The Challenge of SANTOCEL - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Actinide Chemistry at the Extreme. Mushroom clouds. Glowing test tubes. Superheroes awakening. The rare elements at the bottom of ...
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The Challenge of

SANTOCEL Chemically inert, incredibly light, extremely porous. One pound's surface area is over 17 acres. A cubic inch has 5 0 0 billion particles· What can you do with this unique material?

SUCK THE LIQUID from wet silica gel. Hold the pressure so the structure doesn't collapse. Infuse air. You've got silica aerogel. Monsanto calls it

What can you do with it? Add Santocel to varnish or lacquer. You dull the sheen. P u t a little Santocel with DDT. Now you can dry-grind to less than 1 micron ^without clogging. P u t even less Santocel in stored grains. You'll kill beetles and weevils. Body a p a i n t - r e m o v e r p a s t e with Santocel. You'll clean cleaner and faster. Add Santocel to a heavy metallic based paint. You keep the pigment from settling out. VOLUME

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"Santocel." Structure seen in electron photomicrograph shows how particles agglomerate together to give Santoce>l its unusual properties.

Use Santocel in a molded brake lining. You protect it from heat, give it extra long life. Use Santocel to insulate a freezer. You hold in t h e cold, save 50% of normal insulating space. Or, you can use Santocel: T o thicken polyester or epoxy resins. A s a reinforcing filler for silicone rubber. T o control viscosity i n making printing inks. To t h i c k e n h y d r o c a r b o n s t o make greases. To reduce stringiness in rubber cement. Or . .. why d o n ' t you make the next move? P h o n e your local Monsanto r e p r e -


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sentative now, or write MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY, I n o r g a n i c Chemicals Division, 710North Twelfth Blvd., St. Louis 1, Missouri. Ask for the fascinating "industrial Applications for SANTOCEL." Santocel:

Reg-. U. S.

