The Books Received. - The Journal of Physical ... - ACS Publications

The Books Received. J. Phys. Chem. , 1950, 54 (8), pp 1254–1254. DOI: 10.1021/j150482a020. Publication Date: August 1950. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite t...
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ROOKS RECEIVED (To June 15, 1950) AUDREITH, L. F. (Editor). Inorganic Syntheses. Vol. 111. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 18. 1950. 230 pp. Price: $3.75. CONANT, JAMEE B. (Editor). Haruard Case Histories i n Experimental Science. Case I . Robert Boyle’s Experiments i n Pneumatics. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1950. 70 pp. C O N a N T , JAMES B. (Editor). Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science. Case 8 . The Overthrow of the Phlogiston Theory. The Chemical Revvlution of 1776-1789. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1950. 59 pp. FINKELNBURG, WOLFGANG. Atomic Physics. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 18. 1950. 498 pp. Price: $6.50. HERZBERO, GERHARD. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. I . Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. 2nd edition. D . Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 250 Fourth Ave., N e w York 3. 1950. 658 pp. LANGMUIR, IRVING. Phenomena, Atonis and Molecules. Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 East 40th St., New York 16. 1950. 436 pp. Price: $10.00. MARK,H., A N D VERWEY,E. J. W. (Editors). Advances i n Colloid Science. Vol. 111. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 215 Fourth Ave., New York 3. 1950. 383 pp. Price: $7.50. PAULING, LINUS.College Chemistry. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, California. 1950. 705 pp. AND SAHAMA, TH.G. Geochemistry. The University of Chicago Press, RANKAMA, KALERVO, Chicago 37, Illinois. 1950. 912 pp. Price: $15.00. SWEENEY,WILLIAMJ. Petroelum and its Products. Twenty-Fourth Annual Priestley Lectures. Phi Lambda Upsilon and The Department of Chemistry of The Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pennsylvania. 1950. Price: $2.00 plus $0.25 handling fee. SYRKIN,Y. K., AND DYATKINA, M.E . Structure of Molecules and the Chemical Bond. Transand D . 0. JORDAN. Interscience Publishers, Inc., lated and revised by bl. A. PARTRIDGE 215 Fourth Ave., New York 3. 1950. 509 pp. Price: $8.75. THIELE, H. Praktikum der Kolloidchemie als Einjuhrung in die Arbeitsmethoden. D . Steinkopff, Einbaumstrasse 2, Griesheim, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. 1950. 227 pp. Price : unbound, 16 D M ; bound, 18 DM. VENABLE, W. M.: Hydrogen i n Chemical Atoms. Analysis of Spectral Levels from Li I to 0 VII. Markowits, Haas & Kopelan, 816 Ivy St., Pittsburgh 32, Pennsylvania. 1950. 156 pp. Price: $4.00. VINAL,GEORGEW. Primary Batteries. John Wile]. and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16. 1950. 336 pp. Price $5.00. Methuen’s Monograph8 on Phyrical Subjects (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16): ARNOT,F. L. Collision Processes in Gases. 4th edition. 1950. 104 pp. Price: $1.25. FLINT, H. T. Wave Mechanics. 6th edition. 1949. 131 pp. Price: $1.25. HAGUE,B. A n Introduction to Vector Analysis. 4th edition. 1950. 122 pp. Price: $1.25. JACKSON, L. C. Wave Filters. 3rd edition. 1950. 107 pp. Price: $1.25. JAMEE,R. W. X - R a y Crystallography. 4th edition. 1950. 88 pp. Price: $1.25. JOHNSON, R . C. Atomic Spectra. 2nd edition. 1950. 120 pp. Price: $1.25. JOSEPHS, H . J. Heauiside’s Electric Circuit Theory. 2nd edition. 1950. 115 pp. Price: $1.25. KNUDSEN, MARTIN.The Kinetic Theory of Gases. 3rd edition. 1950. 64 pp. Price: $1.25. SUTTON,0. G. Atmospheric Turbulence. 1st edition. 1949. 107 pp. Price: $1.50. Applications of Interferometry. 4th edition. 1950. 104 pp. Price: WILLIAMS,W. EWART. $1.25. WORENOP, B. L., AND CHALKLIN, F . C. X - R a y s . 3rd edition. 1950. 122 pp. Price: $1.25.