The case of the $750,000 wastewater plant that never had to be built

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The case of the $750,000 wastewater plant that never had to be built!

Waste water from a midwestern manufacturer's plant was polluting a stream. The state board of health threatened immediate action unless pollution was eliminated· The company investigated the cost of waste water treatment facilities, and found that a plant that would handle their total effluent would cost at least $750,000. They called in Calgon to make a survey. Calgon pollution control engineers found that the primary cause of contamination came from a process requiring the spraying of a clay slurry. Their findings indicated that the process could be improved to the point that the amount of clay slurry to be disposed of would be reduced by 85%. Changing the process would cost only $80,000 and the effluent would now meet required stream standards. The proposed expenditure of $750,000 for a waste water treatment plant would never have to be made.

A Calgon Water Audit™ is the key to evaluating what it will take to bring your plant into conformity with water quality standards. Calgon pollution control engineers will tell you exactly what the plant effluent contains and how to minimize the amount of water to be treated. The Water Audit will give you costs; it will tell you how much time you have to comply with regulations; and it will show you how big (if any) a waste treatment plant you will need. Calgon Corporation water management specialists have been dealing with waste water problems since 1945. So, when they design a disposal plant, it does the job. Calgon will design the complete plant, and, if you wish, assume responsibility for the entire project on a turn-key basis. Write W. H. Weitzel, Vice President, Water Management Division, Calgon Corporation, Calgon cf È ΛΕ Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230.


