The Application of X-Ray Crystal Analysis t o Metallurgy' By Edgar C. Bain ATLASS ~ E E I .C O X P O P A T ~ O N .D I m K m K , N.
of HI111 and D a w f cannot T WAS only when XThis paper describes briefly the utilirotion of the HUN or Debye and SAcrrermethodfor atomic orrongementfor the .dudy of liorious be overestimated. By these rays were diffracted hy atomic planes in crysprobiems in metnl~og,ophy. The design x-ray difl,acti,,n investigators tlio rillre metais were explored ami their tals that their true uature is not diJcussed. The topics ofmetallographyreferred to was established as being are ( I ) o ~ ~ o t r o p(2) y , soridsolution, ( 3 ) coring. (4)groin siieeffects, t,ypcs aud s p a c e - l a t t i c e simply radiation of certaiii (5) idenlijcotion sf constituents, ( 6 ) orientafion by d i m e n s i o n s dctenniued. ware-length range. Onee worr(, (7) trend of future motk. E ~ ~Tdhle 1~shows the ~ crystalliue / ~ thi. wave length of the X