THE Bendix dries air and gases to a terminal dryness of 0.005 milligram per liter of gas. ...
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You wouldn't expect ι 10 7M sensitivity in a 7-second analysis of trace elements...

unless you've used a Bendix Polarotrace lately. I t ' s difficult to appreciate fully the speed and sensitivity of a Bendix® Polarotrace—or its versatility and useful­ ness—if you haven't seen one in action. A lot of people have because Polarotraces are finding increasingly greater use in a wide range of analytical applications. (Many of these applications defy other instrumental techniques.) They're used in the food and drug fields for determination of trace toxic metals and essential minerals, in metal­ lurgical analysis, for determination of organic species, and for semiconductor production—to name a few. A Bendix Polarotrace is a polarographic system t h a t uses drop-synchronized linear voltage sweep to detect and measure trace elements in solutions. I t has two basic types of operation: single cell and double cell. Doublecell models provide subtractive, comparative and deriv­ ative means of analysis. Several models are available. All permit t h e use of small samples because of their sensitivity. Also, their high resolution a n d tolerance t o preceding reductions help to simplify preparatory chemistry. For more information, contact us a t 3625 Hauck Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241. Bendix Cincinnati builds mass spectrometers, polarimeters, polarographic systems, viscometers and other scientific instruments for over 100 areas of research and analysis.

Cincinnati Division


INDICATING DRIERITE changes from blue when dry to rose-red when exhausted Indicating DRIERITE is a chemical drying agent for the efficient and rapid drying of air and gases in systems where visual indication of active desiccant is desired. In use, the color changes sharply to a rose-red as the margin between the exhausted and active desiccant progresses through the tube or column. It is available in 8 Mesh, the standard granule size, and in 20-40, 10-20, 6 and 4 Mesh. Impregnated with cobalt chloride, Indicating DRIERITE retains the high efficiency of Regular DRIERITE, anhydrous calcium sulfate, plus the added advantage of the color change for indication. It dries air and gases to a terminal dryness of 0.005 milligram per liter of gas. Regeneration reverses the color change and makes possible repeated use after heating at 375-450°F while spread one granule deep for one hour. Regular white DRIERITE (non-indicating) is available in the above mentioned sizes and also in 200 Mesh and 325 Mesh. DRIERITE is a product of the W. A. Hammond Drierite Co., Xenia, Ohio. Available from your nearest LABORATORY SUPPLY HOUSE.


THE Bendix



Circle No. 31 on Readers' Service Card Circle No. 196 on Readers' Service Card

Circle No. 141 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 38, NO. 6, MAY 1966


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