the chemical and physical examination of portland cement

EXAMINATION. OF PORTLAND CEMENT. 283. DETERMINATIONS BY PEMBERTON'S METHOD. No. i used 1.0737 grams Na2HP04 + I2H20 and 22.88 cubic ...
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used 1.0737 grams Na,HPO,+ 12H,O and 22.88 cubic centimeters K O H solution and 1.85 cubic centimeters acid. No. I used 1.0370 g r a m s Na,HPO, rzH,O and 21.30 cubic centimeters KOH solution and 0.80 cubic centimeter acid. No. 2 used 1.oo00 g r a m Florida rock and 41.85 cubic centimeters KOH and 5.05 cubic ceiitinieters acid. No. 3 used 1.oo00 g r a m Florida rock and 7.55 cubic centimeters KOH a n d 3.10 cubic centimeters acid. No. 4 used I .ooooFlorida rock and 6.75 cubic centimeters K O H and 5.50 cubic centimeters acid. Strength of H,SO, used I cubic centimeter = 0.015998 g r a m H,SO,. Strength of potassiuni hydroxide solutiou I cubic centimeter=o.o1847 KOH. I


T h e percentages of P,O,, calculated from the foregoing determinations, are : Gravimetric. Pembertou.



sodium hydrogen phosphate.. S o . I , sodium hydrogen phosphate.. s o . 2 , Floridarock No. 3, Florida r o c k . . KO.3, Florida rock.. No. 4, Florida rock.. I,

.......... 19.72 .......... '9.78

............................ .......................... ..........................


37.28 4.40 4.41 1.45

19.73 19.99 37.22 4.53


I .32

It is evident from the above figures that the agreement betweeii the results of the two methods is as close as could be desired. Inasmuch as the Pemberton method is of extreme accuracy, is very easily carried out and effects a great saving of time and labor over the official method, it is well worthy of extended use. W e have found that the author's statement of the time required for a single deterinination, naniely, thirty to forty minutes from the tinie the solution is measured out for titration, is entirely reasonable. Oniitting filtration of silica makes no difference i n the accuracy of the results. SWARTHDIORE COLLEGE,PA., February 10, 1894.



to 1892).

1870. American Chemist.-Chemical examination of a piece of cement metamorphosed while immersed in t h e water of Bayen de Luchon, 148.

2 81

T H O M A S l i . STILLJfhN

CheiuicnI .l‘eu~s.--l’ortland cerneut. I)r. F,Vorrneck. 48, 262. D i q y 1 e f s Po(vter/i ii isrlt es Joui-iin /. --T7t.1ier die I\’i r k u iig der ?VIag uesi a bei der Erhartuiig der Kalk-Thonerrlesilicate uuter [Vasser, 198,504. T‘elxr Portland Cement init pulverisirten Gusseisen. 195,9 2 . Steinmanil’.; Ralkaferi niit Gasitruerung. 198, , j o I . II’olter‘s iilxr K a l k u n t i 1Iortel. 196,343. Ett,qS.iiieri.. --Portlautl cement 30, 2 2 . 126. Ceineiit-testiii:: iriaeliiiic. of Afitchell tk Parringtoit, 426. Strength of Ceriirnts, 3 0 , .;J:. ~)i,qii/L’ri.ii/,~r.--Ceiiieiit ivorks of J . 13. IVhite ,Y: Rros., g, 367. C e m e n t testing machine, I O , 46j. Procewiiiigs of‘ t/ze Ziufitidtioii o f Ciilii Rii,iTirit.o:y ILondon ) .--Exper;tiients on strength of Portlaiid ceinent, 3 2 , 266. Comparison lxtween Portlaritl and Roiriaii Cenients. 2 6 7 . T3xprririietits as to t h e best mode of :ivoicling distortion or cleparturv froiii the line of strc+iii,265. Different nioties of using I’ortlau 1 cement i i i t h e constructiou of sewers. z i j . St:>iitlartl of strength specified :it varioas times, 278. Early conclusiolls as to streiigtli of Portland cement, 2 7 8 . Coucrete sets less rapidly t1i:rli iieat cement, 278. Tensile strain requiretl to separate 1)ricks cemeliteti with Portlaiitl cement, 284, 28j. Extracts from specifications of sekver.; made of Portlaiitl cenient coucrete, 304. /’oh i~t-sbri-ic// t ( Ii’ag ne r ) .-1) ie che i n ische I’r iif u LIZ tl es Ce men tes ( Be ti llcri. 363. friifurig tles Ceirieiitex ( S t u r t z ) . 364. 1S:i.

Auirn’can C%~i~iist.-Ont h e preparation of Schott’s hyclraulic cement, .ijj. Chemical erainination of a cciiieiit stone, 190. The increase of hardness of Portland cement, 240. Cheiuical I \ ~ c ~ L ~ . Y . -To iiiake I’ortlaiiti cenieiit very hard, 24, I j4. Cheniical analysis of a ceineiit stone. 23, 287. Chrin isrhes Ccir f n r I-Rln tt .-- \Vi r k u n g (1e r Magnesia bei E r h a r t u iig tie r Crmente. 150. Ransom’s ueuer Kunststein. 336. E r z e u g u ~ i gvon Cement &US Grunstein (Balling), 602. IVirkung d e r Magnesia in den Ceinenteii ( B e n d e r ) , 596. Materialien z u r Darstellung tler Cerneiite, 5 5 . Zusaiiinieiisetzung d e r Ceiiiente, 719. Piu,e/ev’.Y Po/yfrc/z71 ischc.r Jouvizn 1. --RI i c he 1e 11lit1 Car ri ngtoii ’ s Fe s tigkcits-Probirapparat fur Cerrientsteitie, 199, 260. Stutlieii iiber den I’ortlaiitl Cement. 2 0 1 , 434, 564. Chetnische Uiitersuchung eines Cetnciitsteins, zoo, 219. Kiiapp uber clas Weseii d e r IIydraulicit%t der M6rtel utili Mortelartigen Erzeugnisse, 201, 513. Steinniauii’s continuirlicher Breniiofeii init Gasfeueruiig fur Cement, ZOO, 457. G,i~y.i,cf’rl.i)iR..-Cenient manufacture in India, 393. 2hrrciiuR.s qf f he Zmtitutioii of Civil Engiiirevs. -Ex pe ri rile n t s on Portland cenieiit ( G r o u t ) , 32, 81. Cohesive and adhesive strength, 325. Le iigth of time necessary for t h e setting of heavy cements, 327. Probable future manufacture of cement in a coilcentrated forin. 327. Table giving results of experiments oii mortars of P o r t l a ~ i dcenieiit and various kinds



of sand, 319, 320. Effect of modifying t h e present test for cement, and adding one for fineness and specific gravity, 324. T i m e allowed for setting regulated according to quantity of water used, 317. Deterioration of cement d u r i n g a voyage t o Bombay, 318. Aiitevicnn Znstitrdfe of M i n i a g Engiireevs.-Cenient from blast furnace slag, 214. 1872. Aiiievicn:~ Cheririsf.-Oii t h e basic calcium carbonate in hydraulic cements, 467. Experiments upou Schott’s hydraulic cement, 155. C/wiirirnl NeZus.-Oii Portland cements, 25, 34. Basic carbonate of lime i u cements, 26, 1 5 7 , Chetirisckes Ceirfml-Bfaft.-Uiitersuchung verschiedeiier Kalksteine zu CenieI:te, 633. Basisch kohlensaure K a l k in Cementen, 633. Weseu der Hydraulicitat d e r Mortel, 871. Dinglev’s Poljiterhiiisches JotLrna/.-Veber Verwendung von Hohofenschlacken zur anfertigung von Cenient, 206, 461. Schulatschenko uber basischen kohlensauren K a l k in hydraulischen Cementen, 205, 335. Fletcher’s Mortelmuhle iiiit Selbstentleerungsapparat, 203, 94. Ueber die V‘erwendung voii Schlackeiigraud s t a t t Saud bei deinselben, 260, 460. Airnnles des Mines.-Recherches chiniique s u r les cinients hydrauliques, 233. Traiisactioirs of fke Amevicana Sociefy of Civil Etrgineevs.-Physical properties of cenieiits, I , 1x0. Cohesive s t r e n g t h of cements, 2, 154. Jnhtrsbei*icht (Wagner).-Bestimniuiigeii d e r absoluten Festigkeit von Portland Cement ( T h . Behrmann), 463. Basisch Kohlensaureii K a l k in Cementen, 439. Portland Cenieiit (Schott), 426.

1873. Aiirei-icnn Cheiitist.-The nianufacture of Portlaud cement from dolomitic limestone, 357. ZXuxlev’s PolytechrtischesJorrmal.-Erdmenger uber Portland Cenieiit. 209, 286. O t t uber Veriveudung der Hohofenschlacken zur Fabrikation voii hydraulisclien Cement, 2 0 8 , 57. En,giireer.-On t h e s t r e n g t h of cement (G. F. Chautrell), 36, Sg. Eirgiireeriirx.-The Prideaux patent cement, 16,345. ,Iliffheilrcn~~end e r Techirisdie Labovnforiirin (Munchen).-Versuche uber die Festigkeit von Mortelproben a u s Perlmooser Portland Cement (Bauschinger), I , 16. Versuche uber die Zug u n d Schubfestigkeit von Ziegelsteinen und Mortelproben a u s Bonner Portland Cement (Bauschinger), 1 7 , 23. Transactions of fhe Aiicericax Society of Civil Eiigiizeevs.-Aualysis of Rosendale cements, 2, 176. Tests of cements 153. Briquette forms and molds for testing cements, 155. Transverse tests of Roseiidale (Norton’s). Louisville, Phoenix, Allen and Diamond cements, 156. Tvatasactioirs of the Aiiteiicau Institute of filiiritrg Enpkeevs.--Cement stone at Unioutown, Pa. Cenieiit analyses, 397.



./nhresbckhf ( Wagner).-Portland Ceiiietit aus Kalkeii (I,. Erdnienger'~. Maschine zur Prufung d e r Festigkeit tler Cetneiitziegel (Michele 'I.