The C-17 Epimer of 20,25-Diazacholesterol'b

Jun 12, 1970 - of certain aza-and diazncholest,erols. Sot only have these compounds been shown to inhibit cholesterol synthesis in laboratory animals3...
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38 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971, Vol. 14, No. 1


Hypocholesterolemic Agents. 7. la The C-17 Epimer of 20,25-Diazacholesterol’b V. V. RANADE, F. KOHEN,AND R. E. COUNSELL* Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Unwerszty of Mzchzgan, Ann Arbor, Mzchigan


Received June 9. 1970 The potent hypocholesterolemic properties of 20,25-diazacholesterol (1) prompted the synthesis of the 17aepimer (5) in order to determine the effect of altering the stereochemistry of the side chain o n biological activity.

One approach t o the development of hypocholesterolemic agents has been the synthesis of compounds which will inhibit the endogenous synthesis of cholesterol. Previous papers in the series described the synthesis and potent hypocholesteroleniic properties of certain aza-and diazncholest,erols. S o t only have these compounds been shown to inhibit cholesterol synthesis in laboratory animals3 arid man,4 but, their ability t o interfere with cholesterolgenesis in insects has also been 0bserved.j Studies with azacholesterols having t’he heteroatom :It different positions of the cholesterol side chain showed t h a t whereas 23-, 2 4 , arid 25-azacholesterol had considerable hypocholesterolemic activity in rats, thc 20- and 22-azacholesterols werc essentially inactive. in this regard. A n examination of mo1ecul:ir models revealed t h a t the P orientation of the C-17,20 bond would decrease the ability of atoms at the 20 and 22 positions to interact with :I receptor surface should idsorption occur by the st,erically less hindered a-f:\ce of the steroid molecule. 2a While n i m y other explanations may :Lccount for the observed :ict,ivitics of t,lic) isomeric azacholesterols, it was of interest t o exnminc what effect altering the stercocheniist’ry of the side chnin would have on the biological nctivitm\-of t’hese compounds. Our first appro:ich to this problem was to determine the effect of epimerization :Itj C-17 011 the biological properties of 20,2~-diazacholesterol (1). The most direct route to the 17a epimer ( 5 ) appe:ired t o be :minolysis of the lip-tosyloxy derivutivc with the appropriate secondary :mine. Severnl l:ibor:itories6 h:ivc displaced the 17/3-tosyl:itc group with Sa- iind subsequcnt’ly reduced t,he resulting 17a-:izido :~ndrostanc derivatives t o 17a-nniino steroids. Moreover, Davis and con-orl;ers7 found t’h:tt 17a-pyrrolidin-1’* T o whom correspondence should be addressed. (1) (a) P a r t V I : P. D. Iilimstra. R . E. Ranney a n d 11. E. Counsell, J . .?led. Chem., 9, 323 (1966). (17) This work was supported by Grants IIE11271 from t h e Xational I n s t i t u t e of Health a n d PRA-18 from t h e American

Counsell, 1’. I).lilimstra, L. Iu. S y s t e d , a n d I