Dr. Lung Yuan Midland Chairman, Dr. Ogden R. Pierce Chairman-Elect, Dr. Carleton W. Rob­ erts

Secretary, Robert M. Wheaton, 5102 Highridge Court, Midland, Mich. Treasurer, Dr. Richard A. Hickner Milwaukee Chairman, Dr. William K. Miller Chairman-Elect, Dr. Stephen E. Freeman Secretary, Dr. Allen G. Boyes, 13530 W. Tulane St., Brookfiel'd, Wis. Treasurer, Frederick J. Kohls Minnesota Chairman, Dr. Lester C. Krogh Chairman-Elect, Dr. Stephen Prager Secretary, Dr. William S. Friedlander, 2301 Hudson Rd., St. Paul 6, Minn. Treasurer, Dr. Richard W. Fulmer Mississippi Chairman, Dr. J. B. Price Chairman-Elect, Charles A. Payne Secretary, "Everard G. Baker, Jr., White Rd., Starkville, Miss. Treasurer, Ernest E. McCoy, Jr. Mobile Chairman, Dr. Philip G. McCracken Chairman-Elect, Dr. Elias Klein Secretary, Dr. John Beck, 455 Dexter Ave., Mobile 19, Ala. Treasurer, Richard P. Gideon, Jr. Mojave Desert Chairman, Dr. Donald S. Arnold Chairman-Elect, Dr. Raymond T. Merrow Secretary, Wallery M. Sergy, P.O. Box 985, t r o n a , Calif. Treasurer, Gerald C. Whitnack Monmouth County ( N.J. ) Chairman, Dr. John N. Mrgudich Chairman-Elect, Thomas J. Engelbach Secretary, Donald C. Fox, 407 Glenmere Ave., Neptune, N.J. Treasurer, Dr. George H. Hembree Montana Chairman, Dr. Leland M. Yates Vice-Chairman, Dr. Edgar M. Layton,

Jr. Secretary, Dr. Birger L. Johnson, Department of Chemistry, Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont. Treasurer, Dr. Forrest D. Thomas, II Nashville Chairman, Dr. Howard G. Ashburn Chairman-Elect, Dr. Exum D . Watts Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Robert V. Dilts, Box 1590, Vanderbilt University, Nashville 5, Tenn. Nebraska Chairman, Dr. Arnold A. Alberts Vice-Chairman, Dr. John J. Scholz Secretary, Dr. Desmond M. S. Wheeler, Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Treasurer, Dr. Robert C. Larson New Haven Chairman, Dr. Emmanuel G. Kontos Chairman-Elect, Dr. Orville J. Sweeting Secretary, Dr. John P. Faust, 47 Dessa Dr., Hamden 17, Conn. Treasurer, Dr. Basil G. Anex New York Chairman, Dr. Adolph J. Stern Chairman-Elect, Dr. Peter P. Regna Secretary, Dr. Arthur B. Kemper, Manhattan College, New York 7 1 , N.Y. Treasurer, John Kotrady North Alabama Chairman, Dr. Thomas A. Neely Chairman-Elect, Wilbur A. Riehl Secretary, Dr. Harry W. Hamme, 1810 Summer Lane, Decatur, Ala. Treasurer, William L. Matthews, Jr. North Carolina Chairman, Dr. William F . Little Chairman-Elect, Dr. Ralph C. Swann Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. J. Keith Lawson, Jr., Chemstrand Research Center, Inc., P.O. Box 731, Durham, N.C.

North Central Oklahoma Chairman, Dr. Pat W . K. Flanagan Chairman-Elect, Dr. Wayne R. S or enson Secretary, Gerald L. Nield, 1600 Holbrook, Ponca City, Okla. Treasurer, Donald F . Hagen North Jersey Chairman, Dr. Albert W . Meyer Chairman-Elect, Dr. John L. Lundberg Secretary, Dr. Dorothy C. Schroeder, $.R. Î, Bernardsville, N.J. Treasurer, Dr. Cecil L. Brown Northeast Oklahoma Chairman, C. Wayne Moberly Vice-Chairman, Harry T. Rail Secretary, Lawrence D. Jurrens, 1101 South Dewey, Bartlesville, Okla. Treasurer, Dr. Jack Cook Northeast Tennessee Chairman, Dr. Hugh W. Patton Chairman-Elect, Dr. Kermit B. Whetsel Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. V. A. Hoyle, Jr., 1919 Avalon St., Kingsport, Tenn. Northeast Wisconsin Chairman, Dr. George E. Lauterbach Chairman-Elect, Lawrence L. Motiff Secretary-Treasurer, Louis Freund, 214 Adams St., Neenah, Wis. Northeastern Chairman, Dr. Henry A. Hill Chairman-Elect, Dr. Lawrence J. Heidt Secretary, Francis J. Roderick, Simplex Wire & Cable Co., 79 Sidney St., Cambridge, Mass. Treasurer, Dr. David M. Howell Northeastern Indiana Chairman, Dr. Warren E. Hoffman Dr. Marvin A. PeterChairman-Elect, son Secretary, Edmund L. Sargent, 2422 Inwood Dr., Fort Wayne, Ind. Treasurer, Roland E. Kohl Northeastern Ohio Chairman, Frank W . Hengeveld Chairman-Elect, Clifford J. Burg Secretary, Joan M. Hutchinson, Apt. 209-À2, 6615 N. Center St., Mentor, Ohio Treasurer, Charles G. Parsons Northern New York Chairman, Dr. Gilbert E. Moos Vice-Chairman, Dr. Charles A. Howe Secretary, Dr. Josip Kratohvil, 7 Pleasant St., Potsdam, N.Y. Treasurer, Anthony J. Parlagreco Northern West Virginia Chairman, Dr. George A. Hall Chairman-Elect, Dr. Damon C. Shelton Secretary, Dr. Armine D . Paul, Department of Chemistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va. Treasurer, Leslie J. Kane Oklahoma Chairman, Dr. Marvin T. Edmison Chairman-Elect, Dr. Arley T. Bever,

Jr. Secretary, Dr. Harold E. Affsprung, Faculty Exchange, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Treasurer, Dr. Donald I. Hamm Omaha Chairman, Dr. Walter W . Linstromberg Vice-Chairman, Jerome A. Jacobson Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Violet M. Wilder, University of Nebraska, College of Medicine, 42nd & Dewey, Omaha 5, Neb. Orange County Chairman, Wendell G. Markham Chairman-Elect, Dr. Peter Coad Secretary, Dr. W . David English, 852 S. Oakwood St., Orange, Calif. Treasurer, Dorman O. Alford Oregon Chairman, Dale W . Richardson Chairman-Elect, Dr. Anton Postl

Can you use this Solvay alkali in your work?

Solvay® Sodium Nitrite is a unique anti-corrosive agent. Quantities of 1/10 of 1% or less have provided complete protection against corrosion. Chief source of nitrous acid used in organic synthesis such as diazotization reactions. Reacts with hemoglobin to form a heat-stable red dye. This and its bacteriostatic properties make it useful as a preservative and color fixative for meat and fish products. Good heat transfer medium because of its low melting point (271°C) and good conductivity. USP grade quality. More than 99 % NaNCte. Very low in chlorides and metallic impurities. Write for detailed technical data and information on quantities and packaging.

Allied (Jiemical SOLVAY PROCESS


40 Rector Street, New York 6, N.Y.


2 5, 1 9 6 3 C & E N



Typical Properties DINORMAL PROPYL



Melting Point, C



Boiling Point, C












Melting Point, C



Boiling Point, C
















With VARIABLE FEED capability assure safe, smooth, continuous transfer of liquids and gases. Newly designed throttle adjusts delivery rate from 4.7 liters per min. to a few drops per min. Pump never gets wet..,never touches fluid circulated through it. For quick, convenient change-over from one liquid to another, just change tubing! No cleaning problems, no danger of contamination. Handles acids, bases, toxic and sterile liquids and gases with equal facility. Peristaltic Pump with air motor offers all advantages of standard model—but adds new element of versatility. Explosion proof air motor can operate where no electrical facilities exist. Has needle valve for precise control. T33050 Peristaltic Pump complete with 115volt 60-cyc!e A.C. motor. Dimensions: 9" x 10V*" x 8" high Ea. $120 T33050-1 Peristaltic Pump complete with air motor and 4 ft. hose. Ea. $139 T33055 Silicone Tubing- Vi inch O.D. x V\& inch wall. Can withstand 1,000 hours of continuous pump operation. Per ft $1.05 G21690 Tygon Tubing-Vi inch O.D. x Vw inch wall. Per ft 40c Write for descriptive bulletin on either or both models.

QREINER SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION and Palo Laboratory Supplies Inc.

22 N. MOORE STREET, DEPT. 5 2 3 , NEW YORK 13, N. Y. 74



2 5, 1 9 6 3

Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. H. Darwin Reese, Department of Chemistry, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. Panhandle Plains Chairman, Charles L. Klingman Chairman-Elect, Franklin W . Baer Secretary, Dr. Muerner S. Harvey, Box 32, Wayland Baptist College, Plainview, Tex. Treasurer, Dr. Hector O. McDonald Penn-Ohio Border Chairman, Dr. Richard A. Hendry Chairman-Elect, Dr. Edward W . Naegele, Jr. Secretary, Dr. Clarence H. Vanselow, Department of Chemistry, Thiel College, Greenville, Pa. Treasurer, George Graf Penn-York Chairman, Dr. Cataldo Cialdella Chairman-Elect, George I. Beyer Secretary-Treasurer, James W . Hill, R.D. 2, West River Rd., Olean, N.Y. Pensacola Chairman, Dr. Frederic E. Detoro Vice-Chairman, Clifford J. Webster Secretary, Jerry G. Morrison, Jr., 311 Camden Rd., Pensacola, Fla. Treasurer, Dr. W . C. Doyle, Jr. Peoria Chairman, Dr. Frederic R. Senti Chairman-Elect, Dr. Thomas F . Cummings Secretary, Wilbur C. Schaefer, Northern Utilization Research & Development Div., 1815 N. University St., Peoria, 111. Treasurer, Dr. Ivan A. Wolff Permian Basin Chairman, James L. Hutson Chairman-Elect, Dr. Raymond B. Seymour Secretary, Billy J. Reynolds, 1220 East 15th St., Big Spring, Tex. Treasurer, Wallace Wilhelm Philadelphia Chairman, J. Hartley Bowen, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Adalbert Farkas Secretary, Dr. Paul N . Craig, Smith Kline & French Laboratories, 1500 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia 1, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. William P. Ratchford Pittsburgh Chairman, Dr. Harold P. Klug Chairman-Elect, Dr. Robert A. Friedel Secretary, Dr. Allen S. Russell, Alcoa Research Laboratories, New Kensington, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. Robert S. Bowman Portland Chairman, Storrs S. Waterman, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. William C. Wilson Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Herman R. Amberg, Central Research Division, Crown-Zellerbach Corp., Camas, Wash. Princeton Chairman, Dr. James R. White Chairman-Elect, Dr. J. P. English Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. T. Darrah Thomas, Frick Chemical Laboratory, Princeton, N.J. Puerto Rico Chairman, Dr. Frederick C. Strong Chairman-Elect, Dr. H. H. Szmant Secretary-Treasurer, Leonardo Igaravidez, P.O. Box 11, Rio Piedras, P.R. Puget Sound Chairman, George O. Orth, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Norman W . Gregory ^ Secretary, Dr. Diptiman Chakravarti, Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Fisheries Center, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Wash. Treasurer, E. Robert McKamey

Purdue Chairman, Dr. Joseph F. Foster Chairman-Elect, Dr. Adelbert M. Knevel Vice-Chairman, Dr. Dale W . Margerum Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Harry L. Pardue, Department of Chemistry, Pur­ due University, Lafayette, Ind. Quincy-Keokuk Chairman, Vernon R. Heaton Chairman-Elect, Raymond G. Behensmeyer Secretary-Treasurer, David E. Sims, 915 North 20th St., Quincy, 111. Red River Valley Chairman, Dr. C. A. Wardner Chairman-Elect, Dr. Muriel C. Vincent Secretary, Dr. Alyn W. Johnson, De­ partment of Chemistry, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D. Treasurer, Dr. Virgil I. Stenberg Rhode Island Chairman, Irving G. Loxley Vice-Chairman, Edwin H. Beach Secretary, John A. Zoltewicz, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, Brown Univer­ sity, Providence 12, R.I. Treasurer, Dr. William E. Ohnesorge Richland Chairman, M. K. Harmon Chairman-Elect, Dr. Wilbert E. Keder Secretary, Richard A. Schneider, 1622 Woodbury, Richland, Wash. Treasurer, M. C. Lambert Rochester Chairman, Dr. Shelby A. Miller Vice-Chairman, Dr. John R. Thirtle Secretary, Richard L. Bent, 37 Park View, Rochester 13, N.Y. Treasurer, Dr. Edward M. Crane Sacramento Chairman, Dr. Edward P. Painter Chairman-Elect, Stanley W. Harris Secretary, Dr. Vincent S. DeMarchi, 2113 Venus Dr., Sacramento 25, Calif. Treasurer, Dr. Howard K. Zimmerman,


St. Joseph Valley Chairman, Helen Free Chairman-Elect, Dr. Francis L. Benton Secretary, Dr. Edward K. Harvill, Ames Co., Inc., 819 McNaughton Ave., Elkhart, Ind. Treasurer, Dr. George H. Bain St. Louis Chairman, Dr. Kenneth H. Adams Chairman-Elect, Dr. Samuel M. Tuthill Secretary, Dr. Henry D. Barnstorff, Monsanto Chemical Co., 1700 South Second St., St. Louis 77, Mo. Treasurer, Frederick K. Boyd Salt Lake Chairman, Dr. Angus U. Blackham Chairman-Elect, Dr. Grant G. Smith Secretary-Treasurer, John W . Holmes, 65 West 1st South, Box 1320, Salt Lake City, Utah San Antonio Chairman, Dr. Dale A. Clark Chairman-Elect, John M. Bryant Secretary, Irwin A. Raben, 134 Longridge Dr., San Antonio 1, Tex. Treasurer, Clarke E. Schuetze San Diego Chairman, Dr. Robert J. Good Chairman-Elect, Dr. Teddy G. Traylor Secretary, Dr. John H. Woodson, San Diego State College, San Diego 15, Calif. Treasurer, Guy V. Ferry San Gorgohio Chaiitnan, Dr. Robert H. Maybury Chairman-Elect, Vacancy Secretary, Dr. Ernest A. Ikenberry, La Verne College, La Verne, Calif. Treasurer, Charles O. Van Camp

Santa Clara Valley Chairman, Dr. Eric Hutchinson Chairman-Elect, Dr. LeRoy A. Spitze Secretary, Shirley B. Radding, P.O. Box 395, Palo Alto, Calif. Treasurer, Howard M. Frantz Savannah River Chairman, Dr. Robert I. Martens Chairman-Elect, Dr. Edward L. Albenesius Secretary-Treasurer, Thomas W. Olcott, 807 Boardman Rd., Aiken, S.C. Sioux Valley Chairman, Dr. Robert R. Kintner Chairman-Elect, Donald J. Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer, Marvin De Young, Department of Chemistry, Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa South Arkansas Chairman, Dr. William K. Easley Chairman-Elect, Dr. George L. Heller Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. David S. Byrd, 2325 Sauvelle Dr., Monroe, La. South Carolina Chairman, Dr. Joseph B. Doughty Chairman-Elect, Dr. Oscar D. Bonner Secretary-Treasurer, Hood C. Hamp­ ton, Jr., Springfield, S.C. South Jersey Chairman, Dr. Charles G. J. Rudershausen Chairman-Elect, Dr. Lyle A. Hamilton Secretary, Dr. Martin E. Friedrich, Route 1, Lay tons Lake Dr., Penns Grove, N.J. Treasurer, John Herman South Texas Chairman, Thomas R. Rogers Chairman-Elect, Dr. Charles C. Hobbs,



Dr. Porter L. Pickard,

Secretary-Treasurer, Dorothy Stewart, PPG-Chemical Division, P.O. Box 4026, Corpus Christi, Tex. Southeast Kansas Chairman, Dr. Donald J. Doan Chairman-Elect, Wendell E. Ferguson Secretary-Treasurer, Edward W. Moore, 99 S. Jefferson, Frontenac, Kan. Southeastern Pennsylvania Chairman, Dr. Donald E. Nickol Vice-Chairman, Dr. Howard A. Neidig Secretary, Ted B. Windsor, P.O. Box 227, Camp Hill, Pa. Treasurer, Eugene D. Olsen Southeastern Texas Chairman, Dr. William F. Hamner, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Albert Zlatkis Secretary, Dr. James T. Richardson, 119 Tanglewood, Baytown, Tex. Treasurer, Brooke B. Smith Southern Arizona Chairman, Dr. James W. Berry Chairman-Elect, Dr. John T. Yoke, III Secretary, Frank M. Tindall, Duval Sulphur & Potash Co., P.O. Box 11277, Tucson, Ariz. Treasurer, Donald J. Turner Southern California Chairman, Dr. Ulric B. Bray Chairman-Elect, Dr. Arthur W . Adamson Secretary, Yoshie Kadota, 1228 South San Julian St., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Treasurer, Alvin E. May Southern Indiana Chairman, Dr. Walter L. Meyer Chairman-Elect, Dr. John A. Thoma Secretary, Joanna M. Dickey, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, Indiana Univer­ sity, Box C, Bloomington, Ind. Treasurer, Alfred S. Levinson Southern New Mexico Chairman, Jack Ε. Slay Chairman-Elect, Dr. John J. Monagle,


Can you use this Solvay alkali in your work?

Solvay® Snowflake® Crystals (sesquicarbonate of soda) offers you many of the properties of sodium carbon­ ate, but with a lower pH. At room temperature, a 1% solution has a pH of about 9.8. Dissolves completely and quickly in water. Free-flowing in its original state. Mixed with other crystalline or granular materials, it gives free-flowing characteristics to the entire mixture. Provides excel­ lent water-softening action and adds detergent power to bath prepara­ tions and household cleaners. Works as acid neutralizer and buffer. Den­ sity makes it ideal for adding bulk1 to compounds. Write for detailed technical data and information on quantities and packaging.

Allied (Jiemical SOLVAY PROCESS


40 Rector Street, New York 6, N.Y.


2 5, 1963



Secretary, Michael P. Scroggin, 810 Valverde, Carlsbad, N.M. Treasurer, Frank E. Lamb Southwest Louisiana Chairman, Dr. Victor Monsour Chairman-Elect, John S. Tinsley Secretary, Paul R. Dartez, 219 Quelqueshue, Maplewood, La. Treasurer, Dr. Ronald D. Crain Susquehanna Valley Chairman, Dr. George G. Hazen Chairman-Elect, Dr. Manning A. Smith Secretary, Frederick W . Kocher, Jr., 1110 Ave. F, Riverside, Pa. Treasurer, Edward F . Hoover Syracuse Chairman, Dr. John B. Davidson Chairman-Elect, Dr. David A. Johnson Secretary, Dr. Milton Sack, Research Department, Solvay Process Division, Allied Chemical & Dye, Syracuse, N.Y. Treasurer, Edward M. Greeley Texas A&M-Baylor Chairman, Dr. Charles E. Reeder Chairman-Elect, Dr. John M. Prescott Secretary-Treasurer, John B. Beckham, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M College, College Station, Tex. Texas-Louisiana Gulf Chairman, Richard H. Laird, Jr. Chairman-Elect, J. W. Romberg Secretary, C. F . Pillon, Jr., Route 2, Box 825, Orange, Tex. Treasurer, Charles E. Shipe Toledo Chairman, Daniel E. Cross Vice-Chairman, Dr. Albertine Krohn Secretary, Dr. Carl A. Johnson, 2528 Aldringham Rd., Toledo 6, Ohio Treasurer, Dr. Lancelot C. A. Thompson Trenton Chairman, John P. Duffy Chairman-Elect, Dr. Herbert Q. Smith Secretary, Eric A. Sheard, 19 Sedgewick Rd., Hamilton Square, Trenton 90, N.J. Treasurer, Dr. Sylvan E. Forman Tulsa Chairman, Robert W . Pro vine Chairman-Elect, Hugh T. Harrison Secretary, Dr. John T. Loft, Research Laboratory, DX-Sunray, Tulsa, Okla. Treasurer, Dr. Clare H. Kucera University of Arkansas Chairman, Dr. Lester C. Ho wick Chairman-Elect, Dr. James R. Couper Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. George D. Blyholder, Department of Chemistry, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. University of Illinois Chairman, Dr. Robert F . Nystrom V r ice-Chairman, Dr. Russell S. Drago Secretary, Dr. Richard S. Juvet, Jr., Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. Treasurer, Dr. Willis H. Flygare University of Kansas Chairman, Dr. Earl S. Huyser Chairman-Elect, Dr. Frank S. Rowland Secretary, Dr. Marlin Harmony, Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Treasurer, Dr. Edward L. Griffin University of Michigan Chairman, Dr. Wyman R. Vaughan Vice-Chairman, Dr. Clark G. Spike Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Daniel T. Longone, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Missouri Chairman, Dr. Owen J. Koeppe Vice-Chairman, Dr. William H. W e b b Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. David E. Troutner, Department of Chemistry, 76



2 5,


122 Schlundt Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Upper Ohio Valley Chairman, Dr. Wilfred B. Howsmon,


Chairman-Elect, Dr. Robert E. Moynihan Secretary, Dr. William J. Lane, 109 E. Thistle Dr., New Martinsville, W.Va. Treasurer, Dr. Robert K. Ingham Upper Peninsula Chairman, Dr. James D. Spain, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Emerson E. Garver Secretary, Floyd T. Doane, Department of Chemistry, Michigan College of Mining & Technology, Houghton, Mich. Treasurer, Alfred A. Reiter Virginia Chairman, Dr. Warren E ; Weaver Chairman-Elect, Dr. William A. Powell Vice-Chairman, Dr. Henry A. Hoffman,

Jr. Secretary, Dr. Russell J. Rowlett, Jr., Virginia Institute for Scientific Research, 6300 River Rd., Box 8315, Richmond 26, Va. Treasurer, Dr. Oscar R. Rodig Virginia Blue Ridge Chairman, Dr. Gene Wise Vice-Chairman, Ray C. Jackson Secretary, Fred W . Davis, 1329 Oak Lane, Lynchburg, Va. Treasurer, Dr. Edward F . Furtsch Wabash Valley Chairman, Dr. John A. Riddick Chairman-Elect, Lawrence R. Jones Secretary, Dr. E. Cooper Smith, Department of Science, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, Ind. Treasurer, Dr. Richard W. Neithamer Washington Chairman, Dr. Alfred E. Brown Chairman-Elect, Dr. Leo Schubert Secretary, Dr. Alphonse F. Forziati, 9812 Dameron Dr., Silver Spring, Md. Treasurer, Andrew F. Freeman Washington-Idaho Border Chairman, Dr. James H. Cooley Chairman-Elect, Dr. Robert J. Foster Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Peter K. Freeman, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho Western Carolinas Chairman, Dr. Roger T. Guthrie Chairman-Elect, Dr. William P. Cavin Secretary-Treasurer, Julia E. Morgan, American Enka Corp., Research Center, Enka, N.C. Western Connecticut Chairman, Dr. Alfred L. Peiker Chairman-Elect, Dr. Lloyd H. Shaffer Secretary, Dr. G. Sidney Sprague, 6 Stewart Lane, Wilton, Conn. Treasurer, Dr. John A. Barone Western Maryland Chairman, Dr. James S. Elmslie Chairman-Elect, Dr. Edward H. DeButts, Jr. Secretary, Linus M. Heming, 1824 Bedford St., Cumberland, Md. Treasurer, Michael D. Eckart Western Michigan Chairman, Dennis F . Roelofs Chairman-Elect, Dr. Irwin J. Brink Secretary, Harold A. Woltman, 302 Arthur Ave., Holland, Mich. Treasurer, Glenn L. Quist Western New York Chairman, Dr. Alvin F . Shepard First Vice-Chairman, Robert L. Terrill Second Vice-Chairman, Dr. Gordon M. Harris Secretary, Dr. James L. Hecht, 176

Oakgrove Dr., Williamsville, Buffalo 21, N.Y. Treasurer, Dr. Theodore H. Dexter Western Vermont Chairman, Dr. Edwin L. Pool Chairman-Elect, John O'Neill Secretary-Treasurer, Carl Lucarini, Department of Chemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. Wichita Chairman, Jack G. Steele Chairman-Elect, Dale L. Noel Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Siegfried E. Penner, 912 North Glendale, Wichita 8, Kan. Wichita Falls—Duncan Chairman, Ira D. Leffler Chairman-Elect, Robert E. Price Secretary-Treasurer, Keith A. Catto, Jr., 8 1 1 7 2 North 9th, Duncan, Okla. Wilson D a m Chairman, Cecil Rose Chairman-Elect, Dr. Nolan E. Richards Secretary, Robert B. Reed, 2232 Randolph St., Florence, Ala. Treasurer, Wendell D. Wilhide Wisconsin Chairman, Dr. Robert M. Bock Chairman-Elect, Vacancy Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Robert H. Gillespie, 15 Fuller Dr., Madison 4, Wis. Wooster (Ohio) Chairman, Dr. Kenneth K. Wyckoff Chairman-Elect, Dr. Burk A. Dehority Secretary, Dr. Donald A. Tarr, Department of Chemistry, College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio Treasurer, Dr. Theodore R. Williams Wyoming Chairman, Harold F. Eppson Chairman-Elect, Howard B. Jensen Secretary, Dr. Rebecca Raulins, Department of Chemistry, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. Treasurer, Dr. Donald L. Stinson

Division Officers A C S divisions p r o v i d e a m e d i u m by w h i c h m e m b e r s w i t h similar technical interests, regardless of geographical location, can b e associated for t h e exc h a n g e of information in specific fields. T h e s e groups organize symposia a n d p r o g r a m s for t h e national m e e t i n g s of t h e A C S a n d in m a n y instances arr a n g e special interim symposia a n d m e e t i n g s of n a t i o n a l a n d international interest a n d i m p o r t a n c e . Information on additional divisional activities a n d services m a y b e o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h corr e s p o n d e n c e w i t h t h e a p p r o p r i a t e division secretary. Agricultural & Food Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Herbert E. Robinson Chairman-Elect, Dr. Fred E. Deatherage, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. J. Wade Van Valkenburg, Jr., Agricultural Chemistry Research Center, The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Dues: $2.00 Analytical Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Lockhart B. Rogers Chairman-Elect, Dr. Howard V. Malmstadt

Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Donald H. Wilkins, General Eleotric Research Laboratory 149, Metals and Ceramics Building, Schenectady, N.Y. Dues: $2.00 Biological Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Felix Haurowitz Vice-Chairman, Dr. Earl R. Stadtman Secretary, Dr. Julius Schultz, Hahnemann Medical College, 235 North 15th St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. Arthur E . Heming Dues: $3.00 Carbohydrate Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Frederic R. Senti Chairman-Elect, Dr. Rex Montgomery Secretary, Dr. Wendell W . Binkley, New York Sugar Trade Laboratory, 37 Warren St., New York 7, N.Y. Treasurer, Max Goldfrank Dues: $2.00 Cellulose, Wood & Fiber Chemistry Chairman, Dr. T. E. Timell Chairman-Elect, Dr. Malcolm Chamberlain Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Donald F . Durso, 595 Kinsman Rd., Memphis 17, Tenn. Dues: $2.00 Chemical Education Chairman, Dr. Edward C. Fuller Chairman-Elect, Dr. Luke E. Steiner Secretary, Dr. Robert L. Livingston, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Treasurer, Dr. William G. Kessel Dues: $1.50 Chemical Literature Chairman, Dr. Dean F. Gamble Chairman-Elect, Dr. Carleton C. Conrad Secretary, Barbara M. Davis, Cabot Corp., Concord Rd., Billerica, Mass. Treasurer, Eugene Garfield Dues: $1.00 Chemical Marketing & Economics Chairman, David S. Alcorn Chairman-Elect, Franklin W. Wedge,

Jr. Secretary, Allen W . Smith, 5916 Sturgeon Creek Parkway, Midland, Mich. Treasurer, Stanley T. Pender Dues: $5.00 Colloid & Surface Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Frederick R. Eirich Chairman-Elect, Dr. Frank H. Healey,


Vice-Chairman, Dr. Stanley G. Mason Secretary-Treasurer, Samuel Kaufman, 919 Hyde Rd., Silver Spring, Md. Dues: $3.00 Fertilizer & Soil Chemistry Chairman, Dr. David R. Boylan, Jr. Vice-Chairman, William J. Tucker Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. William J. Hanna, Department of Soils, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. No Dues Fuel Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Robert S. Montgomery Chairman-Elect, Dr. Raymond Friedman Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Myron H. Wilt, Applied Reseach Laboratory, U.S. Steel Corp., Monroeville, Turtle Creek, Pa. Dues: $4.00 History of Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Aaron J. Ihde Vice-Chairman, Dr. Martin M. Levey Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Sidney M. Edelstein, 845 Edgewater Rd., New York 59, N.Y. Dues: $1.00 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Brage Golding Chairman-Elect, A. R. Rescorla

Secretary, A. A. Jonke, 264 Highview Ave., Elmhurst, 111. Treasurer, Dr. Leo Friend Dues: $2.00 Inorganic Chemistry Chairman, Dr. George H. Cady Chairman-Elect, Dr. W . Conard Fernelius Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. John H. Bachmann, 584 Sunset View Dr., Akron 20, Ohio Dues: $3.00 Medicinal Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Kenneth E. Hamlin, Jr. Vice-Chairman, Dr. Joseph H. Burckhalter Secretary, Dr. Cornelius K. Cain, McNeil Laboratories, Inc., Camp Hill Rd., Fort Washington, Pa. Treasurer, Dr. Robert H. Cox Dues: $2.00 Microbial Chemistry & Technology ( Probationary ) Chairman, Dr. Marvin J. Johnson Chairman-Elect, George E. Ward Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Henry J. Peppier, Red Star Yeast & Products Co., P.O. Box 737, Milwaukee 1, Wis. Dues: $2.00 Organic Chemistry Chairman, Dr. William G. Dauben Chairman-Elect, Dr. Delos F. DeTar Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Herbert O. House, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Boston 39, Mass. Dues: $2.00 Organic Coatings & Plastics Chemistry Chairman, William O. Bracken Chairman-Elect, George R. Somerville Vice-Chairman, Dr. Raymond R. Myers Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Robert F. Helmreich, 4500 Hampshire, Midland, Mich. Dues: $4.00 Petroleum Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Bernard M. Sturgis Chairman-Elect, Dr. A. H. Batchelder Secretary, Dr. Howard L. Yowell, Esso Research & Engineering Co., P.O. Box 111, Linden, N.J. Treasurer, Dr. Vladimir Haensel Dues: $4.50 Physical Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Bryce L. Crawford, Jr. Chairman-Elect, Dr. Paul C. Cross Secretary-Treasurer pro tern, Dr. James L. Dye, Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. Dues: $2.00 Polymer Chemistry Chairman, Dr. A. M. Bueche Vice-Chairman, Dr. Field H. Winslow Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. William J. Bailey, Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. Dues: $4.00 Rubber Chemistry Chairman, Gilbert H. Swart Vice-Chairman, Dr. James D. DTanni Secretary, Dr. Louis H. Howland, Naugatuck Chemical Division, U.S. Rubber Co., Naugatuck, Conn. Treasurer, Dale F. Behney Dues: $6.00 Water & Waste Chemistry Chairman, Dr. Henry C. Bramer Chairman-Elect, A. Curtis Reents Secretary, Louis F. Wirth, Jr., % Nalco Chemical Co.. 6216 W. 66th Place, Chicago 38, 111. Treasurer, A. Curtis Reents Dues: $4.00

Can you use this Solvay alkali in your work?

Solvay® Ammonium Bicarbonate can

be used in processing where mild alkalinity and high purity are desired, as a source of pure ammonia and carbon dioxide, and to add bulk (but not excessive weight) to various materials. It volatilizes quickly and completely at temperatures of 140°F and above, leaving no residue. Provides an exceptional blowing agent because it produces more than twice as much gas as sodium bicarbonate. Its low pH solutions have a high acid neutralizing value. Purity is remarkably high, allowing use in food products or as a reagent. Very low metal content. Write for detailed technical data and information on quantities and packaging.

Allied (Jiemical SOLVAY PROCESS


40 Rector Street, New York 6, N.Y.


2 5, 1963



Student Affiliate Chapters Abilene Christian College, Abilene, Tex. Adelphi College, Garden City, N.Y. A&T College of N. Carolina, Greensboro, N.C. * Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Alabama, University of, University, Ala. Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Conn. Albion College, Albion, Mich. Albright College, Reading, Pa. Alfred University, Alfred, N.Y. Alma College, Alma, Mich. Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. American International College, Springfield, Mass. American University, Washington, D.C. Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Arizona, University of, Tucson, Ariz. Arkansas State College, State College, Ark. Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Ark. Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. Augustana College, Sioux Falls, S.D. Augustana College, Rock Island, 111. Austin College, Sherman, Tex. Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio Baylor University, Waco, Tex. Berea College, Berea, Ky. Bethany College, Bethany, W.Va. Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan. Bi-School Chapter of Memphis, Tenn. Christian Brothers College Siena College Bi-School Chapter of Lincoln, Neb. University of Nebraska Nebraska Wesleyan University Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Boston University, Boston, Mass. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Bradford Durfee College of Technology, Fall River, Mass. Bradley University, Peoria, 111. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N.Y. Brown University, Providence, R.I. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. Buffalo, University of, Buffalo, N.Y. Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. Caldwell College, Caldwell, N.J. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. California, University of, Berkeley, Calif. California, University of, Los Angeles, Calif. California, University of, Riverside, Calif. Canisius College, Buffalo, N.Y. Capital University, Columbus, Ohio Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Carroll College, Waukesha, Wis. Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio Catholic Univ. of Puerto Rico, Ponce, P.R. Central Methodist College, Fayette, Mo. Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Mo. Central College, Pella, Iowa Central State College, Edmond, Okla. Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pa. Chico State College, Chico, Calif. Cincinnati, University of, Cincinnati, Ohio Citadel, The, Charleston, S.C. City University of New York, New York, N.Y. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Clarkson College, Potsdam, N.Y. Clemson College, Clemson, S.C. * A Part of Emory University Chapter


C&EN MARCH 2 5, 1963

Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa College Misericordia, Dallas, Pa. Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado State College, Greeley, Colo. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. Connecticut, University of, Storrs, Conn. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Dayton, University of, Dayton, Ohio Delaware State College, Dover, Del. Delaware, University of, Newark, Del. Denison University, Granville, Ohio Denver, University of, Denver, Colo. De Paul University, Chicago, 111. D e Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Detroit, University of, Detroit, Mich. Drew University, College of Liberal Arts, Madison, N J . Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pa. Drury College, Springfield, Mo. Dunbarton College of the Holy Cross, Washington, D.C. Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa. East Tennessee State College, Johnson City, Tenn. East Texas State College, Commerce, Tex. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, 111. Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston, Mass. Emmanuel College, Boston, Mass. Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. Evansville College, Evansville, Ind. Fairfield University, Fairfield, Conn. Fairleigh Dickinson University, FlorhamMadison Campus, Madison, N.J. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, N.J. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, N.J. Fenn College, Cleveland, Ohio Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. Florence State College, Florence, Ala. Florida Presbyterian College, St. Petersburg, Fla. Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Florida, University of, Gainesville, Fla. Fordham University, New York, N.Y. Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kan. Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Fresno State College, Fresno, Calif. Furman University, Greenville, S.C. Gannon College, Erie, Pa. Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. Georgia, University of, Athens, Ga. Georgian Court College, Lakewood, N.J. Greenville College, Greenville, 111. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Grove City College, Grove City, Pa. Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn. Hartwick College, Oneonta, N.Y. Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, Calif. Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio Hofstra College, Hempstead, N.Y. Holy Cross, College of the, Worcester, Mass. Hope College, Holland, Mich. Houston, University of, Houston, Tex. Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Hunter College of New York, New York, N.Y. Idaho State College, Pocatello, Idaho Idaho, University of, Moscow, Idaho Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 111. Illinois, University of, Urbana, 111. Immaculata College, Immaculata, Pa. Immaculate Heart College, Los Angeles, Calif.

Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Tex. Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, Ind. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Iona College, New Rochelle, N.Y. Iowa State University of Science and Tech., Ames, Iowa Iowa Wesleyan College, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa. Kansas State College, Emporia, Kan. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan. Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kan. Kansas, University of, Lawrence, Kan. Kansas City, University of, Kansas City, Mo. Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Kentucky, University of, Lexington, Ky. King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111. Lakeland College, Sheboygan, Wis. Lamar State College, Beaumont, Tex. LaSalle College, Philadelphia, Pa. Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. Le Moyne College, Syracuse, N.Y. Lincoln University, Lincoln University, Pa. Long Beach State College, Long Beach, Calif. Long Island University, Brooklyn, N.Y. Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, Ruston, La. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. Louisville, University of, Louisville, Ky. Lowell Technological Institute, Lowell, Mass. Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. Loyola University, Chicago, 111. Loyola University, Los Angeles, Calif. Loyola University of the South, New Orleans, La. Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. Madonna College, Livonia, Mich. Maine, University of, Orono, Me. Manhattan College, New York, N.Y. Marian College, Indianapolis, Ind. Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. Maryland, University of, College Park, Md. Marymount College, Tarrytown-on-theHudson, N.Y. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Massachusetts, University of, Amherst, Mass. Memphis State College, Memphis, Tenn. Merrimack College, Andover, Mass. Miami, University of, Coral Gables, Fla. Miami, University of, Oxford, Ohio Michigan College of M&T, Houghton, Mich. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor, Mich. Midwestern University, Wichita Falls, Tex. Minnesota, University of, Duluth, Minn. Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Miss. Mississippi State University, State College, Miss. Mississippi, University of, University, Miss. Missouri School of Mines & Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo. Missouri, University of, Columbia, Mo. Monmouth College, Monmouth, 111.

-.,'' Aluminum •, Cobalt .


0 ' Antimony 0 . Barium 0


'Copper-r.-p).-.Gallium • © / G o l d



Bismuth © ' C a d m i u m . © . Calcium. Cesiiim 0

Indium . : © . .Iron 0


;. - • S i l v e r ; © ; Sodium;;'Q •„. Strontium'




Platinum 0



Lead 0

pihlum . 0

Potassium. 0 0


Magnesium' 0

Rhodium© ©*





Rubidium'© : Seleniutrt^I Vanadium


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