THE BARRETT FLEET'S IN - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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T H E BARRETT FLEET'S IN For immediate delivery of plastîcîzers/ call on the Barrett fleet o f express tank truck?, If you order today, your plasticizers will arrive tomorrow from the distribution point nearest you. ; Barrett Plasticizers are manufactured with the most modern equipment under the supervision of men with years o f experience in esters. That's your assurance of uniform properties and reliable performance in your formulations. Barrett's technical staff will be glad to give you assistance in selection and application of plasticizers.

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CHEMICALS BARRETT DIVISION, Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation, 4 0 Rector Street, New Y o r k 6 , N . Y . In C a n a d a : The Barrett C o m p a n y , Ltd., 5 5 5 1 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, P. Q . OVER l O O YEARS OF EXPERIENCE

