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The Biology and Microscopy of Building Molds: Medical and Molecular

Apr 2, 2008 - It is this last possibility that has resulted in numerous lawsuits and legislation concerning indoor air quality in recent years. In 200...
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Chapter 10

The Biology and Microscopy of Building Molds: Medical and Molecular Aspects 1


Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on August 4, 2012 | Publication Date: April 2, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0982.ch010

Jody Jellison , Barry Goodell , and Geoffrey Daniel 1



Department of Biological Sciences and Wood Science and Technology, The University of Maine, Orono, M E 04469 Department of Wood Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7008, Uppsala, Sweden 3

Fungi are ubiquitous and essential to the process of organic matter recycling. Molds are microfungi, often associated with damp substrates, and characterized by thread like growth and microscopic spores produced on or in microscopic fruiting structures (1). Molds can grow on building materials, but unlike the growth of some macrofungi (notably the basidiomycetes), mold growth does not generally result in wood weakening or decay (2). Mold growth does result in a decrease in the aesthetic appeal of wood products and often indicates significant moisture and water issues within a structure. More importantly, mold growth within buildings may, under certain circumstances, pose potential risks to human health. It is this last possibility that has resulted in numerous lawsuits and legislation concerning indoor air quality in recent years. In 2003, 27 state legislatures considered more than 60 items of indoor air quality legislation with 18 passed into law (3). In 2004 there were approximately 10,000 mold related lawsuits pending. Policy and litigation however, are often not science-based, so it is appropriate to consider what we know about molds in the indoor environment. The purpose of this brief review is to introduce information on the biology and physiology of mold fungi, examine the production of fungal allergens and toxins, and consider factors that may impact mold colonization of buildings. A brief overview of possible health implications and of methods used to detect and identify mold fungi is also included. 182

© 2008 American Chemical Society In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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What are the Fungi? Fungi belong to their own special kingdom as they differ from both plants and animals. Fungi are eukaryotic, lack chlorophyll, have absorptive nutrition, typically reproduce by spores, and have walls containing chitin. There are more than 100,000 fungal species in the world, with at least 1,000 commonly found in the United States (7). Molds and other fungi make up about 25% of the earth's biomass (4). The vegetative fungal body is structurally simple and well suited for penetration and proliferation. Molds reproduce by spores. Spores can be less than 5 pm in diameter, small enough to be inhaled into the lungs. Asexual spores are called conidia and are important for reproduction, dispersal and survival of the mold. Fungi may exist as single cells such as the yeasts, but typically are multicellular. The living body of a fungus is called the mycelium that is made up of a branching network of filaments known as hyphae. The mycelia are usually hidden in a food source such as wood and we often only know they are present when they develop mushrooms or other fruiting structures. Some fungi only produce microscopic fruiting bodies and we rarely notice them. Fungi are classified based upon phylogeny, reproduction strategies, and morphology. The higher fungi are called the Amastigomycota. Within the Amastigomycota are the Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes (groups which are based upon sexual spore-producing structures) and the Deuteromycetes, sometimes called the fungi imperfecti, which is an artificial grouping often allied to the ascomycetes but with no known sexual state. The fungi are integral components of recycling processes essential for ecosystem stability. The fungi can also be both diverse and beneficial in their diversity. Interesting fungi include one of the largest living organisms in the world, a specimen of the fungus Armillaria ostoyae that covers 1,500 acres in Washington State and may be 400-1000 years old. This fungus grows primarily underground and forms root like structures known as rhizomorphs that help it grow through the soil. Noticeable evidence of this fungus includes the clumps of mushrooms that emerge after fall rains (5). Economically important fungi include edible mushrooms and many other foods prepared with the aid of fungi. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used to ferment sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide, the process used to make beer and wine and also to make bread rise. The fungi Aspergillus oryzae and A. sojae are used in the production of foods such as soy sauce and miso. We also use fungi to produce flavorings, vitamins and enzymes, to mature many cheeses, and in the production of antibiotics (6). Although many fungi are useful to people, some fungi are harmful. A few fungi are known to induce human diseases called mycoses as reviewed below. Some fungi produce toxins called mycotoxins, and some fungi are allergens (7,8). These aspects of fungal interactions with humans are discussed in this chapter.

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Basic Biology Fungi feed by absorbing nutrients from the organic material that they live in or on. They [partially?] digest their food before they absorb it by secreting extracellular acids, non-enzymatic metabolites and hydrolytic enzymes. Growth occurs via elongation of the hyphal tips. Spores germinate forming first germtubes and then mycelia. The hyphae elongate and branch and colonize the food substrate. Asexual reproduction occurs via specialized spore-bearing hyphae. Fungi are classified by their sexual state, when possible. Molds are primarily imperfect fungi although many are allied to sexual states primarily in the Ascomycetes. Asexual mold spores are referred to as conidia and are important for reproduction, dispersal and survival. Conidiogenesis is the transformation of part of a cell into a separable spore (Fig. 1). The ways in which spores are formed, the arrangement of spores, and spore shape, size, color and septation are all useful in classifying molds and identifying mold spores (Fig. 1). The molds are considered to be multi-celled with genomes of 30xl0 . The fungal genome is relatively small and has limited repeats. 6

Because fiingi are eukaryotic cells and share many structural and physiological similarities with human cells, mycoses are difficult to treat and pharmaceutical specificity for control is both important and difficult to achieve. Fungal characteristics, which can be used as targets of antifungal therapy, include the unique cell wall, cell membrane, and characteristics of fungal D N A synthesis. Ergosterol rather than cholesterol is the principal sterol in fungal cell membranes. This allows estimation of fungal biomass based upon ergosterol detection and quantification and also provides a potential target for pharmaceuticals. Unlike mammalian cells, fiingi have a cell wall whose synthesis can be selectively disrupted. The fungal cell wall is composed of surface mannoproteins, a layer of β 1,3 and β 1,4 glucans. (β 1,3 glucans are inflammatory and 10-30% of asthmatics are sensitive to them.) The layer next to the membrane is chitin. The cell membrane includes ergosterol and β 1,3 glucan synthase. Glucan synthase is localized in the apical tips and growth is apical in the fiingi (P). Echinocandins can act at the apical tips of hyphae to inhibit wall formation. Echinocandins are active against Aspergillus species. Activity against other yeast and molds is less well described or variable. Some compounds may be selectively activated by fungi, arresting D N A synthesis and can also act as anti-fiingal agents (P).

Secondary Products and Toxicity Reactions Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds Fungi produce secondary metabolites, which may include microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC's) and mycotoxins. M V O C ' s are an odorassociated blend of alcohols, ketones and other chemical substances. Common

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Figure L Pénicillium fruiting bodies (left). Aureobasidium spores (right).

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186 M V O C ' s include 3-methyl-l-butanol, 1-hexanol, l-octen-3-ol, 2-heptanone, and 3-octanone (70). Ethanol is also an M V O C and can enhance the effectiveness of fungal toxins (77). M V O C ' s accompany microbial activity but no single M V O C has been found to be a reliable indicator of fungal colonization of building materials, and characteristic M V O C ' s are not always produced on wood constituents (72). M V O C production depends upon nutrient availability and humidity. Korpi et al.,(70) analyzed volatile compounds from mixed microbial cultures (134 fiingi and 1 actinomycete) on building materials to see i f M V O C ' s were differentially present in contaminated materials. M V O C ' s accompanied microbial activity but no single compound was a reliable or specific indicator of colonization by a specific species (70).

Mycotoxins Mycotoxins are chemical products of fungi that have the capability to damage animal health and contaminate crops. Mycotoxins are small peptides, between 200-800 mass units, that can be produced by fungal hyphae and spores growing on damp buildings and other substrates (7J). Production depends on substrate, water activity level, temperature and other environmental factors (14,15). Mycotoxins can interfere with cellular respiration, with carbon and lipid metabolism, and in some cases directly bind to D N A and R N A . Generally, mycotoxins are complex molecules and, unlike M V O C ' s , are not volatile. A single mold species may produce several mycotoxins and a given mycotoxin may be produced by several different mold species. Not all strains of a given species of fungus necessarily produce mycotoxins and many mycotoxins are not produced until exponential growth of the colony occurs. Mycotoxins entering the body orally can be teratogneic or carcinogenic. Inhaled mycotoxins can be immunosuppressive (16). Isolation of a mold species that is capable of producing mycotoxins does not mean mycotoxins are present, or present at an active level. Many species never produce toxins in quantities which effect human health. Others produce toxins only under specialized environmental conditions. Stachybotrys chatarum is one of the few known building molds to produce mycotoxins that can effect humans. Other mold genera which contain species shown to produce mycotoxins under selected environmental conditions include Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Pénicillium and Trichoderma (14). Aspergillus versicolor, for example, has been shown to produce the mycotoxin sterigmatocystin on naturally infested building materials (17,18). Repeated human ingestion of aflatoxin (a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus spp.) is associated with consumption of contaminated cereal grains and has been linked to liver cancer. Ergot alkaloids, such as the cyclic peptides from Amanitin, are also toxic upon ingestion. Fusarium spp. produce a mycotoxin with estrogenic activity. One group of significant mycotoxins is the trichothecenes.

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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187 Inhalation of trichothecenes may cause protein synthesis inhibition and immunosuppression (77). Trichothecenes are produced by multiple mold genera including Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Pénicillium, Stachybotrys, and Trichoderma. Production is influenced by fungal isolate and environmental factors. Trichothecenes inhibit protein synthesis by interacting with the 60S ribosomes and have a direct deleterious effect on rapidly dividing leukocytes. They can cause skin irritation, vomiting, hemorrhage and convulsions. This group includes T-2 toxin, investigated as a potential biological weapon, which inhibits antibody response and hypersensitivity (16). Other known mycotoxins include satratoxin which destroys bone marrow cells, and a carcinogenic toxin produced by Aspergillus versicolor. Most toxicity studies have focused on ingestion or inhalation of spore concentrations many orders of magnitude greater than those encountered under normal environmental conditions.

Molds on Building Materials Mold is ubiquitous in the environment and extensive mold growth is found in areas of high moisture and relative water availability. Water must be available for hydrolysis and diffusion, and it also functions as a solvent for metabolism. Wood, coatings and other construction materials can provide a carbon source and appropriate substrate for mold growth. Mold genera often found on wood and other building materials include the genera Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Pénicillium, Philocephala, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Chaetomium, Stachybotys, Aureobasidium, and yeasts (Fig. 2). Molds utilize low molecular weight carbohydrates and other accessible materials. Growth rates on building materials such as pine, plywood and gypsum have been monitored using fungal species such as Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Auerobasidium pullulons and Cladosporium cladosporioides. The differential growth of these fungi on the substrates has been partially explained by substrate nutritional content (19). The production of mycotoxins by building molds has also been specifically examined. Nielson (14,15) studied gypsum chipboard inoculated with selected fungi and observed the production of toxic chaetoglobins by C globosum. Mycotoxin production was not observed for Paecilomyces spp. or Aspergillus ustus, although both are known to be capable of toxin production. Trichothecene production was observed for four of five Stachybotrys isolates but not for any of the Trichoderma isolates tested. Shirakawa et al. (20) also found mycotoxin production to be environmentally dependent.

Control of Mold in Buildings As noted above, mold growth is highly moisture dependent. Primary colonizers such as A. versicolor will grow at water activities of 0.65-0.70. In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Figure 2. Substrate colonization of construction wood and woodfinish coatings by molds.

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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189 Secondary colonists such as Cladosporium spp. grow at water activity levels of 0.8-0.9 and tertiary colonists such as Stachybotrys and Trichoderma grow at water activities greater than 0.9-0.95 and are often associated with roof leaks, water pipe leaks or other significant water issues (14,15). Water activity levels, however, represent a somewhat artificial measure of moisture availability and thus may inadequately represent the potential for colonization of building material substrates. Mold mycelia tends to grow on the surface of the wood and do not penetrate deeply down into the wood cells. The terms mold and stain are often used to refer to the same fungi. If these fungi are growing only on the surface they can be brushed, washed, or simply planed off the wood for control. Applications of surface bleach will temporarily control their action. Hyphae are usually not colored, while spores may be colored and are what causes mold-associated discolorations that are typically black, green, or brown. Permeability problems, like those occurring with stain fiingi and bacterial attack, can occur. Other problems associated with mold colonization include the detoxification of wood preservatives (21-25). For example, species of Pénicillium are reported to detoxify mercury compounds and Trichoderma can detoxify sodium fluoride (21,22,26). Mold growth on materials can be inhibited by borates (27). However, biocides can also influence the toxicity of mold spores in cases where protection is incomplete. Murtoniemi et al. (17) found microbes that were grown on wetted plasterboard produced bioactive compounds. They examined S. chartarum grown on 13 modified plasterboards, with and without biocidal additions and monitored spore cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory activity. Fungal growth and bioactivity of spores were influenced by minor changes to the core or liners of the plasterboard materials. Interestingly, incomplete biocide protection increased spore toxicity of the remaining molds (18). Significant concerns about indoor air quality have often focused on the presence of molds and mold toxins. Exposure standards for molds and mycotoxins do not currently exist. Much of the work on mold toxicity has focused on the environments of animal- or agricultural workers, where mycotoxin exposure is magnitudes greater than that found in mold-infestested buildings (16). Current literature has yet to provide compelling evidence that mold exposure at levels found in mold-contaminated indoor environments results in adverse health effects in otherwise healthy individuals, although allergenic effects have been documented. Mold infestation can, however, be an aesthetic issue and an indicator of significant moisture and water issues within buildings. Molds can also be a significant health issue for immunocompromized individuals and those with certain pre-existing medical conditions.

Health Implications Molds are ubiquitous and mold presence is not an apriori threat to human health. High concentrations of mold spores can, however, sensitize humans,

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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190 ultimately producing allergic reactions, and serious mold induced pathology may be seen in immunocompromised individuals. Molds can effect human health in three major ways: via allergic sensitization and immune response; infectious growth in or on the body; and toxic disruption of cellular function and/or interaction with D N A (16). A complete medical discussion of fungal allergic and pathogenic effects is beyond the scope of this review, but examples of allergic reactions and selected human mycoses are provided below. Fungi are often mentioned in the context of "sick building" syndrome, the cause of significant public concerns. Sick building syndrome is associated with headaches and allergic-like reactions to unspecified stimuli, with symptoms apparently arising from allergens or chemicals within the interior of buildings. Molds are always present but the association of specific organisms with reported symptoms is often times difficult to confirm. In 1999 Jacobs et al. (28) surveyed homes in 24 cities in the US and found nearly 50% had moisture problems. They found that molds belonging to the genera Pénicillium, Alternaria, and Cladosporium werefrequentlypresent. In a 1991 Canadian study (29), 38% of houses examined were found to be damp or have mold growth. From these 38%, 50% of the inhabitants had a higher occurrence of lower respiratory symptoms and 25% a higher occurrence of upper respiratory symptoms than inhabitants of other buildings. Epidemiological studies, however, are confounded by multiple uncontrolled factors with potential health impacts. Nielson (14,15) found that proteins gave an allergic reaction within minutes of exposure and also stimulated non-IgE mediated histamine release. 1-3 glucans also trigger inflammatory reactions (30). Antibodies against mold and mycotoxins were shown to be elevated in individuals after exposure to toxigenic fiingi in water damaged buildings. Levels of IgG, M A and Ε antibodies vs 7 molds and 2 mycotoxin antigens were determined by ELISA for 40 control individuals and 40 mold-exposed patients. IgE levels differed only for the mold genus Aspergillus and the mycotoxin satratoxin. Problems were identified in individuals who were predisposed genetically or immunologically, and become sensitized and allergic. Of the 48 subjects exposed to attack, four had elevated antibody levels which indicated possible allergic responses. Researchers, however, also found an elevation of mold-specific antibodies in selected healthy controls not previously exposed to experimentally-elevated mold levels. Young et al. (57) noted that glucans had been implicated in organic toxic dust syndrome. Huttunen et al. (32) studied the production of proinflammatory mediators elicitated by indoor air bacteria and fungal spores in mouse and human cell lines. Aspergillus versicolor, Pénicillium spinulosum, and Stachybotrys chartarum were examined for the ability to stimulate production of inflammatory mediators in macrophage lines. Exposure to fungal strains did not markedly increase nitrous oxide production indicating a lack of cytotoxicity. Cytokine production for IL-6 was slightly increased by exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum. Spores were less cytotoxic to human cell lines than to mouse cell lines. Their data suggested that bacteria in water-damaged buildings should also be considered as causative agents of adverse inflammatory effects in humans.

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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191 Beyond the allergic or inflammatory reactions that may be stimulated by molds, additional interactions between humans and molds include direct infection. Normally molds do not directly infect or cause significant harm to the human body. Although most fimgi grow well at body temperature, humans are typically not infected. AIDS, cancer, organ transplants or complications from taking corticosteroids all predispose humans to fungal infection and, in addition, patients often become more susceptible when taking antibiotics or immunosuppressive drugs, particularly subjects with leukemia or AIDS who are taking drugs to suppress their immune system because of organ transplantation. Most patients with a deadly fungal disease do not have a fully functional immune system. Although there are drugs to treat fungal infections, these drugs can have debilitating side effects because they are often toxic to people as well as fimgi. Serious health issues associated with mycoses include infections which are superficial (affecting the skin, hair and nails), subcutaneous (affecting the muscle and connective tissue immediately below the skin), and systemic (invasive involving the internal organs). In addition, allergic reactions affecting lungs or sinuses in patients with conditions such as chronic asthma, cystic fibrosis or sinusitis may also occur. Numerous fimgi have been implicated as causal agents in serious health disorders of a chronic nature. These include disorders ranging from dermatomycoses such as athlete's foot to serious respiratory diseases such as those associated with Cryptococcus neoformans and systemic mycoses such as Valley Fever caused by Coccidiomyces immitis (6). These organisms are commonly present in the environment and are not specific to mold infestation of buildings.

Molds in the News Stachybotrys chartarum Stachybotrys is one of the least common airborne fiingi and is found in building materials only 1-2% of the time. It has, however, developed a reputation as a wellknown producer of mycotoxins and been the focus of much media attention. In 1994 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) published an article linking the deaths of infants with Stachybotrys chartarum (also known as S. atra). This organism is known to cause hemorrhaging in horses exposed to moldy straw, but no antibodies to Stachybotrys were found in human victims. The situation is further confounded by the fact that not all Stachybotrys isolates (only approx. 30%) are toxic. The clinical symptoms in exposed infants were, however, similar to veterinary symptoms such as fatal hemorrhaging, dermatitis and severe respiratory tract irritation seen in animals exposed to moldy straw infected with Stachybotrys. Similar clusters of hemorrhaging in humans, however, were not always associated with exposure and some heavily exposed infants showed no symptoms. The CDC's initial article caused significant concern among health officials and the general public. Most molds found in buildings

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

192 are, however not Stachybotrys, and S. chartarum can produce mycotoxins under some, but not all environmental conditions. Studies have confirmed the ability of some isolates to cause symptoms at high dosages in laboratory animals (32,33). It is less clear how significant the organism is as a factor for affecting human health under normal conditions. The CDC in 2000 revised its position, saying "at present there is no test that proves an association between Stachybotrys chartarum (Stachybotrys atra) and particular health symptoms." (34).

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Aspergillus spp. Species of the genus Aspergillus can cause problems to human health as pathogens, mycotoxin producers and allergens. The mycotoxin ochratoxin produced by Aspergillus is teratogenic and causes kidney damage. Aspergillus is a genus of around 200 molds and is found worldwide. We normally breathe in 100200 Aspergillus spores daily. Spores are in soil, air, bedding, fans, food, walls, compost etc. There are 185 species known, 20 of which can cause infection. A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. glaucus, A. nidulans, A. niger, and A. terreus are the most commonly cited as being problematic. Aspergillus spp. grow well at 37° C and produce proteolytic enzymes such as elastase and proteases. Aspergillus causes more infections worldwide than any other mold and the genus causes pulmonary infections that can become invasive and spread throughout the body. Aspergillosis is an infection caused by the inhalation of the Aspergillus spp. conidiospores. Spores can cause allergic reactions that may cause permanent lung scarring. The symptoms, which include fever, coughing, chest pain and/or breathlessness, can occur in many other illnesses, so diagnosis can be difficult. Usually only patients with already weakened immune systems or who suffer other pre-existing lung conditions are susceptible. Those most at risk of acute invasive aspergillosis include some cancer and leukemia patients, those on chemotherapy and transplant patients. Also at risk are individuals showing immune hyper-reactivity that may suffer from allergic aspergillosis or allergic sinusitis (35,36).

Zygomycetes Zygomycetes are a fungal group characterized by non-spetate or minimally septate hyphae, asexual spore production in sporangia and sexual reproduction resulting in zygospore formation. Zygomycosis is an angiotropic (blood vessel invading) infection produced by various members of the Zygomycete Order Mucorales. These fiingi grow well at the average temperature of the human body, 37°C, and they are characterized by rapid growth and a cottony texture. The infections typically involve the rhino-facial-cranial area, lungs, GI tract, skin or other organ systems. The most common genera that cause zygomycoses are

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Rhizopus and Absidia. Rhizopus produces non-septate or sparsely septate hyphae,that are quite broad (6-15 um in diameter). Rhizopus spp. produces sporangia arising opposite rhizoids. The primary Rhizopus species that cause health problems are R. arrhizus, R. oryzae, R. microsporusva, and. R. rhizopodiformis. Absidia produces broad and non-septate fungal hyphae that grow at temperatures up to 52°C. It is widely distributed in nature but only one species of the genus (A. corymbiferd) is a pathogen of humans. When present, sporangiophores arise from points between the rhizoids. Acute zygomycosis is associated with acidic diabetes, and it is also found in severely burned patients and those with immunosuppression diseases (37,38).

Patient Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis of fungal diseases often starts by detecting galactomannan antigens in the patient's blood serum. Culturing and identification of molds from the sputum or microscopic examination for hyphae infected tissues mounted in 10% K O H is also commonly performed. Treatments include amphotericin Β and oral itraconazole for Aspergillus infections, and for zygomycosis, the surgical removal of dead tissue, and intravenous amphotericin Β therapy for 10-12 weeks. Amphotericin, a fermentation product of Streptomyces nodusus, is an antibiotic particularly effective for systemic mycoses. Amphotericin binds sterols in the fungal cell membrane creating transmembrane channels causing subsequent electrolyte leakage. It is active against most fimgi except A. terreus. Azoles have also been used for a variety of fungal infections and they function by disrupting fungal ergosterol synthesis. In fungi, the cytochrome P450-enzyme lanosterol 1,4 α demethylase is responsible for the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol. Azoles bind to lanosterol l,4a-demethylase, thus inhibiting the production of ergosterol. There is some cross reactivity with mammalian cytochrome p450 enzymes, and issues exist associated with drug interactions and the impairment of steroid production. Other drug types which interrupt ergosterol synthesis include allylamine (Terbinafine) and morpholines (Fenpropimorph, Amorolfine) (39).

Mold Detection in the Environment Currently, a universal protocol to test for the presence of all molds is not available (40). A S T M assays have been used to test specific building materials, coatings or other substrates for their ability to support mold growth. For example, A S T M G-21-96 (41) can be used to determine the resistance of specific materials to fungal surface growth. G-21 uses a small environmental chamber, where a sample is sprayed with a spore mixture and incubated at greater than 85% relative humidity. The samples are visually rated 0-4 for colonization. This is generally used to test mold resistance against mixed cultures but can also be modified to determine inhibition of

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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194 specific organisms. A S T M D3273 (42) is used to evaluate mold on the surface of interior coatings and also uses a small environmental chamber. A S T M D5590 (43) examines the mold resistance of paint films and is a 4-week plate assay. A S T M 5588 (44) examines the microbial conditions of paint and the sterility of raw materials using swab samples and culturing onto plates. Other A S T M tests are also available. In addition, the American Wood Preserver's Association (AWPA) is currently developing a laboratory test based upon previous A S T M tests. This new test would entail placing wood or wood composites in a controlled temperature and humidity circulating air test chamber where they are subject to fungal spore colonization for the duration of the test. Acceptable substrate treatments would allow no more than 10 % surface mold growth after eight weeks. No single assay however, is entirely predictive of a material's mold resistance. Mold detection and prevalence on building materials can be estimated using plate assays, spore counting under microscopic examination and immunological assays. Biomass can be quantified via ergosterol assays (45) or microbial cleavage of a fluorescein (46). Reeslev (46), in quantifying mold biomass on gypsum board, compared mold biomass, ergosterol and enzyme activity (based on beta-Nacytylhexosamidase) and showed a good correlation between ergosterol levels and enzyme activity. Specific metabolites can be quantified using GC-MS or HPLC, and M V O C sampling on carbon-based filters can be used to indicate fungal colonization. Mycotoxins can be quantified using bioassays, chemical assays and immunological assays. When necessary, identification to species can often be achieved by microscopic examination of asexual or sexual spores and fruiting structures. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), developed for use with mold fiingi by production of antisera made to fungal cell wall components, fungal metabolites and allergens, can be used to monitor mold levels (47). Alternately, ELISA can be used to monitor mold antibody levels in a patient's blood. PCR can be used for the detection and identification of specific species. Fungal species identity can be determined using species-specific primers and PCR amplification or more general primers followed by restriction enzyme analysis and sequencing. Detection of wood colonizing molds for example can be done using PCR amplification using primer pair ITS 1/ITS4 (internal transcribed spacer I, 5.86 ribosomal D N A and ITS II). High copy number ITS regions are highly variable but the primers can be fungal specific. Amplification from colonized wood has been achieved for organisms such as Aureobasidium pullulons, Ceratocysistis pilifera, Phialocephala fusca, Philophora mutabilis, Trichoderma reesei, T. viride, and Chaetomium globosum (48). Specific sequence amplification yields taxonomically, but not necessarily physiologically, relevant information. Fungal toxicity and immunoreactivity can be examined using multiple assays targeting: Interleukin-6 (an inflammatory mediator), cytotoxicity of mouse macrophage cells' tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and nitric oxide production (via the Griess diazotization reaction). TNF is a proinflamitory factor associated with immune system activation. Macrophages are important in innate immunity and clearance of fungi. Nitrous oxide is a mammalian secretory protein that initiates host defense and is

In Development of Commercial Wood Preservatives; Schultz, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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associated with activation of the immune system. The Griess Diazotization Reaction is based upon a multistep colorimetric reaction to produce an azo dye chromophore detected at 540 when a stable product of N O oxidation is present. N O is an indication of cytotoxicity because macrophages can be activated to produce nitric oxide synthetase in the presence of fimgi. A n enzymatic "kit" for the nitrous oxide system (NOS) can then oxidize L-arginine to yield L-citrulline and N O gas, an important inflammatory mediator. Cytotoxicity is determined using vital dyes and microscopic analysis. Interleukin-6, and TNF can be detected using ELISA based assays (18). A n overview of relevant methodology for fungal exposure assessment is given by Pasanen (47).

Conclusions Fungi are biologically unique and dependent upon external nutrition and moisture for their metabolic needs. Reproduction and distribution is via sporulation and the spores can at times reach high concentrations in both indoor and outdoor environments. Molds are ubiquitous throughout the environment, and wherever moisture is present they can grow readily on wood and other building materials. Mold growth decreases the aesthetic appeal of wood products and typically indicates significant moisture and water issues within a structure. Mold growth within buildings may also, under certain circumstances, pose potential risks to human health, particularly to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. Toxicity can differ among fungal isolates, however, and will vary under differing environmental conditions. Substrate/mold species interactions can determine fungal metabolite production and toxicity, and toxicity cannot be inferred merely from mold presence. In evaluating the significance and options for control when confronted with mold contamination it is necessary to take into consideration the specific fungal isolates involved and their physiology and biology in determining any potential course for remediation.

Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical and editorial contributions of B . Kitchin and A . Ostrofsky and the financial support of the Maine Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. This is publication X X X of the Maine Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.

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