The Chemical Formulary. Volume X (Bennett, H.)

have perai~ted in suppl,ving chemistry teachers with an excellent hook on 1rctrlt.r dmnonstrations. They should not lr! m~t,igatnd for using the most ...
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I m p s of nates referring to varioor c.zlwim m t s have been added to part two. One ~.ouldnormally anticipate in a Irevised and enlarged edition that matr~.isls m r h as that inrluded in the sopplmwnts might have been vorked into the text nt the appropriate place f w logical srqwnce. Hawrvor, perhaps wr ahauld not 1 , ~too wibical of a n author and publisher who have perai~ted in suppl,ving chemistry teachers with an excellent hook on 1rctrlt.r dmnonstrations. They should not lr! m~t,igatndfor using the most inexpensive r a y possihle of preparing a new edition. At least this is far hettev than the situation in our own country where tu-o or thvw ~ r c e l l e n tbooks on lecture demonstlalions in chemistry have gone out of print and have long since been onavsilahlc a n the market,.

r. B. DCTTON > l , c " , o * ~STATEU~,\.BRB,TT EASTI , * N ~ , N ~Mrcezcra .


J. E. Goldman, editor, Manager. Physics Department, Scienttfic Laboratory. Ford Motor Co. Iohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957.. xv 528 pp. Many figs. and tables. 1 5 X 23.5 cm. $12.


"THERE is incr~asinpunifica~ionin t,lx viewpoint of solidstatr physics d h that of physical rnetsllurgy and other spwiali s 4 material? sciences s w h BS (.~1.amir8, glass tpehnology, and high polymw phyairs. . . The objeet,ive of this book ir to providr the non-ywrixlist with mfficient informstion and barkglmmd in solid st,nte t h r o w t o appt.ecinte thc present attempts t o answer thc q u r ~ t i o n"IVhy do matw.ial8 twhavr aa they do?'' I t is a collection of p a p e r , all lry onb&anding researchers nhirh will pl.ovirle chemistry .professors and their st,~trlents n-ith n rparlahle, well-organized enryrloprdin of information in that area where rhrmist,s herome physicists and virc versa.


THE CHEMICAL FORMULARY. VOLUME X Edited by H. Bennett, Technical Director, Glyco Products. Co., Inc. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1957. 392 pp. 1 5 X 2 2 cm. $8. T H E lO5i cdition h h g s up to date the information fo~tndin previooe volumri; Iry this M e . Only thc introducbory rliapter remains the same. 4 handy refetmr? volume of practical "tlris-is-hob\--it-isdone" information. \Y,F.l