The Art of Teaching Chemistry: College of the Holy Cross - Journal of

The Art of Teaching Chemistry: College of the Holy Cross. Richard S. Herrick. J. Chem. Educ. , 1994, 71 (11), p 926. DOI: 10.1021/ed071p926.2. Publica...
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oeer evaluation erades. The weiehtine eiven to each of these components, except for the final examination, the weightine of which is decided solelv . bv- the instructor, are negotiated by the groups to reach a class-wide consen&. Our method will be augmented by the introduction of case studies that will allow an enhanced critical thinking dimension as well as the introduction of a variety of current scientific-social issues into the course. Assessment studies are planned dealing with the cognitive, attitudinal, student retention, and critical thinking dimensions of this experiment.

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Colgate University Peter S. Sheridan Hamilton NY 13346

We propose to develop a two-semester alternative to the current general chemistry course. The new course is called "The Chemistry of the Energy Problemnand will cover the essential t o ~ i c sfound in the traditional chemistry course, but it will fo'llow a sequence that should make sense to the students. Chemistw will be Dresented as a loeical and exciting way of looking a t the world by first showing that an understanding a t the molecular level is necessary before we can understand a given phenomenon ("Does burning coal cause acid rain?" or 'Can't we neutralize nuclear wastes?") The challenge is to create a text and student-oriented lab program that present understanding of some specific topics as crucial to the understanding of energy-related issues. The focus of enerw is an excellent vehicle to Dresent the fundamentals of gemistry. The goal is to have students discover for themselves that an understanding of the fundamentals is essential to making sense of the material world. Real world ~roblemswill be brought into the lab in an unforced way. 'Topics will range from the descriptive chemistrv of metals and nonmetallic oxides (common pollutants),aqueous equilibrium and buffers, and an analisis of local environmental sites to testing of locally obtained fuel and atmospheric gases. Teams of students A l l study a particular energy-related problem using a n analysis profile of their own design. The products of this project will he a redesigned course, a new text with ancillary materials, and an accompanying lab manual.

College of the Holy Cross Richard S. Herrick Worcester, MA 01610

The Chemistrv a t the Colleee of the Holv . De~artment . Cross will use its support to develop softwar~modulesspecifically constructed so students taking courses in the department's Discovery Chemistry sequence can have a focused method of reviewinc information learned durinc a specific experiment. ~isco;ery experiments are crafted-so that student understanding of the concepts in a particular experiment is achieved in three distinct stages. First, they perform the experiment, visually imprinting various observations in their memory. Second, they participate in a discussion in which observations and data points are oreanized and analvzed. Finallv . thev review this material yn the frameworgof the scie&c method to cement their understandine. The software review modules we develo~ will be used i n the third stage. The authoring Dromam that will be used is 7bolBookan object-oriented hypermedia development program for the Microsoft Windows environment. Modules will contain screen navigational tools that will enable students to move

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Journal of Chemical Education

to connected topics as necessary instead of simply proceeding in a linear fashion through the material. This platform will allow us to include graphics and bit-mapped pictures along with animation and video in the review modules. Modules will be employed as exercises after the completion of both the associated experiments and the subsequent post-laboratory discussion. Students will have access to the modules as necessary and can explore them in the way that fits their needs. The novelty of these software modules is that they will provide structured reference material for both the content and process (logical reasoning) of each Discovery experiment. The modules will serve to help the students review what thev have discovered in the course. In addition. the modules &ill concentrate specifically on what has been uncovered in individual experiments. This purposeful focus on topics essential to student understanding of the fundae schemistw will allow them to look for mental ~ r i n c i ~ l of connections between diqaratk topics and obtain a mature understanding of the discipline.

Connecticut College Marc Zimmer New London. CT 06320

In an attempt to make the general chemistry class more relevant and interestine to our students we are introducing environmental chemistry as a common thread running through the class and laboratories. The class will not be an introduction to environmental chemistry, but a general chemistry class made more interesting by relating chemical theory to important environmental problems. Most principles taught in general chemistry can be related to environmental phenomena. VSEPR theory and an understanding of dipole moments can be used in the explanation of how greenhouse gases absorb IR radiations. Conceots of bond enerw. kinetics. and thermodvnamics will he used in the explanations of ozone depletion. Hydrophohicity can be made more interesting by relating the bioaccumulation of pesticides, such as DDT, in fat to their hydro~hobicitv.There also are many environmental Dhenomena that can he explained by acid-base theory, mist notable acid rain. Heavy metal poisoning and chelation therapy can be used to liven up discussions of equilibria and solubility. Incorporating experiments based on environmental chemistry into the laboratory sequence will help solve one of our biggest problems, namely that the students feel that the majority of the laboratories are unrelated to material taught in class and are irrelevant to their lives and future careers. At the end of the second semester we will havea threeweek student-driven lab that will serve as a closing experience to the course. In the first week each lab section, containine a maximum of 12 students. will be divided into two group: Each group will be assigned a problem, and they will he reauired to use their lab exoerience and librarv resources to devise a series of experiments to solve the problem. The instructor will join the two groups in the library and will be available for consultation. Before the next lab the m o u ~ swill have to submit a Drocedure to the other group a& the instructor. During thk prelah meeting of the second week, the instructor and students will discuss their proposals before starting the experiments. We also would like to introduce a series of student-directed labs. Each pair of students will be in charge of one exoeriment. Thev will do the exoeriment hefore the lab oeriid and then wiil be responsibie for the pre- and p ~ ~ t - i a b discussions, answering questions, grading, and running their experiment.
