The Cementing Value of Bituminous Binders - Industrial & Engineering

The Cementing Value of Bituminous Binders. Lester Kirschbraun. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1914, 6 (12), pp 976–985. DOI: 10.1021/ie50072a003. Publication Dat...
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Vol. 6 , No.




During t h e past t e n years there has been a great development in t h e methods of valuating paving bitumens. Early a t t e m p t s a t determining these values were directed towards chemical determinations of properties or constituents which were thought t o have a n influence upon t h e quality of materials of this kind. Later developments have indicated t h a t , with few exceptions, t h e valuable properties of paving materials are included more directly in their physical characteristics. T h e present s t a t u s of t h e determination of paving values includes physical tests as t h e more imp o r t a n t ones, leaving a few chemical tests directed towards determining t h e permanency of these products, a n d t h e care with which t h e y have been prepared. It will be generally agreed t h a t a most i m p o r t a n t , if not primary physical property, which paving bitumens must possess is t h a t of cementitiousness. For a long time efforts have been directed towards devising a means of measuring cementitiousness of bituminous binders, b u t s o far nothing has been offered in this direction which has met with general approval. Among t h e tests commonly employed, t h a t of ductility has been assumed t o measure, or t o be, in a general way, a n indication of cementitiousness. While possibly there is some relationship between ductility a n d t h e cementing value of a given t y p e of bitumen, it will be a d m i t t e d t h a t no mathematically direct relationship, if a n y , exists a t all. So far, t h e n , a s our present means of determining cementing values are concerned, this most important feature must be arrived a t b y indirect interpretation of d a t a which afford no exact means of determining such values. T h e writer has for t h e past four or five years directed his attention t o t h e development of a method for directly a n d mathematically expressing t h e cementing value of plastic binders. Various means have been employed in t h e effort t o determine this factor, b u t all have been discarded a s i t developed t h a t t h e y fell short of measuring t h e properties sought for. T h e writer has, a t various times, devised bending or shearing tests; has investigated t h e tensile strength of briquettes of binders a n d mixture of same with mineral p a r ticles; has investigated t h e s t r e n g t h of briquettes joined together by films of binder, a n d has experimented with methods of determining adhesiveness a n d cohesiveness. These various a t t e m p t s , while in some cases giving valuable information, have failed, either through t h e inability t o devise a means of obtaining concorda n t results, or for t h e reason t h a t t h e properties actually measured in these efforts did not directly represent t h e cementing value property sought for. For example, in making tests of briquettes of nonbituminous material stuck together with a film of binder, it is not only difficult, if not impossible, to obtain concordant results on account of variations in

thickness of film, .etc., b u t results obtained do not measure binding value, b u t measure cohesiveness. When tests of this kind are made, t h e briquettes fract u r e with a cleavage, leaving a film or p a r t of a film on either end of t h e briquette. T h e property so recorded is cohesiveness or t h e ability of t h e material t o stick t o itself. Any method which measures strain endured by t h e film of asphalt in detaching itself without cleavage or fracture from a foreign surface measures a d h e s i v e n e s s . I n either case, t h e operation fails t o determine t h e cementing value or t h e ability of t h e material t o bind particles together under t h e conditions of service. If we analyze t h e results obtained upon a number of materials through a series of tests for tensile strength (meaning in this case t h e maximum strain endured in fracturing a briquette of bitumen) we shall find t h a t two different materials may sustain t h e same maximum stress a n d indicate t h e same cohesiveness, b u t t h a t one material will sustain this strain for b u t a short time before fracture, while another material will not only sustain t h e same maximum strain, b u t will endure it during a longer period or through a much longer distance of elongation. For example, a given t y p e of asphalt cement a t a certain penetration will, during application of strain, withstand a maximum of s a y , three units before fracturing. Another asphalt of certain penetration will withstand t h e same strain. I n t h e former case, however, after this maximum is reached, a n appreciable strain can be sustained for many times t h e elongation t h a t m a y be sustained with t h e latter material. Cohesiveness results in such cases would indicate equalitx, b u t a s a practical consideration, t h e l a t t e r material might be entirely unfit for paving purposes, a n d even from superficial observation might not indicate nearly t h e cementing qualities of t h e former. Such results, t h e n , not only become misleading a n d contrary t o practical observations, b u t fail entirely t o give us a n indication of t h e property sought for. T h e adhesiveness of bituminous binders m a y be determined b y means of a suitable apparatus. While t h e adhesiveness is a m a t t e r of importance in t h e effectiveness of bituminous application t o cold road metal by pouring processes, nevertheless, in considering hot mechanical mixtures, t h e adhesiveness appears t o play little p a r t in holding together t h e mineral aggregate. When asphalt pavement cracks or fractures or displaces, a n examination of t h e points of fracture discloses t h a t t h e films of bitumen coating t h e particles have fractured or cleaved, a n d not t h a t t h e bitumen has pulled off t h e mineral particles through lack of adhesiveness. I n other words, t h e adhesiveness is always greater t h a n t h e cohesiveness a n d t h e binding value. No mechanically measured results of adhesiveness need therefore be considered as a factor in this discussion, although t h e adhesiveness is a factor in considering pavements built by penetration methods.

Dec., 1914


977 * t o briquettes a t t h e lower end of t h e runway with t h e box filled with water. At t h e lower end of t h e runway is permanently fastened a small boss or projection t o which one end of the briquette is attached, t h e other

W h a t , then, represents t h e cementing value of a material of this kind? Cementing value must mean t h e ability of t h e bitumen t o bind or hold together against rupture, particles of mineral matter which i t coats ob covers. Upon analyzing t h e conditions applying, i t becomes evident t h a t t o break a p a r t t h e bond between a n y two mineral particles held together b y a coating of plastic bitumen, a certain tension must be applied for a certain time or space of action. The application of a tension over a certain distance infers t h e necessity for t h e film of binder t o elongate at t h e point of contact of t h e t w o particles. T h e actual amount of elongation m a y be extremely small, b u t t h e relative a m o u n t in proportion t o t h e thickness of t h e coating m a y be very great. T h a t elongation does necessarily t a k e place must be admitted from practical experience, which has t a u g h t us t h a t a certain degree of plasticity or softness of our binders is essential t o prevent cracking of pavements. T h e effect of advancing t h e softness of t h e binders is t o favor their ability t o yield a n d elongate under strains. Cracking is therefore minimized by superior ability of a soft binder t o elongate over a hard binder of t h e same kind. If this FIG 1 ability t o elongate were not essential, a n d if i t actually did not t a k e place in t h e binder between t h e particles end being attached t o t h e rod connected with the of aggregate, i t is apparent t h a t t h e hardest binders dynamometer. The position of t h e bridge gives readwould be t h e best, as t h e y would be capable of sus- ings of elongation of t h e briquette, regardless of t h e taining greater strains t h a n t h e softer binders. It will movement of t h e carriage a n d dynamometer. The be seen therefore t h a t t h e ability t o elongate is a n form of briquette adopted is t h a t commonly known as essential feature, a n d must operate, otherwise our con- t h e "Dow" moulds which are used for making ductility clusions would lead us in t h e direction contrary t o tests. These moulds have a miminum cross section actual experience. of I sq. cm. Referring again t o our consideration of two particles I n working o u t t h e method of manipulation, i t was of aggregate bound together, i t is necessary, in order of course necessary t o determine a constant temperat o produce fracture or t o disrupt t h e bond, t o apply t u r e a t which t h e test should be made. The tema certain tension over a necessary distance. The prodperature selected was j " C. or 41" F. This was seuct of these factors is work done. T h e binding value lected for several reasons. I n t h e first place it was of a plastic binder is t h e n limited t o t h e a m o u n t of tension i t can sustain over a given distance, or is directly proportionate t o t h e work done in producing fracture or failure of a given unit of material. An a p p a r a t u s was accordingly devised for the.purpose of recording t h e factors above mentioned, namely, strain applied over distance. The apparatus in its final form is shown in Figs. I a n d 2 . It consists of a rectangular box insulated a n d lined with galvanized iron or copper. An inclined plane or runway is a t tached t o t h e box, t h e lower end of which reaches t h e b o t t o m of t h e box, a n d t h e other end projects a n equal distance outside. This runway carries a carriage through which passes a screw actuated b y a set of gears adjustable t o t h e desired speed. Upon t h e carriage is maintained a dynamometer, t o t h e end of which is connected a flat brass rod, which extends along t h e runway t o within a few centimeters of t h e end. a n d of t h e b o t t o m of t h e box. This rod is graduated in metric units, a n d passes under a n adjustable bridge a t which FIG. 2 t h e readings are recorded during travel of t h e rod. T h e runway is edged with guides of sufficit?nt width necessary t o obtain sufficiently large readings upon f o r t h e free passage of t h e briquettes. T h e arrange- t h e dynamometer. At normal temperatures, bitumiment a n d position of t h e carriage makes i t possible nous materials of this kind are ordinarily capable of t o apply a tension through t h e rod in a straight line withstanding b u t very little strain. Secondly, t h e





depending on t h e ability of various binders t o yield or elongate without fracture. It is apparent t h a t under t h e same conditions of volume change in a pavement a soft binder would yield a n d conform more easily t o t h e necessary change, thereby allowing much less strain t o be set up t h a n with a hard binder. Various trials were made a t different speeds in order toodetermine what speed was most adapted t o securing concordant results, a n d distinguishing t o t h e greatest degree t h e differences between various materials. Speeds between I t o I O cm. per minute were tried upon t h e same materials. It was found t h a t t h e higher speeds had a tendency t o effect too sudden application of strain, and, with t h e harder materials, t o produce fracture in the corner of t h e briquettes rather t h a n a t t h e point of minimum cross section. Again, a t t h e faster speeds, it became difficult t o take t h e readings near t h e time of fracture owing t o t h e rapid travel of t h e rod and the pointer of t h e dynamometer. After various trials i t was found t h a t a speed of travel of t h e carriage and dynamometer a t t h e rate of I cm. per minute provided t o t h e greatest extent €or t h e factors indicated above. It will be understood


t h a t in applying strain t o t h e briquette by means of a dynamometer traveling a t a uniform speed, t h e briquette has a t first slight tendency t o elongate under application of strain, until a maximum is reached, when t h e rate of elongation of t h e briquette exceeds t h e rate of travel of t h e carriage and dynamometer, a t which point the dynamometer begins t o register values below t h e maximum attained, until finally t h e briquette is either fractured a t a reduced cross section through elongation of t h e material, or t h e dynamometer returns t o zero without fracture of t h e briquette. An essential difference from t h e method of determining ductility is t h a t during t h e entire period of elongation, t h e material is under substantial strain. Ductility or elongation values t h a t include t h e distance traveled by a n extremely fine thread or filament of bitumen are misleading and immaterial. I n making t h e test, as finally adopted, t h e briquettes are prepared in t h e usual manner as for ductility test, and are placed in t h e test box a t 5' C. They are held for about three-quarters of a n hour a t this temperature before making t h e test. When ready, one end of

strains which produce fracture a n d cracking in a pavement in actual service are greatest during cold weather. Again, a low temperature being necessary, t h e temperat u r e of 5' C., was selected as being easy t o maintain constantly with ice and water. On account of t h e plastic nature of t h e material operated upon, a n d its tendency t o elongate under strain, it was necessary t o determine upon a uniform means of application of load. It was evidently impossible t o set a uniformly increasing load for t h e reason t h a t , as t h e material elongated, and its cross section became smaller, it would be necessary t o rapidly accelerate t h e rate of elongation or travel of t h e dynamometer towards t h e end of t h e operation, in order t o increase t h e strain. This would become impracticable as a matter of manipulation, a n d would be subject t o large variation through personal equation a n d through inability t o t a k e t h e required readings sufficiently rapidly. It was found necessary after many trials t o adopt a .uniform rate of travel of carriage a n d d y n a m o m e t e r . This is in accord with practical conditions, inasmuch as a n y strain set up in a pavement would be induced a t a variable rate of application,


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t h e briquette is hitched t o t h e fixed post a t t h e bottom of t h e box on t h e runway, a n d t h e dynamometer b r o u g h b i n t o position so t h a t t h e end of t h e rod attached t o same may be fastened t o t h e other end of t h e briquette. The apparatus is driven mechanically, a n d t h e carriage is started by closing t h e split-nut which brings it into contact with t h e screw. When t h e end of t h e dynamometer begins t o move over its zero mark, t h e bridge over t h e rod is adjusted t o t h e zero mark on t h e rod. Carriage a n d dynamometer continue t o travel a t t h e rate of I cm. per minute, a n d readings of t h e dynamometer are taken a t every half centimeter of elongation as shown by the rod. This is continued until t h e briquette fractures or elongates through its maximum back t o zero strain. The dynamometer carries a maximum pointer a n d is graduated in tenths of a kilogram, a n d t h e zero mark is taken as one-tenth kilogram, which includes t h e weight of t h e briquette and t h e frictional resistance of parts. The position of t h e rod and boss are such as t o lift t h e briquette slightly off t h e runway when t h e strain is applied, so t h a t no friction results on this account during t h e application of strain. Fig. 3 illustrates

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t h e position of t h e briquette a n d dynamometer a t various stages of test. T h e results of t h e d a t a obtained in these determinations may be graphically recorded. The distances elongated are recorded as abscissae, a n d t h e strain a s ordinates. Fig. 4 gives a typical example of results obtained upon t h e same material of different consistencies under this method of test. T h e areas en7 6

5 2 4

L 53


Cms. Elo ng a f i o n closed by these curves represent t h e product of t h e strain applied a n d t h e distance of its application, or t h e work done. T h e unit of value is expressed as kilogrammeters. This area may be obtained f r o m t h e graphical plot of t h e result, or may be secured much more quickly, a n d sufficiently accurately, by addition of t h e ordinates. T h e readings are t a k e n f o r every 0 . j cm. or 0.005 of a meter. Every unit of ordinate therefore represents 0.005 kilogram meters, a n d t h e s u m of t h e ordinates multiplied b y this factor gives t h e area or t h e work done in kilogram meters. Expressed mathematically, t h e formula f o r calculating t h e result is 2 Y X 0.005. This is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. Referring again t o Fig. 4,i t will be noted t h a t t h e same material a t different consistencies requires widely varying a m o u n t s of work for failure. With t h e harder materials, a comparatively sharp curve is obtained, which reaches a certain maximum, a n d t h e n becomes less a s t h e material elongates faster t h a n t h e carriage travels. When t h e cross section is reduced t o a point a t which i t is unable t o withstand t h e strain induced, i t breaks. With t h e materials of t h e softer consistency J Cms. Elongation there is a tendency of t h e curve t o flatten a n d t o become larger- as t h e material is more plastic. Aconsistency is finally reached a t which t h e material is able t o progress t h r o u g h " t 0 its maximum a n d back t o zero (or 0 .I kg.) without fracture. All tests were obtained in duplicate, a n d t h e results indicate a h i t of accuracy of 0 . 0 2 kg. meter f r o m a n average, o n t h e highest results, t o a much closer agreement upon t h e lower values. Exception t o this accuracy


is noted upon t h e , h a r d brittle materials, which are unable t o elongate uniformly without setting up internal strain, due t o t h e corners of t h e briquettes. Having established a satisfactory method of determining t h e value sought for, it was desired t o outline a series of investigations covering t h e following points: I-Survey of t h e characteristics of commercial products with special reference t o determining t h e degree of differentiation possible with t h e various materials. 2-The possibility of valuating fluxes by this method. 3-Test of t h e commercial products, t h e chemical characteristics of which indicate inferior preparation. 4-The determination of a possible effect upon cementing value induced by improper preparation upon a series of products made known under known conditions. j-The determination of standards of value necessary for practical application. I n order t o t a k e complete information of t h e characteristics of commercial products, it is necessary t o collect such d a t a as would represent a wide range of consistency for each material. The refined asphalt was accordingly used a n d fluxed with t h e kind of flux ordinarily used in practice. Determinations were made upon each material a t a number of different consistencies, a n d these cementing values were graphically expressed as abscissae a n d t h e consistencies a's ordinates. T h e various materials examined were grouped into three classes according

C e m e n t i n g Vohe at 5°C. ( K i l o g r a m m e t e r s ) t o their origin. Record was made of the cementing value a s determined b y t h e d a t a presented before, together with t h e elongation a n d t h e maximum strain sustained. These d a t a are given ' in Table I (page 981). Group I contains asphalt cements prepared from solid n a t u r a l bitumens, a n d Groups 2 a n d 3 include products made f r o m natural liquid bitumens.




Results obtained are given graphically in Figs. 5 , It was found desirable t o plot elongation in order t o complete t h e means of interpretation of t h e results. T h e graphical presentation of this d a t a

6 a n d 7.

Cms Elongotion atS°C indicates a relationship between consistency a n d cementing value on one hand, a n d consistency a n d elongation on t h e other. By referring t o plates, i t is possible t o compare t h e values of any of t h e materials a t t h e same penetration. It will be noted t h a t t h e ce' menting value increases generally as t h e consistency becomes harder, b u t when a certain hardness is reached, there appears t o be a breaking off in the values determined in this way, owing t o t h e brittleness a n d t h e inability of t h e material t o yield without internal

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pull. Such procedure, however, would minimize t h e differences between these materials a t those consistencies a t which such differences are of greatest importance.

Cementing Value at5'C. (Kilogrammeters)

T h e effect of t h e presence of mineral matter upon t h e binding value and elongation is illustrated in case of material A - P , which was examined with t h e mineral matter in, a n d with t h e mineral matter removed. The presence of mineral matter in these materials lowers t h e result obtained for cementing value, although t h e cohesiveness or maximum strain recorded is greater for t h e same consistency with t h e mineral matter in. The apparent lowering of cementing value is due t o t h e lesser elongation produced under strain, a n d t o t h e fact t h a t t h e bitumen when examined with its contained mineral matter is actually softer t h a n indicated by penetration of t h e whole. T h e increase of binding value with hardness, a n d t h e increase of elongation with softness is quite in accord with practical observations. For example, if a material be laid under light traffic a t , say, 6 5 penetration, experience has shown us t h a t we must reduce t h e penetration under heavy traffic, in order t h a t the mineral particles may be bound together more solidly t o resist impact and displacement. On t h e other hand, when we lay a pavement a t 6 5 penetration for light traffic, we require greater ability Cementing Voiue at5'C. (Kilogrammeter) Cms.Elongation at5"C. in t h e material t o elongate in order strains induced by t h e form of briquettes. This is a t o resist cracking, t h a n we do under heavy traffic. factor dependent upon t h e speed of t h e pull, a n d in This is t r u e because, as is well known, heavy traffic all likelihood there would be a continuation of t h e tends t o knead t h e pavement and relieve t h e stresses curves beyond the present points a t a slower r a t e of set up by changes of temperature. It will be

Dec., 1914


C ” a n d Flux 3

MaxPen. a t i m u m 770 F strain 35 5.7- 5.7 52 3.2-3.0 64 2.3- 2 . 2 78 1.4-1.1 98 1.1- 1.0

Average 5.7 3.1 2.25 1.35 1.05

5.1- 5 . 0 3.8-3.6 2.6-2.4 1.6-1.5 4.3- 4 . 3 6.4- 7.2 7.3.

5.05 3.7 2.5 1.55 4.33 6.8 7.3

Asphalt “ B ” and Flux 2 0.269-0.308 0.288 0,278-0.233 0.255 0,154-0.168 0.161 0,114-0.106 0.111 0,259-0.257 0,258 ......... 0,017 0.087, 0,087

6.4 4.3 2.85 2.3 2.C5 4.5

Asphalt “ A ” a n d Flux 2 0.194-0.202 0.198 0.215-0.186 0.201 0.119-0.152 0.136 0.111-0.125 0.118 0.107-0.109 0.108 0.197-0.172 0.185

41 51 64 80 45 11 22 37


59 72 82 46


6.5 4.4 2.9 2.3 2.1 4.5

Cementing Values 0,199-0.198 0,134-0.126 0.101-0.101 0.077-0.063 0.060-0.063

Averaae 0,199 0,130 0.101 0,070 0.062

... .

6.5 8.75 10.0 12.0 7.1 0.22 1.2

6.5-6.5 10.0-10.5 13.0-15.0

6.5 10.25 14.0

Asphalt “ D ” and Flux 3 0,324-0.379 0,352 0.191-0.185 0.188 0,113 0,105-0.121

6.5- 7 . 0 9.0- 9.0 11.5-12.0

6.75 9.0 11.75

3.2- 3 . 4 5.5- 6 . 4 8.0- 7 . 7 15 .0-11 .O 9.0- 9 . 5 18.0-19.0 18.0-18.5 16.0-15.5

3.3 5.95 7.85 13.0 9.25 18.5 18.25 15.75

Asphalt “ F ” a n d Flux 1 0,074-0.149 0.097 7 . 4 0.415-0.382-0.441 0.413 7.2 0.463-0.394 0.428 5.1 0.354-0.344 0.347 0.2693.5 0.269 2.8 0.212- . . . . . 0.212 2.45 0.206-0.195 0.201 1.6 0,133-0.155 0.144 1.25 0.111-0.123 0.117

0.9- 1 . 7 6.5-5.7-6.1 7.0- 6.5 8.0-10.5 12 . O - . . . . 13. 0 - . . . . 14.5-15.5 16.0-17.0 17.0-18.0

1.5 6.1 6.75 9.25 12.0 13.0 15.0 16.5 17.5

6.0-6.1 2.4- 2 . 4 1.6- 1 . 6

34 55 81

5.8- 6 . 5 2.7- 2 . 6 1.3- 1 . 5

6.15 2.65 1.4

GROUP2-FIG. Asphalt

29 5.9- 7.2 34 7.3-7.2-7.8 36 7.5- 6 . 9 50 5.1- . . . 61 3.5- . . . 76 2.8- . . . 77 2.5- 2 . 4 109 1.6- 1 . 6 122 1.1- 1 . 4

6.0- 7.0 9.5-8.0 9.0-11.0 12.0-12.0 7 . 0 - 7.2 0.2- 0 . 2 5 1.2- 1 . 2

3.5 5.25 5.75 7.0

39 69 88

13.7-13.6 9.9- 9 . 6 6.6- 6 . 5 4.0- 4.3 5.0- 4 . 8 2.75-2.85 2.9- 2 . 8 1.2- 1 . 3

Averane 4.0 5.0 5.75 8.0 8.75

3.5 4.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 4.3

Asphalt “A-2’’ Purified 6.05 0.338-0.348 0.343 0.183-0.164 0.174 2.4 0.137-0.123 0.130 1.6

30 43 54 72 63 91 83 134

Elongation Cms. 4.0- 4.0 5.0-5.0 5.5- 6 . 0 7.5-8.5 8.5- 9 . 0

8.0 4.6


“ E ” a n d Flux 1

13.65 9.75 6.5 4.15 4.9 2.62 2.85 1.25

0.382 0.486 0.450 0.353 0.395 0.229 0.257 0.101




4.0 3.05 2.35 1.8 1.8 1.2 0.5

Asphalt “ H ” a n d Flux 3.95 0.216-0.225 0.169-0.163 2.93 2.33 0.138-0.135 0.102-0.114 1.75 1.7 0.103-0.095 0.0938-0.0878 1.2 0.5 0.0517-0.0518

0.220 0.166 0.137 0.108 0.099 0.091 0.052

6.5- 6 . 5 6.5- 7 . 5 8.0- 8.0 9.0- 9 . 5 9.5- 9 . 5 11.5-1 1 . 5 13.5-14.0

41 53 61 69 80 136


4.1 2.9 2.1 1.7 1.5 0.3

Asphalt “ G ” a n d Flux “ G ” 3.95 0.221-0.229 0.225 2.85 0.165-0.158 0.162 2.15 0.137-0.134 0.136 1.75 0.124-0.105 0.115 1.45 0.093-0.103 0.098 0.3 0.036-0.033 0.035

7.0- 6 . 5 7.5- 7 . 2 9.5- 9 . 5 10.5-1 1.o 11.0-12.0 14.0-14.5

3.25 2.0

Asuhalt “I,” 0.199- . . . . . 0.146-0.122 0.077-. .

0.199 0.134 0.077

4.2- . 4.5- 5 . 0 6.0- , . .

3.9 2.4 1.55 1.25 0.95

Asphalt “ K ” 0,150-0.173 0.129-0.121 0.077-0.082 0.085-0.082 0.059-0.054

0.162 0.125 0.080 0.084 0.057

4.5- 5 . 0 7.5- 7 . 5 9.0- 9 . 0 10.5-10.5 9.5-10.5

3.9 2.2 1.4 0.9

Asphalt “ M ” a n d Flux 1 5.75 0.263-0.284 0,273 3.85 0.213-0.202 0.208 2.4 0.167-0.141 0.154 L35 0.112-0.113 0.112 0.9 0.088-0.086 0.087

6.2- 6 . 8 8.5- 8 . 5

“N” 0.104 0.076 0.065 0.059 0.047

2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5

2.5 2.5 2.65 3.0

P” 0.059 0.023 0.016 0.047

1.5 2.5 2.5 2.0

1.5 2.5 2.5 2.0

42 51 60 69 77


38 51 69 51 71 94 109 137

5.5- . . . 3.4- 3 . 1 2.0- . . .

4.0 2.4 1.6 1.2 0.9


.. .

GROUP3-FIG. 31 40 55 70 97

5.5- 6.0




g:;5 9.5 11.5 13.75 6.75 7.s5

1;::5 11.5 14.25 4.2


;:z5 10.0


39 52 57 72 94

4.6 3.4 2.8 2.3 1.7

Asphalt “N” a n d Flux 4.65 0.105-0.103 3.35 0.075-0.077 3.8 0.068-0.062 2.25 0.058-0.060 1.75 0.045-0.049

37 100 118 65

4.3 1.2 1.0 2.7

Asphalt “ P ” a n d Flux 4.3 0.059-0.059 1.2 0.025-0.023 0.9 0.015-0.016 2.6 0.045-0.050

5.5- 5 . 3 12.5-13.0 14.5-15.0


18.5 2,25 14.75



noted t h a t t h e cementing value is not directly proportionate t o t h e elongation, a n d t h a t in some cases t h e binding value of t w o different materials a t t h e same penetration is very similar, whereas their ability t o elongate a t t h e same penetration is appreciably different. Likewise, particularly a t t h e lower penetrations, some materials elongate t o practically t h e same extent, yet their cementing values are widely different. It is evident from t h e s t u d y of this graphical d a t a , t h a t i t is not only necessary t o consider t h e elongation as a factor in t h e cementing value, b u t i t is also necessary t o consider i t a p a r t from t h e cementing value. If this were not so, our pavements would be less liable t o crack when laid a t t h e harder consistencies. It appears, therefore, t h a t while t h e cementing value indicates t h e ability of t h e material t o bind aggregate together, a minimum ability t o elongate is also necessary t o avoid cracking. This is well illustrated with material “ N ” which, when laid, has sufficient cementing value t o bind t h e mineral particles together for light traffic, but which has a very pronounced tendency t o crack. I t s binding ability a t no consistency would be sufficient for conditions of heavy traffic. I t will further be noticed t h a t t h e general tendency of t h e elongation curves is t o straighten upward beyond a certain consistency, a n d in some cases, even t o retreat. This indicates t h a t beyond a certain a m o u n t , fluxing not only results in less binding value, b u t results in reduced ability t o elongate, a n d t h a t nothing would be gained, so f a r as plasticity is concerned, b y further fluxing. I n t h e case of materials “ P ” a n d “N,”there would hardly be a n y consistency a t which t h e material might be handled which would overcome t h e tendency t o crack. This i n a practical way has been actually found to be t h e case. Attention m a y be called, at this point, t o t h e fact t h a t various materials showing t h e same maximum strain or cohesiveness possess widely differe n t cementing values. F o r example, asphalt “G” at 53 penetration shows 2 . 8 j kg. maximum strain. T h e same value for cohesiveness is shown b y asphalt “ E ” at 83 penetration, yet t h e cementing value of this latter greatly exceeds t h a t of asphalt “G.” This is a typical example which indicates t h e abilitv of __ this test t o differentiate beyond a n y ordinary tension tests. Table I1 is given showing t h e results of investigations made in t h e effort t o determine t h e possibility of valuating various fluxes. I n this series of tests t h e same asphalt was used throughout, a n d was fluxed with different fluxes, t h e cementing values a n d other d a t a being determined as indicated before. These are given in T a b l e 11. Graphical results are shown in Fig. 8. It will be noted t h a t t h e cementing values of these materials a r e progressively greater a s t h e fluxes t e n d tow-ards asphaltic base, with this exception t h a t t h e paraffine combination shows slightly better values t h a n t h e light-semi-asphaltic. This is due t o t h e fact t h a t much less paraffine base fllax was used t o produce t h e consistencies noted t h a n i n t h e case of t h e light semi-asphaltic flux. When, however, t h e elongation



curves are examined, a progressive increase without exception is noted in ability t o elongate as t h e fluxes used partake more of a n asphaltic character. I t will TABLE11-FLCX TESTS-FIG. 8 R . A. and Paraffine Flux Elongation Cementing AverPen. at Maximum Aver77OF. age age Cms. strain Values 2.5- 2 . 3 0.082-0.083 0,083 45 3.9-4.0 3.95 0,130 4.6-5.0 0.115-0.144 53 3.0-3.1 3.05 0.074 5.5- 5 . 5 1.7 0.072-0.075 88 1.7-1.7 0.094 5.5- 5 . 5 2.1 0.093-0.095 76 2.1-2.1 R . A. and Light Semi-Asphaltic Flux 39 3.8-3.9 3.85 0.092-0.114 0.103 3.0- 3 . 7 0.096 8.2- 8.0 68 1.5-1.5 1.5 0.096-0.096 83 1.2-1.1 1.15 0.077-0.067 0.072 8.5- 8 . 5 0.165 7.4- 5.5 0,188-0.141 44 3.G3.0 3.0 R. A. and Heavy Semi-Asphaltic Flux 34 5.8-6.5 6.15 0,325-0.379 0.352 6.5- 7 . 0 55 2.7-2.6 2.65 0.191-0.185 0.188 9.0-9.0 81 1.3-1.5 1.4 0.105-0.121 0.113 11.5-12.0 R . A. and Asphaltic Flux 130 0 . 4 - . . . 0.4 0.043- . . . . . 0.043 14.0- . . . . 79 1.4-1.3 1.35 0,119-0.125 0,122 13.0-14.5 59 2.7-2.6 2.65 0,246-0.198 0.222 13.0-11.0 45 4.1-4.2 4.15 0.316-0.327 0.322 9.0- 8.8 35 6.0-5.8 5.9 0.282-0.246 0.264 5.0- 5.5 51 3.6-3.6 3.6 0,254-0.249 0.252 8.5- 8 . 5 33 .,.. . .,. , .. . . . . . . 0.210 ,..,.

Aver. age 2.4 5.0 5.5 5.5 3.35 8.1 8.5 6.45 6.75

1:::s 14.0 13 75 12.0 8 9 5.25 8.5 4.4

be noted t h a t t h e ability. t o elongate would become even a more sensitive indication of t h e character of t h e flux itself t h a n t h e cementing value. T h e practical necessity for considering this ability t o elongate is a p t l y illustrated here. This refined asphalt used with paraffine fluxes has proven unsatisfactory i n practice. Under light traffic, pavements laid with this have shown sufficient binding qualities t o hold t h e mineral particles together, b u t t h e tendency t o crack is very decided. On t h e other hand, this refined

asphalt with light semi-asphaltic flux has shown, i n a practical way, t h a t t h e cracking tendency is greatly reduced in laying a t a sufficiently high penetration, a n d it has been much more satisfactory t h a n t h e previous combination, even though i t s cementing valuk is not greater. T h e material with t h e asphaltic flux a n d t h e heavy semi-asphaltic flux have been eminently successful under service conditions. It is evident from t h e above t h a t t h e method described furnishes a means of determining t h e value of various fluxes a n d their suitability in asphalt combinations. During t h e course of commercial practice, various

Yo\.6 . No.1 2

materials have been encountered which gave indication, from analysis, of having been poorly preparedso much as t o warrant their rejection for use. A f e w of these samples were on file, a n d were available f o r cementing value tests. These materials were generally refined asphalts of from 30 t o 40 penetration, reduced from liquid albumen. T h e y were subjected t o t h e cementing value test a t t h e consistency a t which t h e y were obtained, a n d t h e n fluxed with t h e same asphaltic flux t o a consistency corresponding t o paving penetration, i n order t o afford comparison with normal products of t h e same type. T h e determination of cementing value a n d elongation are given in Table 111, together with t h e principal analytical characteristics. These results are graphically shown in Fig. 9, a n d are given i n connection with a curve showing t h e quality of a n average acceptable commercial sample of material prepared from similar crude. I t is evident from t h e s t u d y of these results t h a t t h e chemical indications of inferior preparation shown b y t h e high fixed carbon a n d per cent insoluble in carbon tetrachloride are confirmed by actual lowering of t h e cementing qualities, a n d elongation values. I n order t o confirm t h e indications of lowering of cementing qualities with accompanying evidences of poor preparation, products were made in t h e laborat o r y from t h e same asphaltic base crude oil under known conditions. These were made in a small still, a n d were prepared a t temperatures of j25', 700' a n d 8 2 5 ' t o 850' F. at t h e end of t h e distillation.. Four runs were made, t w o of which were conducted at t h e last named temperature. I n t h e first three runs, t h e materials were not pushed t o a hard penetration, b u t of t h e last two r u n s at 850' F., one was pushed t o a very h a r d consistency. I n order t o obtain a n indication as t o t h e comparative extent of cracking which took place, composite samples of t h e digtillate were tested for gravity. I n t h e first t w o runs, samples were t a k e n from t h e still a t various points of consistency indicated hereafter. I n t h e fourth run, t h e material, as stated, was pushed t o a very hard penetration a n d fluxed back with well prepared asphaltic base flux from t h e same crude. All of these samples were tested for cementing value, a n d those samples most nearly corresponding in consistency or penetration were examined for their main chemical characteristics. These results are given in Table I V (page 9S4) a n d are shown graphically on Fig. I O . On account of t h e insufficient number of points of elongation secured, no a t t e m p t was made t o draw a smooth curve covering these points. Inspection of t h e above tabulated results shows t h a t very little change or decomposition has occurred under 700' F., i n running down t o t h e consistencies noted. T h e material prepared a t 850' F. gives evidences of substantial decomposition. This is indicated by a lighter

Dec., 1914


gravity of distillate a n d falling off in solubility in carbon disulfide. T h e gravity of distillate in runs T-3 a n d T-4 hard are, of course, not strictly comparable owing t o t h e different consistencies t o which these were pushed. As a consequence of t h e decomposition t h a t has occurred, there follows a substantial increase of fixed carbon over n o r m a l , a n d t h e conversion of p a r t of t h e bitumen t o a form insoluble i n carbon tetrachloride. T h e differences between products obtained in t h e t w o T-4 runs show t h a t not only is temperature a factor in decomposition, b u t also t h e degree t o which t h e operation is pushed, or t h e degree of "concentration" resulting. This latter

t o note t h e persistency with which material prepared from this crude retains its cementing value even when badly decomposed; a n d although showing evidences in this direction which would cause its rejection under s t a n d a r d specifications, i t s cementing value has not been reduced below a n acceptable minimum. A s t o whether or n o t materials so prepared, a n d possessing t h e characteristics of t h e last named product would r e t a i n t h e cementing value indicated, is a matter requiring investigation before a n y conclusion can be drawn as t o t h e effect of t h e features noted. I t will be seen, in referring t o commercial products prepared from crude of this ,character, t h a t t h e loss of cementing

TABLE 111-FIG. 7199




Pent. a t i i 0 F 32 Duct. a t 7 7 O F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 cm. 5 hr. loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4 % Per cent hardening., . , , , . , , , , , . 25.0 CSz soluble.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 . 7 Mineral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 Difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 CClr soluble.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 . 0 Fixed carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 6 Cementing value a t 5' C . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 2 8 9 Elongation a t 5 C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0



0.141 5.5




32 4 . 5 cm. 9.6 % 23.0 98.9 0.2 0.9 90.0 18.6 0.085 1.2


Cms €/ongafion o f 5 2

M u n i c i # d Engineering, 36, 349


0.096 2.9

0xd. 68

0 . 8 75 36.9 99.0 0.2 0.8 94.4 17.7 0.126 2.5



A -

40 i.0 cm.


99.0 95.9 0.082 3.0

0.136 2.5

0.lli 3.75



41 1 , 2 per cent 65 cm. 43.9 99.7 0.2 0.1 97.9 16.9 0.258 6.5



0 141 9.i5

value is much greatef with slighter evidences of decomposition t h a n is obtained f r o m t h e products prepared in t h e laboratory. h-0 explanation of these variations is offered, aside from t h e indications given b y these commercial products of having been prepared by other methods, t h a n those involving straight distillation. It is evident t h a t this method of determining cementing values is capable of distinguishing between products prepared with more or less care, and t h a t a reduction in cementing properties follows as a consequence of decomposition occurring during preparation.

Cementing Value 0752 (M/of rommefers)

There is marked loss in cementing value in t h e material pushed t o hard penetration a n d fluxed back, and-2the evidences of decomposition are very decided. I n fluxing this hard material (T-4) back with well prepared flux, approximately equal quantities of flux were required t o bring i t back t o 6 2 penetration. T h e effect of t h e introduction of so large a q u a n t i t y of well prepared flux has, of course, minimized t h e loss of cementing value. Nevertheless, i t is astonishing 1


9 7223

7 . 5 cm.

is i n confirmation of t h e investigations made b y t h e writer some time ago.' It will be observed from t h e inspection of t h e graphical d a t a t h a t t h e most cementitious materials were produced a t t h e lower temperatures, a n d t h a t t h e cementing values decrease as t h e conditions of preparation become more severe. While t h e differences in cementing value between materials produced a t j 2 j O a n d 700' F. are slight, there is a substantial difference between these results a n d those obtained with t h e materials produced a t 850' F., a n d between these latter, prepared a t substantially t h e same temperat u r e , b u t pushed t o a varying degree of hardness.


I n t h e previous discussion, various commercial asphalts which have been used in paving work have been examined, together with their appropriate a n d inappropriate fluxes. There has also been observed t h e effect on asphalt derived from liquid bitumen, of improper conditions of preparation. It remains, therefore, t o analyze t h e d a t a obtained, in connection with practical results, a n d t o determine, if possible, what cementing characteristics appear t o be necessary for t h e successful binder. Discussion of this



phase of t h e m a t t e r will be confined t o only one form of construction, namely, sheet asphalt pavements. F r o m long experience with various materials observed i n this discussion, a n d i n segregating those binders which, in t h e writer's observations, have been successf u l a n d unsuccessful, certain tentative values may be set which should differentiate t h e successful or acceptable cement from t h e non-acceptable. Carefully considering this m a t t e r in connection with practical results, t h e lowest cementing value which is considered acceptable under conditions of light traffic is

Vol. 6 , No.


terials laid under traffic, calling for a penetration of 35 t o 40, with materials of t h e first group, t h e writer would prescribe for such traffic a minimum cementing value for t h e bitumen used of a b o u t 0.24 kilogrammeters, a n d elongation limits between four a n d six centimeters. Maximum limits of elongation are set as well a s minimum limits for t h e reason t h a t above t h e maximum limits of elongation, is t h e accompanying higher consistency, which results in too soft a cement under conditions of hot weather. These limits are, of course, suggestive, a n d will be modified according


....................... ............... ................... ............. ........................ .......................... ..........................

T- 1

Temperature s t i l l . . 522' F. 21.2 Gravity of distillate at 60' F Pushed to penetration.. 50 Fluxed to penetration at 77' F . . 59 115 cm. Ductility at 7 7 O F.. Fixed c a r b o n . . . 5 . 5 per cent 99.6 Soluble in CSa.. 99.6 Soluble in CCl4.. 0.478 Cementing value a t 5 C . . .................. 7 . 7 cm. Elongation a t 5' C......................... Melting point.. ................................



10 T-2 700' F. 21.2 42 66 115 cm. 7 . 0 per cent 99.7 99.7 0.439 1 1 . 5 cm.



set a t 0.08 kilogrammeters. This value, if t a k e n alone, will include some materials which, although able under light traffic t o bind t h e mineral particles in a sheet asphalt pavement together, are prone t o develop cracking. As s t a t e d previously, i t is necessary not only t o consider t h e cementing value alone, b u t also t o consider t h e ability of t h e binder t o elongate, in order t o prescribe those which have t h e property of holding together mineral aggregate without undue tendency t o cracking. For light traffic, this elongation value is set between t h e limits of 8 cm. a n d 14

Cms. Elongation 075~6

T-3 850° F. 26.2 66


102 cm. 13.1 per cent 98.9 97.5 0.311 1 7 . 0 cm.


T-4 hard 850' F. 25.6 2

T - 4 fluxed

.... ....

.... ....

2 6 . 4 per cent 85.3 67.9


2 1 7 ' P.


62 5 7 . 0 cm. 15.2 per cent 93.3 87.3 0.212 13.75


t o t h e individual experience a n d ideas of those who might employ these tests. It is probable t h a t a n empirical formula m a y be devised giving t h e relationship between traffic units m d cementing-elongation values in such a way as t o indicate t h e necessary characteristics applicable for a n y intensity of traffic. There remains another factor which may influence t h e valuating of materials in accordance with these characteristics, a n d t h a t is, t h e possible r a t e of loss of cementing value which will be shown upon tests carried o u t over a prolonged period of time. As is well

Cementing Value ~7752.(Kilogram m eters)

cm. f o r t h e pure bitumen. Below these values are found, in t h e writer's experience, unsuccessful materials for t h e class of construction referred to, a n d corresponding t o these values are found those which have demonstrated satisfactory use under light traffic. AS previously indicated, pavements under heavy traffic require stronger a n d more cementitious binders with less need of these binders t o elongate. It is .difficult t o describe accurately conditions which would be understood by all t o be designated a s heavy traffic. Keeping in mind, however, service records of ma-

known, various bituminous materials harden with age a n d suffer marked loss of ductility upon standing, sometimes for comparatively short periods of time. It is likely t h a t t h e materials here examined would likewise show variable r a t e of loss of cementing value a n d elongation with age, particularly those materials showing t h e effects of severe t r e a t m e n t in preparation. D a t a of this kind covering a period of t i m e or indicating t h e same effect of accelerated tests will be of considerable importance in fully determining t h e relative values of various t y p e s of binders.

Dec., 1914


It is t h e intention of t h e writer t o t a k e up these phases of t h e subject, b u t owing t o t h e time necessary t o compile complete d a t a , i t is considered advisable t o present t h e foregoing in t h e expectation t h a t t h e methods employed m a y be improved upon b y others interested, a n d t h a t t h e features indicated m a y be simultaneously investigated b y independent observers. It is suggested t h a t this test n o t only covers all of t h e d a t a heretofore furnished b y t h e ductility test, .but in addition furnishes direct information as t o t h e cementing values of t h e materials examined. T h e elongation values determined during t h e cementing value tests afford a more accurate a n d truly representative indication of ductility t h a n t h e test usually employed. T h e elongation values determined by this method have a n advantage of being t a k e n a t a temperature a t which such properties come into play most effectively in pavements, a n d are recorded only while t h e binder is capable of Withstanding a n appreciable strain. These values are not clouded b y t h e fine hair-like filaments into which bitumen is drawn a t normal temperatures, a n d which h a v e n o significance in determining a n y valuable property. I n addition, it is difficult, if not impossible, b y t h e usual method, t o differentiate between materials having a ductility i n excess of certain limits fixed b y t h e devices usually employed, which cannot be extended much beyond I O O centimeters with a n y significant results. CHICAGO PAVING LABORATORY 160 NORTH 5 T H AVENUE,CHICAGO

HYSTERESIS TESTS FOR RUBBER B y EARLEI L. D A ~ I Z S Received September 2 5 , 1914

The expert usually judges a piece of rubber b y means of a crude hysteresis test which he performs b y stretching a small strip with his fingers. Experience enables him t o judge closely, b u t b y no means accurately, small differences between t w o samples; i t does n o t enable him t o standardize his tests, nor t o make his results available t o others. Several machines have been devised t o perform a n d record these tests graphically, b u t t h e y have not come into their full usefulness, d u e t o t h e difficulty encountered in translating t h e graph into terms which are intelligible a n d comparable. T h e object of this paper is t o point out a n d explain some of t h e relationships between t h e mathematical equation for t h e curve a n d t h e properties of t h e rubber being tested, a n d t o point o u t t h e close relationships which some of t h e tests, made in this laboratory, show between t h e theoretical curve a n d actual curves made b y t h e machine. T h e accompanying figure shows t h e typical form of curve produced b y t h e machine. T h e ordinates represent tension and t h e abscissae, stretch. Cheneveau a n d Heim’ have shown t h a t this curve has t h e equation: x = cy 4- a sin2 b y (1) a n d t h a t when O B is drawn t a n . t o t h e curve OD at 0, c = tan. YOB. From ( I ) a sin2 by, = x1 - cy1 “Sur 1’ extensibilitb du caoutchouc vulcanise,” Comgt. rend., p. 320, Feb. 6, 1911; also, “The Rubber Industry,” (1911).

ml and YI


c = -



= xl - ml

then 21 = X I - cy1 or 21 = a sin2 by, I n like manner it may be shown that z2 = a sin2 nby, From





- 2A 221 = I - COS 2 by1

Since then

2 sin?il = 1



or From (3) Since then

sin2 zbyl = cos 2A = I

and from (4)and ( 5 ) Whence Since From


From (6) and (7)


cos2 Pbyl =





- sin1 A - sin2 by1 = I - 22 ~





4 1 -22

- sia*A 21 = I --

cos2A = 1 COS’


cos2 by1 =


22 -





by1 = c o P d $


T h a t these terms are not so mysterious as t h e y appear, becomes evident after a n analysis of t h e above proof. T h u s we find t h e constant “c” is dependent solely upon t h e initial resistance of t h e rubber t o stretching; i t will be largest for a pure gum stock a n d



, become relatively smaller a n d smaller a s t h e stock is more heavily compounded. From t h e relationship in Equation 6 we can readily see t h a t in t h e case of a pure gum stock where t h e stretch is long a n d uniform, ( m l ) a n d ( m z )having been large “a” will be relatively large, in comparison with a “tread” stock which will be strong a n d cause t h e entire curve t o be fairly steep, b u t will be small in comparison with a “whiting stock,’’ which is characterized b y a n initial stiffness after which i t offers comparatively little resistance t o stretching. Equation g shows t h a t for pure g u m or tread stocks cos b will be small a n d “b” consequently large. T h e ease with which these values could be standard-