The Bendix Corporation

Summary. Despite the factthat standards for optical emission spec- troscopy have been the subject of considerable attention for some time, it is quite...
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Low-cost mass spectrometers are nothing new.

curacy was noted—the order of 90%. Only 6 7 % reported favorably for the < 1 p p m concentration level, however. Replies concerning the inorganic chemicals were roughly identical. F o r water analysis, no unfavorable replies concerning accuracy were received. Cost. Only in the case of s t a n dards a t the < 1 p p m concentration was any degree of dissatisfaction reported. Summary. Despite the fact t h a t standards for optical emission spectroscopy have been the subject of considerable attention for some time, it is quite obvious t h a t considerable effort is needed to satisfy the demands of analytical laboratories, particularly a t the 10 p p m or less level. Even a t higher concentrations, however, the adequacy of standards is much less t h a n desired. About 2 5 % of the laboratories reporting indicated "unsuitable" at these higher levels. W i t h the exception of the lower concentration levels, the availability, accuracy, and cost arc in relatively excellent condition, however. POLAROGRAPHY

But this one is. I t ' s unique. It's the completely new Bendix® MA-1. I t gives you both fast scan and high sensitivity. (How's t h a t possible? I t uses the new, exclusive, bakeable magnetic electron multiplier.) Yours, too: Simultaneous scope and recorder readout. MA-1 is a complete system. I t s l-to-500 a m u operating range permits application in both organic and inorganic research. You get a Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer t h a t makes other low-cost models seem incomplete. With a 50,000 spectra-per-second oscilloscope scan rate. 1.5 seconds to 60 minutes recorder scan time for 2 to 200 amu. Resolution greater than 200. Mercury diffusion pump t h a t gives operating pressure below 10 6 torr and, with addition of liquid nitrogen t r a p , to 10 8 torr. Stability of ± 1 % per hour on a permanent gas peak. Analyzer assembly bakeable to 300°C. You'll find MA-1 particularly useful for examining short duration samples. Gas chromatograph effluents, for example. I t s basic inlet system is suitable for direct sampling of volatile liquids and gasses, and for direct coupling to gas chromatographs. Electronics? Table-top, integrated, solid state circuits for trouble-free performance and easy maintenance. For complete information write: The Bendix Corporation, Scientific Instruments and Vacuum Division, 3625 Hauck Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241. Or phone (513) 772-1600.

Bendix Circle No. 15 on Readers' Service Card

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General Suitability. Replies were received concerning essentially all categories. I n inorganic chemicals, approximately 8 0 % favorable replies were received; slightly less for organic chemicals. Unanimously favorable replies were received for metals and alloys, petroleum, water, stone, clay, and glass. In pesticide analysis, however, in both the high and low range of concentration, considerable unfavorable comment was noted. T h e same situation prevails in pharmaceutical analysis and in food product analysis, although the number of reporting laboratories was generally smaller. Availability. In all categories, the availability of standards for polarography can be characterized as completely unsatisfactory. Only in a few isolated cases were more than 5 0 % of the replies favorable. Accuracy. I n contrast t o t h e situation t h a t was found for availability of standards, accuracy of standards for polarography received essentially unanimous favorable reaction.