The Baro-buret - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Harold Simmons Booth, and Karl S. Willson. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1932, 4 (4), pp 427–429. DOI: 10.1021/ac50080a044. Publication Date: October ...
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October 15, 1932


little hydrochloric acid and water and transferred to the reaction vessel. By this method a synthetic milk ash solution calculated to contain 0.54 mg. of magnesium was found by taking seven colorimeter readings in comparison with a standard containing 0.45 mg. of magnesium to contain 0.52 mg. A partially asbed food composite has 0.40 per centof magnesium by this method and 0.42 per cent by the modified method of Denis (2).


LITERATURE CITED (1) BeEka, Biochem. Z., 233, 118 (1931). (2) Hawk and Bergeim, 46Practical physiological 10th ed., p. 462, Blakiston, 1931. (3) Kolthoff, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 50, 395 (1928). (4) Thrun* EN(t* 2i (lg30)* (5) Youngburg and Youngburg, J.Lab. c l h Med., 1%158 (1930).


RECEIVEDJuly 6, 1932.

The Baro-Buret 111. Application to Gas Density Determinations HAROLD SIMMONS BOOTHAND KARLS. WILLSON,Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio


AS density determinations are of prime importance in the most accurate simple method. Errors and corrections the determination of molecular weights for the estab- due to weighing a large balloon were eliminated by first lishment of new gaseous compounds, the analysis of measuring the gas in a balloon, and then condensing it in a gaseous mixtures, the study of diffusion and viscosity, and small glass ampoule which was sealed off and weighed. The in many other investigations. A rapid! yet accurate, method tube was reopened to allow volatilization of the gas and for the easy determination of gas densities from small samples then reweighed. Although a simple U-manometer was used to measure pressure, an accuracy of 0.05 per cent is claimed would be of value. Early gas density determinations were unsuccessful owing with the possibility of 0,Ol per cent accuracy using a catheto the lack of suitable containers, pumps, and the means for tometer. By modifying this method, the pressure, volume, accurately measuring volume, pressure, and temperature. and temperature of a much smaller sample may be measWith the introduction of gas balloons and the modern vacuum ured in the baro-buret and the weight of the sample deterpumps, rapid strides have been made in the “balloon” meth- mined by adsorption and weighing in a glass tube filled with charcoal, as indicated in Figure 1. The use of the baroods of density determination. Morley ( l e ) ,Rayleigh (I@, and Qermann (6) undoubtedly made some of the most valu- buret in gas evolution methods has previously been deable modern contributions to this method. They used bal- scribed (3). loonhi of more than a liter capacity, although some more recent BARO-BURET METHOD investigators have used smaller ones. All balloon methods, however, are tedious, and present numerous difficulties beADVANTAGES.The baro-buret is a simple instrument with cause of contraction of the balloons on exhaustion and the the following distinct advantages: need of weighing globes and counter1. It is rapid and easy to use. poises. Large samples are required 2. It requires only a small sample. which are slow to reach equilibrium. 3. It may be adjusted to give optiCorrections are numerous and measmum conditions of volume and pressure (2). urements a t pressures greater than 4. It is possible to make several atmospheric are impossible because readings on the same sample. of the fragility of the balloons. 5. It requires few corrections. Of other methods for determining 6. It is accurate. gas densities by buoyancy (5, I d ) , by balancing a column of gas against The one disadvantage is that the a column of air ( I ) , or by dynamic determinations are m a d e a t room methods (9, I S ) , it may be said that temperature rather than at 0” C. i n general large volumes of the gas APPARATUS.To the baro-buret, are required, cumbersome manipuladescribed in previous articles (2, S), tory details are involved, and the there are attached by means of capilresults are not entirely s a t i s f a c lary tubing, the flat joints J and J’, tory. the manometer, the storage balloons, Volumeter methods (11, 15), in and the vacuum pump connections as which the volume of a known weight shown in Figure 1. All stopcocks are of gas is determined, generally rehollow-blown and p r o v i d e d w i t h quire large samples and give difficulty clamps to permit operating u n d e r in the m e a s u r e m e n t of pressure, pressure. Tube T permits transfer volume, and temperature. of the condensed gas from the generatMeasurements of gases in balloons, ing unit to the baro-buret, and by followed by adsorption or condensausing two such transfer tubes a t the tion in small weighing tubes, have flat joints, J and J’, p u r i f i c a t i o n been made by several workers (7, 8, of the gas within the apparatus it17) of which the recent work of Maass self may be accomplished by fracand Russell (14) probably provides FIGURE1. BARO-BURET tionation. The purified gas m a y WITH ATTACHMENTS



be taken into the buret from the transfer tube directly, or from the storage balloons. If pressures greater than atmospheric are desired, the gas must be taken directly from tube T , since the balloons will not stand a pressure greater than atmospheric. Raising the mercury level in the buret to increase pressure after introduction of the gas is not satisfactory, since some gas "lies down" between the mercury and the walls of the buret and erroneous results are obtained. The charcoal tube, P , is initially prepared by evacuating and then heating to 250" C. in an electric furnace while still connected to the pump. After cooling to room temperature, the tube is wiped carefully with a moist lintless cloth, dried with a silk cloth, and placed in the outer balance case. A counterpoise heavier than the tube itself is similarly moistened, dried, and placed in the balance case. The following day, the tube is weighed and then attached to the apparatus.

4.301 I





I 08






DENSITYOF CCltf FIGURE2. LIMITING OPERATION.With the charcoal tube connected to J' as shown, the capillary system and entire buret are evacuated and rinsed several times with small ampunts of the gas under observation. If the gas reacts with the stopcock grease, it should be allowed to stand in the system for some time to permit saturation of the lubricant. The system is then evacuated as highly as possible with a good vacuum pump, care being taken to remove gas from both sides of stopcock F. Stopcock Q is then closed and F opened to connect the buret with the balloon or transfer tube. The gas is permitted to enter the buret slowly to the desired volume a t the desired pressure, stopcocks M and N both being open. The pressure may be controlled by adjusting reservoir R previous to the introduction of the gas. Stopcock F is then closed and the gas permitted to reach equilibrium with the surroundings (about one-half hour if the room is a t reasonably constant temperature). Pressure, temperature, and volume readings are then made (I s),,and reservoir R lowered, if desired, to give a second reading at a different pressure. Stopcocks M and N are then closed and F opened to the charcoal tube, P. The arm of the tube bearin2 stopcock H has previously been surrounded with a Dewar flask of liquid air or other refrigerant. Stopcocks G and H on the charcoal tube are opened. When most of the gas may be assumed to have been adsorbed, stopcock H is closed and the remaining gas adsorbed in the other arm of the tube by cooling with the refrigerant. Complete adsorption was secured in each case, and could be determined by balancing the buret and barometer columns of mercury after opening M and N , or by evacuating the capillary system and checking the manometer level on opening stopcock &. The mercury is permitted almost to a1 the buret. (If gas appears sticking to the walls of the buret, adsorption has been incomplete and the mercury level must be lowered to free the entrapped gas.) Stopcocks G; F , and S are closed, H opened, and the charcoal tube set aside to reach room temperature. If H is not opened, sufficient pres-

Vol. 4, No. 4

sure may develop to blow out the stopcock plug or break the tube. The charcoal tube and counterpoise are then wiped with a moist lintless cloth, dried with a silk cloth, and allowed to stand in the outer balance case overnight before weighing. Several runs may be made in the same day by using additional charcoal tubes. Measurement and adsorption require only about an hour or so per tube (two readings), provided the room temperature is reasonably constant. Several charges of the same or different gases may be added one on top of the other in the same charcoal tube. Care should be taken that the gases on warming to room temperature do not develop pressure sufficient to blow out the stopcock plugs or break the tubes. EXPERIMENTAL WORK. To test the validity and accuracy of the baro-buret for gas density determinations, oxygen was used because at room temperature the gas is far from the critical temperature and corrections for the slight deviation are available. Electrolytic oxygen, kindly furnished by the Ohio Chemical and Manufacturing Company, was further purified by six fractionations with liquid air a t pressures between one and two atmospheres. The results are given in Table I. Two readings of pressure, volume, and temperature were made on samples 3 and 4, with the mean deviations, -0.13 and -0.20 per cent. The observed pressure was multiplied by 1.0016 to correct for the deviation of oxygen (IO)and was further corrected for Q, the gravity constant, and the density of the mercury a t the experimental temperature. Ln was then calculated by the perfect gas law. OF OXYGEN TABLEI. DENSITYDETERMINATIOK

1 Wt. of tube before char e, grams 5.14375 W t . o f tube after charge, gram8 5.04099 Wt. of oxygen, gram 0.10276 VoLobserved cc. 96.61 T observed, abs. 293.91 p observed, mm. of Hg 613.1 p cor'. to 0' C., atm. 0.8040 Ln, experimental, grams 1.4215 Theoretical, grams 1.4279 Actual, gram -0.0064 Deviation, 70 -0.44








9.85086 2.40826 3.66921 0.10056 0.13417 0.11609 98.40 99.78 98.33 293.78 295.14 295.49 584.6 776.2 676.8 0.7666 1.0176 0.8853 1.4320



1.4279 1.4279 1.4279 1.4279 +0.0041 -0.0022 -0.0031 -0.0019 +0.29 -0.15 -0.22 -0.13

Samples 1 and 2 were weighed on a balance which proved to be insufficiently accurate for this type of work, but the mean of these and several others is fairly close to the theoretical. Samples 3 and 4 check well within the limits of experimental error (discussed later). Since 100 cc. of oxygen weigh only about 0.1 gram, an inexact weight (due to balance, weights, or handling of charcoal tube) introduces a greater error with a light gas like oxygen than with a heavy gas.

TESTON GASWITH CRITICALPOINT ABOVE ROOM TEMPERATURE To test the apparatus further, dichlorodifluoromethane, kindly furnished by the Kinetic Chemicals, Inc., was used after purification in a special fractionating device, to be described shortly in a paper from this laboratory. Results are given in Table 11. I n this case, the weighings were probably accurate to 0.03 or 0.04 mg., and the greater weight of sample reduced the error due to weighing. Pressure readings were corrected for g and the density of mercury. Buffington and Gilkey (4, who worked with the same gas, developed the following equation of state:


p = RT (V B)/V2 whereA = 23.7 (1 - 0.305/V) and B = 0.59 (1 0.622/V)


- A/V'

October 15, 1932


The units are atmospheres] degrees Centigrade absolute, and liters per gram-mole. TABLE11. DENSITYDETERMINATIONS OF CCllFg W t . of tube before

1. observed, cc. 1' observed. abs. p observed, mm. of










v COR, $6' C.

Hg 763.4 772.0 760.7 764.4 P cor.t o o o C.,atm. 1.0009 1.0117 0.9969 1.0017




-0.0054 -0.10

-0.0017 -0.03

-0.0024 -0.05

the limiting density method, a set of readings was made between pressures of 0.6 and 1.4 atmospheres. All readings were made on the same sample of gas and the results are shown in Table IV. TABLEIV. CALCULATION OF LIMITINQ DENSITY

3.37222 1.98644 8.51426 3.28067 0.51055 0.51112 0.50707 0.50536 99.72 99.94 100.61 99.94 294.82 297.42 297.62 298.02

ha9.. atm. (expenmental) 5.0932 Deviation, actual, geam +0.0097 $0.20 From mean, %


6.0835 +O.OOOl $0.01

Table I11 shows the results of calculating the data given in Table I1 by this equation.

29.75 32.51 37.25 41.72 45.24 48.43 52.10 56.39 60.76 69.52

(Wt. of CClpFz sample, 0.20879 gram) DZ5'C. U COR. Grams/Eiter Atm. 7.01815 1.38959 6.42233 1.25195 5.60511 1.10492 5.00455 0.99085 4.61516 0.91440 4.31117 0.85459 4.00749 0.79530 3.70261 0.73567 3.43631 0.68302 3.00331 0.59731

D/u ,. 5.12428 5.12986 5.07287 6.05070 5.04720 5.04472 5.03897 5.03298 5.02664 5.02806

Readings of volume were made a t temperatures between 25" and 30" C. and corrected to 25' C. by the perfect gas ~ ( O S S V D. ) ~ ( C A L C D . )law. Pressures were corrected as in the earlier tables. D is ir T p OSSYD. p CALCD. p (OBSVD.) the weight in grams of one liter of the gas a t pressure p . x 100 Figure 2 is intended to show that the straight line through Gram-moles K Atm. Atm. 23.61 294.82 1.0009 1.0070 -0.6 the calculated limiting density (4.9433) passes through the 23.64 297.42 1.0117 1.0145 -0.3 average value of the points, rather than to establish the 23.99 297.62 0.9969 1.0020 -0.5 23.91 298.02 1.0017 1.0065 -0.5 limiting density. Tlic accuracy needed to establish the molecular weight$ of B gas could be secured by averaging Thus we find the errors -0.6, -0.3, -0.5, and -0.6 per several such determinations. cent, showing that the values check the equation to about 0.5 per cent, the accuracy claimed by the authors. By this DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION method of calculation, the greatest deviation from the mean 'The baro-buret has been shown to provide a rapid and acis about 0.2 per cent, a value corresponding to that obtained curate means for the determination of gas densities using a in Table 11. Since the gas is known to deviate greatly and no accurate small sample. The apparatus is comparatively easy to build equation is available, no attempt was made to calculate the and use. Few corrections are necessary. When the apparatus is used to determine molecular weights weight of a normal liter. Hence the values for the weight of a liter are given a t 23" C. and one atmosphere calculated by to assist in identifying unknown compounds, the possibility the perfect gas law, which introduces but a very slight error. of deviation from the perfect gas law must be kept in mind, By taking readings a t several pressures, with each sample CORRECTIONS AND ERRORS the molecular weight can be readily determined by the method The observed pressure in any experiment with this ap- of limiting densities (15) and only one set of weighings is reparatus must be multiplied by the correction for Q (1.0004 quired. at this laboratory) and by the ratio of the densities of mercury LITERATURE CITED a t the experimental temperature and a t 0" C. When devia(1) Blackie, A,, Dept. Sci. Ind. Research (Brit.), Fuel Research tion corrections are known, they should be used as above in Tech. Paper 5 (1922). the case of oxygen. Errors inherent in the buret and ther( 2 ) Booth, H. S., IND.ENG.CHEM., Anal. Ed.. 2, 182 (1930). mometers were eliminated by calibration. The buret was (3) Booth, H. S., and Jones, H. C., Ibid., Anal. Ed., 2 , 2 3 7 (1930). (4) Buffington, R. M., and Gilkey, W. K., Ibid., 23, 254 (1931). calibrated in place with mercury by means of a stopcock (5) Edwards, J. D., Bur. Standards, Tech. Paper 89 (1917). with a fine tip placed just above M . The buret should (6) Germann, A. F. O., Compt. rend., 157, 926 (1913). always be checked in this way, since some burets are made (7) Gray, R. W., and Burt, F. P., J. Chem. Soc., 96, 1633 (1909). for convex downward menisci, whereas mercury has a convex (8) Guye, P. A,, and Pintza, A.. Compt. rend., 141, 51 (1905). (9) Hauser, E., Anales soc. espaA. f6s. qugm., 18, 79 (1920). upward meniscus. The pressure corrections outlined above, together with those for buret and thermometer, are the only (10) International Critical Tables, Vol. 111, p. 8 (1926). (11) Jaquerod, A., and Pintza, A., Compt. rend., 139, 1929 (1904). corrections required. (12) Kerr. T. H., and Schmidt, E. F., Natural Gas Gasoline J.,11, I n any determination using this apparatus, certain errors 262 (1917). are unavoidably present. On the particular baro-buret used, (13) Konig, G., British Patent 159,845 (March 5, 1921). readings of volume could be made to 0.05 cc. on a volume of (14) Maass, O., and Russell, J., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 40, 1847 (1918) Moles, E. and Batuecas, T., J. ehim. phys., 17, 578 (1919). 180 cc., of pressure to 0.4 mm., of temperature to 0.1" C., (15) (16) Morley, E. W., Smithsonian Contribution to Knowledge 980 and of weighings to 0.04 mg. on a 0.1-gram sample, giving a (1895). maximum error of about 0.20 per cent for a light gas (oxygen) (17) Perman, E. P., and Davies, J. H., J . Chem, Soc., 90, 743 (1906). and a somewhat smaller error for a heavier gas. (Additional (18) Rayleigh, Lord, Phil. Trans., 196A, 205 (1901). errors might, however, be introduced if care were not taken RECEIVED July 18, 1932. in the handling of the charcoal tubes). The errors should be self-compensating and a mean should be very accurate. Individual error could be reduced by using a cathetometer CHEMISTSIN THE BUREAUOF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS have and mirror scale to read pressures and volumes, and an error demonstrated that hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid cause the of not, over 0.1 per cent should be easily secured. deterioration of paper. When chlorine compounds are used in bleaching paper pulp, hydrochloric acid may form in the finished product unless the pulp is washed clean. Alum is generally DETERMINATION OF LIMITINGDENSITY used in sizing paper and if present in excessive quantities will To determine the possibility of using the baro-buret for cause deterioration of the finished product. The paper must he determining molecular weights of small samples of gas by virtually free from acid or it will not endure. TABLE111. CALCULATION OF DATABY EQUATION