THE C. O. BARTLETT & SNOW CO. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - THE C. O. BARTLETT & SNOW CO. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (10), pp 26A– ... technology, convened a meeting... SCIENCE CONCENTRATES ...
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Explosion proof

limited to several days under refrigerated conditions. Similar types of reasoning must be made when planning shipping methods. Samples collected in the field must often be delivered long distances to the laboratory for analysis. Some thought must then be given to the mode of transportation (company delivery, air freight, etc.), to manner of packing (for example, refrigeration), and to clear and complete labeling. Complete label information will include at least the following : harvest and application dates, dosage and formulations, number of applications, field replications, and sampling and subsampling details, solvent used, extraction time, storage temperature and duration of storage, and weather data over the period from first application to harvest.

laboratory Stirrers powered by AIR These units are ideal for stirring all types of solvents, laquers, paints, oils, synthetics, fine and heavy chemicals where danger of explosion may exist. The Arrow type G or A is a complete unit, ready for mounting on laboratory stand. Only 2 5 to 100 lbs. of air supply is necessary. Shaft and propeller are made of stainless steel.

Research Programs A r e Extensive

Arrow E N G I N E E R I N G CO., INC. 2 0 0 Central Avenue H i l l s i d e , N. J . For further information, circle number 26 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 87 A

Gas Fired Continuous Rotary Dryer Steam Healed Continuous Rotary Dryer Gas Fired Rotary Continuous Combination Calciner and Cooler Electrically Heated Rotary Continuous Combination Calciner and Cooler Direct Fired Rotary Kiln Steam Jacketed Batch Dryer (with Rotary Sweep)




Requirements for obtaining comprehensive residue data, some of which have been discussed here, are inherently complicated and expensive. I t is extremely difficult to visualize a common thread of analytical procedure running through even a small group of two or three residue programs. Nevertheless, under terms of the Miller Amendment, the role of the residue analytical chemist is preordained. He must work in cooperation with entomologists, pathologists, economists, and other professional classifications. But in the end it is the planning and operations of the analysts that result in acceptance or rejection of a particular pesticide for interstate commerce.

The gas fired rotary continuous combination calciner and cooler — pictured above — is used for heating and subsequent cooling of metal oxides, ores, carbonaceous and other materials in an oxidizing, inert or reducing atmosphere. Material can be heated to about 2000° F. and cooled to between 150-200° F. Fired with natural, manufactured or propane gas. Approximately 3 ' 6 " wide; 9'6" long; 4'0"high (including the drive). For either purchase or rental.

Get full details. Write for Bulletin No. 117 today! THE


6 2 1 0 HARVARD







For further information, circle number 26 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 87 A 26 A



With the burden of proof under the new laws resting primarily with the manufacturer, the producer is obliged to conduct considerable research. He is not alone, however, in this area. The TJ. S. Department of Agriculture, for example, is spending an estimated $500,000 a year on residue research. The USDA program includes all phases from application and sampling to laboratory analysis. It is estimated that the states are spending an equal amount on such studies. Joint federal-state programs are being carried out on a regional basis, Land-grant colleges also are working in this area. One area where government assistance is felt desirable is with regard to crops which are in limited production. In such cases, industry cannot justify the expenditure of thousands of dollars on a crop residue program, where the gross sale for the crop is less than the cost of the research project.